Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,709 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
19201st | Mike Matthews | 27873rd | 0.62 | Press Play Gaming Lounge Pinba - 17th | |
19202nd | Riley Thurston | 27874th | 0.62 | Game Galaxy Tuesday No BALL SA - 8th | |
19203rd | Rik Dubiel | 27875th | 0.62 | Thursday Night Timeout Matchpl - 18th | |
19204th | Eddie Olivares | 27877th | 0.62 | Stern Army - Rush Launch Party - 28th | |
19205th | Doug Boyle | 27878th | 0.62 | August PINTOPIA MaxMatchPlay 2 - 17th | |
19206th | Alexandria Hartill | 27879th | 0.62 | No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 30th | |
19207th | Massimo Aldorasi | 27880th | 0.62 | The Double Bull Spring League - 8th | |
19208th | Drew Evers | 27883rd | 0.62 | The Silver Ballroom Fall Leagu - 10th | |
19209th | Ashlyn Grover | 27884th | 0.62 | North Mountain Brewing Co. Dec - 37th | |
19210th | Jason Gamez | 27885th | 0.62 | PSL Stern Army - Enterrium Mon - 70th | |
19211th | Roger Reynolds | 27886th | 0.62 | August Pinpocalypse: Into the - 9th | |
19212th | Lisa Gregory | 27887th | 0.62 | Ocelot Pinball League - 35th | |
19213th | Randy Vargas | 27888th | 0.62 | Little Shop Of Games Stern Arm - 7th | |
19214th | Joey Castellanos | 27890th | 0.62 | Player 1UP Weekly Four Strike - 21st | |
19215th | Jason Scheich | 27891st | 0.62 | Rubbin Butts - 5th | |
19216th | Hunter Waldren | 27892nd | 0.62 | Tuesday PinBrawl: Matchplay Pi - 28th | |
19217th | James Reiter | 27893rd | 0.62 | Starfighters Monthly - 42nd | |
19218th | Ken Kalbaugh | 27894th | 0.62 | TGIF Weekly Flip Frenzy at Jac - 12th | |
19219th | Tony Carlisle | 27895th | 0.62 | March Pinball Tournament @ Gam - 5th | |
19220th | Gary Perlick | 27896th | 0.62 | Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 9th | |
19221st | Greg Danger | 27897th | 0.62 | Midtown Bar Jaws Launch Party - 27th | |
19222nd | Mark Naves | 27898th | 0.62 | Silver Ball Sac Pinball Club # - 11th | |
19223rd | Lily Mara | 27900th | 0.62 | SFQPL's HoliGAY Tournament - 25th | |
19224th | Isaac Resneck | 27901st | 0.62 | Capital Pinball Parlor Knockou - 6th | |
19225th | Andrew Hylla | 27902nd | 0.62 | Video Games Plus (The Plus Mea - 13th | |
19226th | Therese Manta | 27903rd | 0.62 | Big John's 3rd Sunday June 5-R - 19th | |
19227th | Chad Smith AL | 27904th | 0.62 | MCPL Magic City Nights Monthly - 23rd | |
19228th | Raymond Fuentes | 27905th | 0.62 | Mighty Ultra Pinball Battle 20 - 23rd | |
19229th | Lucas Blocker | 27909th | 0.62 | Portal Charlie Gehring's Birth - 85th | |
19230th | Chase Tate | 27910th | 0.62 | Portal Charlie Gehring's Birth - 85th | |
19231st | Anna O’Neal | 27911th | 0.62 | Portal Charlie Gehring's Birth - 85th | |
19232nd | Grant Gelatka | 27912th | 0.62 | Portal Charlie Gehring's Birth - 85th | |
19233rd | Maria Blocker | 27913th | 0.62 | Portal Charlie Gehring's Birth - 85th | |
19234th | Sean Farquhar | 27915th | 0.62 | Axecadia Stern Army Monthly - 13th | |
19235th | Dennis Cash | 27916th | 0.62 | SFGE Pinball Tournament Main E - 117th | |
19236th | Paige OPrey | 27917th | 0.62 | Sips n Flips! The Checkerspot - 27th | |
19237th | Dominic Long | 27918th | 0.62 | Sips n Flips! The Checkerspot - 27th | |
19238th | Shelly Ramos | 27919th | 0.62 | Salamander Monday Matchplay - 7th | |
19239th | Julius Howe | 27920th | 0.62 | Flipperz Group Match Play Tour - 2nd | |
19240th | Lindsey Knepper | 27921st | 0.62 | Bat City Monthly Open Tourname - 21st | |
19241st | Eddy Caballero | 27922nd | 0.62 | LA PINBALL LEAGUE SEASON 55 - 34th | |
19242nd | Eric Cragun | 27923rd | 0.62 | X-Men Launch Party at the LAB - 24th | |
19243rd | Eve Mark Steiner | 27924th | 0.62 | D82 Flippin' Friday Tournament - 11th | |
19244th | Vertoxz | Ventura, CA | 27926th | 0.62 | Stern Army Uncanny Xmen Launch - 14th |
19245th | Dana O'Hara | 27928th | 0.62 | It's New Years Somewhere, Righ - 11th | |
19246th | Marshall Kurle | 27929th | 0.62 | Captain Crazy’s Paradise Month - 11th | |
19247th | Cody Sapp | 27930th | 0.62 | Monday Night at the Coin Slot - 8th | |
19248th | Alison Noggle | 27932nd | 0.62 | RLM Amusements Win A Pinball M - 56th | |
19249th | Stew Munnerlyn | 27933rd | 0.62 | Black Friday - 25th | |
