IFPA13 World Pinball Championship – Registration is now OPEN!

Comp-2015-1aThe IFPA is proud to announce that registration for the 12th Annual IFPA World Pinball Championship is now open! For more details check out the registration page HERE!

The initial invite list is open for the top 120 players in the World Pinball Player Rankings as of 1/1/2016. Based on the interest of the top 120, we may extend the invite list additional spots so please monitor the registration page at your leisure. Should you be interested, please send payment to the IFPA as your way of committing to attending the tournament. Should you not be interested, it is equally important that we know, so please send an email to the IFPA stating you will not be available to participate.

Should you have any questions about our qualifying process or to find out more information about the tournament, please contact the IFPA at ifpapinball@gmail.com.

Two of the 64 spots will also be available for the highest ranked finisher not already in the IFPA field. One is reserved for the 2015-16 IFPA US National Pinball Championship and one is reserved for the 2015-16 IFPA European Pinball Championship.

The IFPA13 World Pinball Championship is sponsored by Stern Pinball, Jersey Jack Pinball, Heighway Pinball, Nitro Amusements, Zen Studios, Raw Thrills, Planetary Pinball Supply, Bay Area Amusements, Brady Distributing Company,  Color DMD, Double Danger Pinball Accessories, Tilt Amusements, Betson Enterprises, Raw Thrills, Farsight Studios, Game Exchange of Colorado, HyperPin, Play Meter Magazine, Suzo Happ, Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown, the Professional and Amateur Pinball Association, the Amusement and Music Operators Association, and the American Amusement Manufacturers Association.

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