Below are the final qualifying standings and match play results from IFPA13. The top 32 players from qualifying advanced to the final head-to-head bracket.
1. Zach Sharpe 132 points [17-17-13-19-15-19-17-15]
2. Jim Belsito 118 points [11-19-17-15-19-13-11-13]
3. Daniele Celestino Acciari 114 points [17-13-13-11-17-13-19-11]
4. Robert Sutter 114 points [13-11-13-11-15-13-17-21]
5. Josh Sharpe 114 points [15-21-17-11-21-7-13-9]
6. Bowen Kerins 112 points [15-21-17-9-9-13-13-15]
7. Andrei Massenkoff 112 points [15-17-15-13-9-17-9-17]
8. Lyman Sheats 112 points [17-13-11-15-11-17-13-15]
9. Keith Elwin 110 points [13-11-17-17-9-17-15-11]
10. Andy Rosa 110 points [7-21-13-15-13-9-15-17]
11. Adam Becker 108 points [17-15-9-7-15-15-17-13]
12. Robert Gagno 108 points [13-11-13-15-13-13-15-15]
13. Johan Genberg 108 points [15-7-19-9-9-11-19-19]
14. Julio Vicario Soriano 106 points [13-21-13-11-19-9-9-11]
15. Colin MacAlpine 106 points [13-13-19-17-9-13-11-11]
16. Markus Stix 106 points [19-19-13-13-13-13-9-7]
17. Paul Jongma 104 points [15-9-11-17-17-9-13-13]
18. Ernö Rotter 104 points [13-15-13-7-17-9-9-21]
19. Jörgen Holm 104 points [11-11-13-13-15-15-11-15]
20. Cayle George 102 points [13-7-19-11-17-13-15-7]
21. Marcus Hugosson 102 points [9-11-11-17-13-13-11-17]
22. Philippe Bocquet 102 points [13-11-9-15-13-17-9-15]
23. Jon Replogle 102 points [15-17-17-11-11-11-11-9]
24. Per Schwarzenberger 100 points [13-13-11-7-15-17-19-5]
25. Trent Augenstein 100 points [15-9-11-15-13-15-11-11]
26. David Riel 100 points [11-15-13-5-13-21-7-15]
27. Mats Runsten 98 points [13-13-9-11-19-13-3-17]
28. Adam McKinnie 98 points [19-13-5-15-5-13-13-15]
29. Brett Goodwin 98 points [9-11-15-11-17-11-15-9]
30. Roberto Pedroni 96 points [9-19-9-21-9-7-17-5]
31. John Delzoppo 96 points [17-9-9-17-15-9-5-15]
32. Sanjay Shah 94 points [7-9-13-7-15-9-17-17]
33. Mario Kaufmann 94 points [7-11-13-5-13-11-17-17]
34. Nick Zendejas 94 points [17-5-9-13-17-15-13-5]
35. Peter Andersen 94 points [9-13-17-7-9-15-13-11]
36. Greg Poverelli 94 points [11-9-13-13-7-11-17-13]
37. Donavan Stepp 94 points [17-5-19-9-3-15-11-15]
38. Bob Matthews 94 points [13-15-11-13-13-7-13-9]
39. Jason Werdrick 92 points [13-15-15-17-5-11-7-9]
40. Danielle Peck 92 points [13-9-7-19-9-5-13-17]
41. Martin Hotze 92 points [9-11-17-5-9-13-17-11]
42. Andreas Harre 92 points [11-5-13-15-13-11-15-9]
43. Sean Grant 92 points [9-11-13-9-15-11-11-13]
44. Levente Tregova 92 points [13-9-17-17-7-15-9-5]
45. Alex Harmon 90 points [13-7-3-11-15-21-13-7]
46. Olli-Mikko Ojamies 90 points [11-15-13-15-13-7-7-9]
47. Ari Sovijärvi 90 points [7-9-11-9-13-7-15-19]
48. Dave Stewart 88 points [9-13-9-19-9-9-9-11]
49. Mark van der Gugten 88 points [13-13-5-3-11-17-9-17]
50. Cryss Stephens 88 points [13-7-15-9-7-15-9-13]
51. David Mainwaring 86 points [9-7-13-17-9-7-11-13]
52. Peter Blakemore 86 points [9-9-11-7-15-13-11-11]
53. Kyoichi Miyaura 84 points [9-13-9-9-9-9-15-11]
54. Gabriel Ortiz 82 points [11-7-9-11-5-9-17-13]
55. Adam Lefkoff 82 points [13-21-7-13-11-3-11-3]
56. David Peck 80 points [11-5-15-13-7-13-13-3]
57. Bjørn Erlend Hellem 80 points [3-7-13-17-9-7-9-15]
58. Tatsunori Naruke 80 points [7-11-13-7-13-19-3-7]
59. Robert Macauley 78 points [5-9-7-17-17-3-11-9]
60. Travis Maisch 78 points [9-7-9-5-15-11-15-7]
61. Francesco La Rocca 78 points [13-11-5-7-7-17-3-15]
62. Michael Trepp 76 points [7-9-5-13-9-17-9-7]
63. Jochen Ludwig 74 points [17-13-9-3-3-5-9-15]
64. Henning Lescher 60 points [5-15-3-13-11-5-5-3]
Nick Zendejas d. Paul Jongma (4-0)
Nick won on Flash Gordon, Last Action Hero, Lizard, The Addams Family
Jorgen Holm d. Roberto Pedroni (5-3)
Jorgen won on Eight Ball, Whirlwind, X’s & O’s, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Metallica
Roberto won on Harlem Globetrotters, Dirty Harry, World Cup Soccer
John Delzoppo d. Erno Rotter (4-2)
John won on Tommy, Robocop, Space Race, Wizard
Erno won on Heavy Metal Meltdown, Avatar
Cayle George d. Brett Goodwin (5-3)