19250th | Brody Johnson | 27934th | 0.62 | Reclaim Arcade Monthly Main Pi - 30th | |
19251st | Charles Canata | 27935th | 0.62 | Player 1UP Weekly Four Strike - 11th | |
19252nd | Joey Gilbert | 27937th | 0.62 | Sterling's New Year New Points - 20th | |
19253rd | Anthony Rhoads | 27938th | 0.62 | PTP- January Pinball Tournamen - 21st | |
19254th | Luke Welsh | 27939th | 0.62 | January Jamboree - 18th | |
19255th | Jesus Robles Sr | 27940th | 0.62 | Electric Bat Metallica Launch - 92nd | |
19256th | Geordie Smith | Morgantown, WV | 27942nd | 0.62 | Motown Tilt Arcade Monthly - 2nd |
19257th | Heather Taylor | Concord, NC | 27943rd | 0.62 | The Basement Pinball Showdown - 11th |
19258th | Heidi Dallman | 27944th | 0.62 | Ocelot Pinball League - 28th | |
19259th | Shannon Ebbitt | 27945th | 0.62 | Sarah's 30th Birthday Showdown - 35th | |
19260th | Audrey Thurston | 27946th | 0.62 | Hours of Fun II WARMUP 4 STRIK - 27th | |
19261st | Joseph Dukovich | 27947th | 0.62 | Victory Pointe May Monthly Kno - 1st | |
19262nd | Barry Myers | 27948th | 0.62 | SJPL - Weekly Tournament - 19th | |
19263rd | Larry Tong | 27950th | 0.62 | Holy Frijoles Pinball League - 46th | |
19264th | Tim Gault | 27951st | 0.62 | Silver Ball Sac Pinball Club - - 14th | |
19265th | Randy Kinkead | 27954th | 0.62 | Expo flipOUT! Main Big Bracket - 188th | |
19266th | Alexander Lawson | 27955th | 0.62 | Expo flipOUT! Main Big Bracket - 188th | |
19267th | michael gribbin | 27956th | 0.62 | Player 1 Arcade Monthly - 10th | |
19268th | D. Neil Blake | 27957th | 0.62 | Flip City Weekly: Scoreboard - 8th | |
19269th | Drew Skally | 27958th | 0.62 | Cincy Pinball League - 29th | |
19270th | Brian Forton | Grand Rapids, MI | 27959th | 0.62 | RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 13th |
19271st | Bruce Rocap | 27960th | 0.62 | Dirt City Pinball Dec Strikes - 8th | |
19272nd | Zach Speron | 27961st | 0.62 | NWPAS Satellite: Belltown Braw - 39th | |
19273rd | Daniel Jansson | San Francisco, CA | 27962nd | 0.62 | Stockholm Pinball Månadstävlin - 45th |
19274th | Alix Gorski | 27963rd | 0.62 | Tilt'n Tuesdays Side Tournamen - 38th | |
19275th | Devin Piehl | 27965th | 0.62 | Blackbird Bar Monthly Tourname - 4th | |
19276th | Keith Griffin | 27967th | 0.62 | Tuesday Pinbrawl - 7th | |
19277th | Ryan Albaugh | 27968th | 0.62 | Stern Army Rush Launch Party V - 30th | |
19278th | Todd Theodore | 27969th | 0.62 | Penn Skate Monthly - 30th | |
19279th | John Copello | 27970th | 0.62 | Golden State Pinball Festival - 105th | |
19280th | Janette Curtis | 27972nd | 0.62 | RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 29th | |
19281st | Buster | 27973rd | 0.62 | Helicon Brewing Monthly Strike - 2nd | |
19282nd | Christine Venezia | 27974th | 0.62 | Ocelot Pinball League - 40th | |
19283rd | Lane Kibler | 27981st | 0.62 | Flip Side Weekly - 24th | |
19284th | Jaymes Baker | 27982nd | 0.62 | Artcade Monthly IFPA Pinball T - 5th | |
19285th | Regan Anderson | 27983rd | 0.62 | Thursday Strikes! - 23rd | |
19286th | Brendan Le | 27984th | 0.62 | Long Beach Pinball League Seas - 40th | |
19287th | James McGlamery | Louisville, KY | 27987th | 0.62 | Recbar's Weekly Tournament - 10th |
19288th | Anjeni Morrell | 27989th | 0.62 | UP-DOWN STL MONDAY NIGHT LEAGU - 24th | |
19289th | Tara Taylor | 27990th | 0.62 | “The Diez” Julia & Al’s Pinbal - 70th | |
19290th | Holly Smith | 27991st | 0.62 | “The Diez” Julia & Al’s Pinbal - 70th | |
19291st | Lee Swets | 27993rd | 0.62 | Flip Side Weekly - 25th | |
19292nd | Gabriel Osbekoff | 27994th | 0.62 | Sitka Classics: Target Match P - 9th | |
19293rd | Joel Adams | 27995th | 0.62 | Pinvault Rude Dude Monthly - 9th | |
19294th | Corey Turley | 27996th | 0.61 | HAPPY PINBALL THURSDAYS - 3rd | |
19295th | Kevin Ramirez | 27997th | 0.61 | Kevin & Jordyn's Post-nuptial - 13th | |
19296th | Ethan Willinger | 27998th | 0.61 | Free Play Dallas Pinball Monda - 16th | |
19297th | Josh Jertberg | New Orleans, LA | 28000th | 0.61 | Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor Sp - 7th |
19298th | Austin Kennedy | 28001st | 0.61 | Zach's Birthday Pinball Tourna - 30th | |
19299th | Andy Marler | 28002nd | 0.61 | Pinball Knights Weekly - 8th | |
19300th | Vance Collum | 28003rd | 0.61 | WNY Pinball League - 20th |