Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,709 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
19001st | Adrian Hall | 27577th | 0.64 | I’d be willing to count this a - 3rd | |
19002nd | Anga Welo | 27578th | 0.64 | Cleveland Pinball League - Sup - 10th | |
19003rd | Dave Cronauer | 27579th | 0.64 | Charity Tournament: Critical H - 14th | |
19004th | Joel Sax | 27580th | 0.64 | CPL Season 18 Kickoff - Bounty - 20th | |
19005th | Carmela Dixon | 27581st | 0.64 | Stern Army Fort Wayne Pinball - 37th | |
19006th | Kyle Hoberman | 27583rd | 0.64 | Game Vault Tuesday Weekly Tour - 15th | |
19007th | Lucas Cotter | 27587th | 0.64 | Slippery Pig Brewery - 1st | |
19008th | Val Dobbs | 27590th | 0.64 | Thursday Strikes! - 8th | |
19009th | JD Squire | 27591st | 0.64 | Hoover Pinball IFPA February K - 10th | |
19010th | Kade Carter | 27592nd | 0.64 | SBSC June - Sugar House - 12th | |
19011th | Sierra Bean | 27593rd | 0.64 | Tuesday PinBrawl: Matchplay Pi - 36th | |
19012th | John Rigirozzi | 27596th | 0.64 | Jaws Launch Party - 25th | |
19013th | Lanette Ragona | 27597th | 0.64 | AsBooRy Halloween at Silverbal - 40th | |
19014th | Lars Sahl | 27598th | 0.64 | The Pinball Lounge Tuesday Nig - 14th | |
19015th | Jasper De Guzman | 27599th | 0.64 | Long Beach Pinball League Seas - 40th | |
19016th | chelsey maclennan | 27600th | 0.64 | Crazy Quarters Stern Army Week - 12th | |
19017th | Keith Kirkland | 27601st | 0.64 | Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 7th | |
19018th | Mac Crowley | 27603rd | 0.64 | Chui's World Famous Bounty Kno - 36th | |
19019th | Thomas Baca | 27604th | 0.64 | Brewskis Pulp Fiction "Launch - 8th | |
19020th | Jordan Wilson | 27605th | 0.64 | Long Beach Pinball League Seas - 54th | |
19021st | Rob Classen | 27608th | 0.64 | Match Play at Next Level - 6th | |
19022nd | Dave Geist | 27609th | 0.64 | Kingpin Social's Stern Army Ju - 4th | |
19023rd | Cody McCay | 27610th | 0.64 | Sunday Weekly IFPA Pinball Tou - 12th | |
19024th | Joseph Schell | 27611th | 0.64 | Austin PinWorks 3rd Friday Ope - 11th | |
19025th | Joey Cowger | 27612th | 0.64 | Silver Ball Entertainment Pres - 1st | |
19026th | Joe Kasper | 27613th | 0.64 | No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 24th | |
19027th | Doug Keogh | 27614th | 0.64 | New England Pinball Championsh - 58th | |
19028th | Chris Pulec | 27616th | 0.64 | Stern Army First Friday @ Gone - 16th | |
19029th | Stephen Minor | 27617th | 0.64 | Tiki Target Matchplay - 35th | |
19030th | Nick Ruiz | 27618th | 0.64 | Monthly Pinball Tournament at - 4th | |
19031st | Eric Fletcher | 27619th | 0.64 | Max-Matchplay at Wrigley South - 12th | |
19032nd | Tim crowe | 27620th | 0.64 | Level 1 Pinball Tournament - 3rd | |
19033rd | Amanda Edmonds | 27622nd | 0.64 | Pinball Pilgrimage to the Bank - 9th | |
19034th | Erick Rodas | 27623rd | 0.64 | RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 19th | |
19035th | Brandy Burroughs | 27624th | 0.64 | Player 1UP Weekly Four Strike - 23rd | |
19036th | Shawn Collins | 27626th | 0.64 | Pinball at the Bank Weekly - 10th | |
19037th | Gabriel Creek | 27630th | 0.64 | The 1up - Lodo Monthly Pinball - 7th | |
19038th | Nate Dogggg | 27631st | 0.64 | Co Bar Mounthly - 33rd | |
19039th | Becka Cragun | 27632nd | 0.64 | X-Men Launch Party at the LAB - 14th | |
19040th | Natasha Timm | 27634th | 0.64 | SpareMe December Pinball Tour - 14th | |
19041st | Camryn Duval | 27636th | 0.64 | Space City Pinball: Wormhole - 58th | |
19042nd | Jon Helsten | 27637th | 0.64 | Aero Club/Dyno Bar Monthly - 5th | |
19043rd | Chris Miller CA | 27638th | 0.64 | Inland Empire Pinball League - 18th | |
19044th | Matt Reinders | Anchorage, AK | 27639th | 0.64 | Great Alaska Flipout - 4th |
19045th | Kim Keist | Lakeside, TX | 27641st | 0.64 | Tourney at DFW Pinball 2023 Sp - 11th |
19046th | Matt Gray | Boston, MA | 27642nd | 0.64 | Coin Jam International Open - 36th |
19047th | Collin Topolski | Bellingham, WA | 27643rd | 0.64 | NWPAS Satellite: Bellingham Ex - 11th |
19048th | Anthony Budris | Moon, PA | 27644th | 0.64 | Pittsburgh Pinball League - Th - 32nd |
19049th | Christine Novicky | 27646th | 0.64 | Ohio Pinbrew Fest Main Tournam - 86th | |
19050th | Wyatt Rambeau | 27648th | 0.64 | Superelectric Pinball Battle - 38th | |
