October IFPA Tournaments are going to POP!

poplogo2blog post courtesy of Nicole Anne Reik

IFPA and Pinball Outreach Project Team Up For Charity Tournaments

Pinball Outreach Project (POP) is pleased to announce that October will be POP month at the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA)! Tournament directors around the country will be holding events to benefit POP and its mission of sharing the joy of pinball with children in need. The funds raised in October will be used by POP to purchase games and bring them to as many children at as many locations around the country as possible.

IFPA charity events are worth full World Pinball Player Ranking (WPPR) points, with all money raised going directly back to the charity. These events can also have associated side tournaments worth half points. Typical restrictions on number or type of events at specific location will be waived for these charity tournaments. The 30 day rule is in effect for this campaign.

“POP is thrilled to be partnering with IFPA for these tournaments.” said Executive Director Nicole Anne Reik. “Having just coming off back to back children’s hospital visits in Southern California, this money will help us build on that success and take our organization to the next level.”

“After partnering with POP for our official Charity Challenge at this year's IFPA11 World Pinball Championship, we're excited to team up again by officially making October 2014 Pinball Outreach Project month.” said Josh Sharpe, President of the IFPA. “The ability to help improve the lives of children through our passion for competitive pinball was something we couldn't help but want to support.”

If you would like to run a tournament in your area, you can submit the details to the IFPA at http://www.ifpapinball.com/calendar/submit.php. If you have never run a tournament before, or are interested in assistance promoting your event, we are happy to help in whatever ways possible. We understand that these events can be somewhat intimidating, but we have run a very large number of tournaments and we’ll do everything we can to make yours a success. We are also happy to answer any questions about our organization, our mission, and how we are going to use the money we raise.

About Pinball Outreach Project (POP)

Pinball Outreach Project is a 501(c)3 charity that was created to improve the lives of children by sharing the history and excitement of the game of pinball. We do this by bringing the game of pinball directly to children in hospitals, schools and community centers. We also spread awareness of our mission by hosting fundraisers and tournaments. To learn more visit http://www.pinballoutreach.org, find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/PinballOutreachProject, or call us at (415) 857-1POP.

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3 responses to “October IFPA Tournaments are going to POP!”

  1. Molly Atkinson says:

    I’d be happy to host a so cal one!

  2. GregDunlap says:

    Sweet! Let us know if you need anything!

  3. PatrickShatzer says:

    Another great cause. I will aim to host an event in FL.