Cayle won on Indianapolis 500, Mousin’ Around, Harlem Globetrotters, Dirty Harry, World Cup Soccer
Brett won on Attack from Mars, Dracula, Space Race
Marcus Hugosson d. Adam McKinnie (4-0)
Marcus won on Tommy, Demolition Man, Dracula, Space Race
Mats Runsten d. Philippe Bocquet (4-1)
Mats won on Wizard, Dirty Harry, Surf n Safari, Avatar
Philippe won on Taxi
Jon Replogle d. Per Schwarzenberger (4-0)
Jon won on Centaur, Wizard, Dirty Harry, Attack from Mars
Trent Augenstein d. David Riel (4-2)
Trent won on Party Zone, Space Race, Wizard, Mousin’ Around
David won on Avatar, Avengers
Julio Vicario Soriano d. Nick Zendejas (4-1)
Julio won on Flash Gordon, Indy 500, Lizard, Hokus Pokus
Nick won on Party Zone
Jon Replogle d. Andy Rosa (4-1)
Jon won on Lost World, Attack from Mars, Wizard, Genesis
Andy won on Indy 500
Adam Becker d. Marcus Hugosson (5-3)
Adam won on Metallica, Wizard, Quicksilver, Attack From Mars, Demolition Man
Marcus won on Tommy, Dracula, Robocop
Trent Augenstein d. Keith Elwin (4-2)
Trent won on Eight Ball, Metallica, Surf N Safari, Wizard
Keith won on Party Zone, The Shadow
Mats Runsten d. Robert Gagno (4-2)
Mats won on Dirty Harry, Demolition Man, Flash Gordon, Volley
Robert won on Hokus Pokus, Eight Ball Deluxe
Colin Macalpine d. Jorgen Holm (4-2)
Colin won on Meteor, The Addams Family, Robocop, Avengers
Jorgen won on Harlem Globetrotters, Metallica
Johan Genberg d. Cayle George (4-2)
Johan won on Mousin’ Around, Harlem Globetrotters, Eight Ball, Dirty Harry
Cayle won on Party Zone, Indy 500
Markus Stix d. John Delzoppo (4-1)
Markus won on Wizard, Harlem Globetrotters, Time Fantasy, World Cup Soccer
John won on The Addams Family
Josh Sharpe d. Johan Genberg (4-0)
Josh won on Wizard, Eight Ball, Robocop, Indy 500
Julio Vicario Soriano d. Zach Sharpe (4-1)
Julio won on X-Men, Party Zone, Indy 500, Wizard
Zach won on The Addams Family
Daniele Acciari d. Markus Stix (4-1)
Daniele won on Heavy Metal Meltdown, Super Orbit, World Cup Soccer, Lost World
Markus won on Cirqus Voltaire
Adam Becker d. Robert Sutter (5-3)
Adam won on Attack from Mars, Quicksilver, Flash Gordon, Eight Ball Deluxe, Centaur
Robert won on Dracula, Harlem Globetrotters, The Walking Dead
Lyman Sheats d. Mats Runsten (5-3)
Lyman won on Surf N Safari, Dirty Harry, Ironman, The Addams Family, Space Race
Mats won on Lost World, Wizard, Whirlwind
Andrei Massenkoff d. Trent Augenstein (4-2)
Andrei won on Whirlwind, The Shadow, Volley, Metallica
Trent won on Wizard, Party Zone
Jon Replogle d. Bowen Kerins (4-1)
Jon won on The Shadow, Wizard, Attack From Mars, Meteor
Bowen won on The Addams Family
Jim Belsito d. Colin Macalpine (5-3)
Jim won on Avengers, The Addams Family, Indy 500, Surf N Safari, Heavy Metal Meltdown
Colin Macalpine won on Whirlwind, Hokus Pokus, Meteor
Jim Belsito d. Jon Replogle (4-2)
Jim won on Indy 500, Wizard, Whirlwind, Genesis
Jon won on Harlem Globetrotters, Attack From Mars
Daniele Acciari d. Lyman Sheats (4-1)
Daniele won on The Addams Family, Surf N Safari, Cirqus Voltaire, Harlem Globetrotters
Lyman won on Ironman
Josh Sharpe d. Adam Becker (4-2)
Josh won on Robocop, Flash Gordon, Avengers, Quicksilver
Adam won on Wizard, Metallica
Julio Vicario Soriano d. Andrei Massenkoff (4-2)
Julio won on Whirlwind, Party Zone, Meteor, Wizard
Andrei won on Dirty Harry, Indy 500
Josh Sharpe d. Julio Vicario Soriano (5-3)
Josh won on Harlem Globetrotters, Robocop, Avengers, Flash Gordon, Indy 500
Julio won on Party Zone, Cirqus Voltaire, Wizard
Daniele Acciari d. Jim Belsito (4-0)
Daniele won on The Addams Family, Indy 500, Whirlwind, Indiana Jones
Adam Becker – 15 points
Lyman Sheats – 13 points (won tiebreaker)
Jon Replogle – 13 points
Andrei Massenkoff – 7 points
Julio Vicario Soriano d. Jim Belsito (2-0)
Julio won on Surf N Safari, Time Fantasy
Daniele Acciari vs. Josh Sharpe (4-2)
Daniele won on The Addams Family, Indy 500, Harlem Globetrotters, Avengers
Josh won on Wizard, Robocop