19051st | Brennan Lund | 27649th | 0.64 | Player 2 Appleton May Tourname - 10th | |
19052nd | Laurel Payne | 27652nd | 0.64 | Crazy Quarters Stern Army Week - 12th | |
19053rd | Dennis Dacey | 27656th | 0.64 | The Afterparty - Season 2 - 15th | |
19054th | Andrew Cox IN | 27657th | 0.64 | Pinvault Rude Dude Monthly - 6th | |
19055th | Allisyn Sparklin | 27658th | 0.64 | Free Play Florida 2023 - Class - 77th | |
19056th | Cody Hall | 27659th | 0.64 | Thursday Night Strikes - 18th | |
19057th | Christina Salvo | 27661st | 0.64 | Winter Slam 2023 Main Event - 47th | |
19058th | Jacob Mozley | 27662nd | 0.64 | Portal New Year's Eve EVE Bash - 18th | |
19059th | Doug Bollinger | OH | 27663rd | 0.64 | Cincy Pinball League - 27th |
19060th | Kevin OHanlon | 27664th | 0.64 | Thad's Pinball Wizard Challeng - 21st | |
19061st | David Shoemaker | Austin, TX | 27666th | 0.64 | Thursday Tourney - 3rd |
19062nd | Greg Powell | 27670th | 0.64 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 12th | |
19063rd | Karsten Manczak | 27672nd | 0.64 | Ballymans Birthday Ball 2022 - 20th | |
19064th | David Barsi | 27673rd | 0.64 | I’d be willing to count this a - 4th | |
19065th | Luke VanDyke | 27676th | 0.64 | RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 24th | |
19066th | scott roberts | 27678th | 0.64 | EPC Multiball Madness Season 5 - 2nd | |
19067th | Seth Hussein | 27679th | 0.64 | Pinball Planet Stern Army IFPA - 25th | |
19068th | Riley Simala | Dayton, OH | 27680th | 0.64 | Gem City Pinball Monthly Tourn - 16th |
19069th | Mort McNally | 27681st | 0.64 | Delaware Pinball Collective Tu - 9th | |
19070th | Andrew Brinton | 27682nd | 0.64 | Slap Happy's Inaugural Pin-Gol - 26th | |
19071st | Chad Campanell | 27683rd | 0.64 | Philly Pinball Club Spring 202 - 23rd | |
19072nd | David Woodruff | Iowa City, IA | 27685th | 0.64 | SpareMe January Tournament - 27th |
19073rd | Draco Malfoy | 27687th | 0.64 | Right Brain Thursdays - 10th | |
19074th | Jacque Mullen | 27689th | 0.63 | Good Timez Bi-Weekly Tournamen - 13th | |
19075th | Dan Ullom | 27690th | 0.63 | One Strike Two Strike - Red Fi - 20th | |
19076th | James Kohout | 27692nd | 0.63 | Titan Pinball 2022 Southwest R - 59th | |
19077th | Lydia Kramer | 27693rd | 0.63 | Midtown Bar Matchplay - 19th | |
19078th | Ian Graybeal | 27694th | 0.63 | Thursday Night Strikes! - 18th | |
19079th | Jacob Corkins | 27696th | 0.63 | John Wick Launch Party @ The B - 10th | |
19080th | Jim Rainaldi | 27697th | 0.63 | JAWS Launch Party at Mikerphon - 18th | |
19081st | Harrison St. Clair | 27698th | 0.63 | Pinpoint Group Match Play - 18th | |
19082nd | Tim Kearns | 27699th | 0.63 | Murphy's On 21 Summer League - 31st | |
19083rd | Rusty Nunnelee | McKinney, TX | 27700th | 0.63 | Tournament at DFW Pinball Leag - 16th |
19084th | Kevin McCabe | 27703rd | 0.63 | Fourth Saturdays at Solid Stat - 21st | |
19085th | Bob Woodley | 27704th | 0.63 | White Rose IFPA Pinball Tourna - 23rd | |
19086th | Rob Omlor | 27705th | 0.63 | Stern Army - Jaws Launch Party - 30th | |
19087th | Russell Massey | Battlefield, MO | 27706th | 0.63 | Pinfield Taphouse Strikeout - 14th |
19088th | Tom Ramey | Marble Falls, TX | 27709th | 0.63 | Bat City Epic Fun Monthly Tour - 12th |
19089th | Kerra Holtgren | 27710th | 0.63 | Holy Frijoles Pinball League - 25th | |
19090th | Juan Magaña Black | 27711th | 0.63 | It's Friday Night, Give Me Elb - 14th | |
19091st | Gabriel Gray | 27713th | 0.63 | Kevin Shanus Charity Auction P - 82nd | |
19092nd | Tom Jacobs | 27714th | 0.63 | Willett Tournament at Pinball - 7th | |
19093rd | Lindsay Lee | 27715th | 0.63 | Retrocade Weekly Matchplay - 14th | |
19094th | Peter Myers | OK | 27716th | 0.63 | Pinpoint Group Match Play - 9th |
19095th | Anthony Howard-Erevia | 27717th | 0.63 | Monterey Flipper Pinball - 22nd | |
19096th | Meredith Randazzo | 27718th | 0.63 | Gem City Pinball Monthly Rumbl - 14th | |
19097th | Andrew Winslow | 27719th | 0.63 | Level 256 Knockout Tournament - 9th | |
19098th | Skylar Petet | 27721st | 0.63 | Pinpoint Knockout - 4th | |
19099th | Andrew | Arnold, MD | 27722nd | 0.63 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 24th |
19100th | Matthew Shanks | 27723rd | 0.63 | Stern Army - Player 1 Pinball - 31st |