2015-16 IFPA US National Pinball Championship – Potential first round matchups

ifpa-state-championship-series-v2-300x274We’re less than a week from the 3rd annual IFPA US National Pinball Championship. Out of the 42 potential players, we’re currently expecting 38 to participate. This is definitely subject to change, but here is a preliminary list of the first round matchups:

(7)Jason Scheffelmaer-KS vs. (26)Pierce McLain-DC
(8)Kevin Stone-VA vs. (25)Travis Maisch-WA
(9)Will McKinney-AZ vs. (24)Brett Emerson-OK
(10)Brian Dye-WV vs. (23)Sal Ayoob-NV
(11)John Kremmer-BC vs. (22)Dominic Nardini-RI
(12)Josh Tidmore-TX vs. (21)Joe Kosack-MD
(13)Adam Kiesler-QC vs. (20)Jody Jodon-NJ
(14)Andy Cobb-OR vs. (19)Barry Brdar-ON
(15)Timothy Enders-WI vs. (18)Atticus Palmer-FL
(16)Brian Hill-OH vs. (17)Eric Fisher-GA
(32)Matt Wenger-MA vs. (33)Todd Baumeister-VT –> winner plays (1)Jason Werdrick-IN
(31)Doug Parsons-NS vs. (34)Adrienne Black-LA –> winner plays (2)Karl Deangelo-CA
(30)Kevin Kuntz-NC vs. (35)Heath Ashley-SC –> winner plays (3)Lyman Sheats-IL
(29)Luke Nahorniak-MN vs. (36)Drew Donohue-KY –> winner plays (4)Adam Lefkoff-CO
(28)Jake Erskine-ME vs. (37)Ryan James-AB –> winner plays (5)Greg Poverelli-NY
(27)Jeff Douglas-MO vs. (38)Ethan Bent-SK –> winner plays (6)Joe Lemire-NH

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4 responses to “2015-16 IFPA US National Pinball Championship – Potential first round matchups”

  1. Kenneth Martin says:

    Nobody from Pa?

  2. funtimewithdave says:

    I *believe* if the top 2 finishers in the state say no, then that state isnt represented. That was the format last year.

  3. Gary Rader says:

    Is this gonna be streamed somewhere? I think I heard pin masters would be.

  4. IFPA - International Flipper Pinball Association says:

    Yes. It’ll be streamed on iepinball’s twitch channel.