Country Rankings for United States

This country has 41,706 players active in the rankings system.

Country Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
19501st Quinn Roskin 28289th 0.59 Sarah's Birthday Bash 2024! - 34th
19502nd Dan Cox 28290th 0.59 Arcade Legacy's Thursday Throw - 17th
19503rd Jay Buchholz 28292nd 0.59 Southland Winter 2023 Selfie L - 5th
19504th Rett Smith 28293rd 0.59 SFGE Southern-Fried Gaming Exp - 124th
19505th Zaiden Farley 28295th 0.59 Midtown Thursday Matchplay - 17th
19506th Scott Mcelhaney 28296th 0.59 I Need a Thanksgiving Miracle - 9th
19507th Brian Brennen 28297th 0.59 Sanctum Weekly Tournament - 19th
19508th Forrest Maisells 28298th 0.59 Flippin' At The Bird – Sept Fa - 4th
19509th Jacob Gerlach 28299th 0.59 LITT Pinball Bar - September 2 - 64th
19510th Ron A Cameron 28300th 0.59 September Frenzy @ The Pinball - 4th
19511th Stoner 28301st 0.59 Beercade Jr. November Strikeou - 5th
19512th Robert Verrier 28302nd 0.59 Funspot Sir Connery Day - 17th
19513th Calvin Wessel 28304th 0.59 Kidforce Seasonal Showdown - 98th
19514th Lucy Rosenbloom 28306th 0.59 Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor Sp - 10th
19515th Shane Mackenzie 28307th 0.59 The Monte 2024- Sundays with J - 3rd
19516th Jeff Stoutamyer Atlanta 28311th 0.59 Pre SFGE Tournament - 24th
19517th Kyle Kiepert 28313th 0.59 Player 2 Appleton May Tourname - 4th
19518th Derek Curd 28314th 0.59 Lyons Classic Pinball Monthly - 17th
19519th Max Idas 28316th 0.59 Silverball Delray OPEN Tourna - 13th
19520th Mike Ewert 28319th 0.59 Solano Pinball League Season 2 - 8th
19521st Logan Wiese 28320th 0.59 St. Louis Area Pinball Champio - 71st
19522nd PJ Gilmartin 28321st 0.59 Fare Game Pinball Tournament - 8th
19523rd Randy Helton 28322nd 0.59 Queer Pinball Tournament - 12th
19524th Robert Olson 28323rd 0.59 Capitol Corridor Pinball Leagu - 16th
19525th Kristi Popoff 28324th 0.59 Pins and Pints Pinball League: - 23rd
19526th Ryan Eggers Sr. 28325th 0.59 Stern Army Fort Wayne Pinball - 17th
19527th Everett Kauffman 28326th 0.59 District 82 Flippin' Friday To - 12th
19528th Dana Carroll 28327th 0.59 Reclaim Arcade Monthly Main Pi - 13th
19529th Christina Tripp Missoula, MT 28328th 0.59 OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 10th
19530th Rob Rodgers 28329th 0.59 OBX Flippers Arcade Fall Pinba - 105th
19531st Leah Duran 28330th 0.59 Sister Monthly Matchplay - 34th
19532nd Zac Zukewycz 28331st 0.59 Player 1 Arcade Monthly - 17th
19533rd Nathan hunter 28332nd 0.59 Tuesday PinBrawl: Matchplay Pi - 35th
19534th Charles Dugue 28333rd 0.59 1up Greenwood Monthly - 36th
19535th Shawna Manspile WV 28334th 0.59 Dirty South Pinball League Sea - 9th
19536th Scott Pack 28335th 0.59 Pinky's May Pinball League 202 - 15th
19537th Joe Fox 28336th 0.59 Queer Pinball Tournament - 12th
19538th Erik Avalos 28337th 0.59 Stern Army - I/O Arcade Bar Mo - 44th
19539th Christopher Hooper 28338th 0.59 Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 72nd
19540th Craig French 28340th 0.59 April Is For Fools Pinball Tou - 11th
19541st Damon Haddley 28342nd 0.59 Concord Open - 71st
19542nd Molly Lancaster 28343rd 0.59 Backyard Arcade Beach Bash #3 - 11th
19543rd Lauren Middleton 28345th 0.59 Romp in the Swamp IX - 27th
19544th Trevor Losey 28346th 0.59 Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 48th
19545th Tom Canfield 28347th 0.59 VFW Saturday Spring Tournament - 11th
19546th Vin Meim 28348th 0.59 OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 10th
19547th Ali Araiza 28349th 0.59 Monthly Madness @ VGP - 10th
19548th Taylor Veneable 28350th 0.59 JUPITOURNEY - 16th
19549th Austin Welch 28351st 0.59 Game Overs Flippin Out Tournam - 15th
19550th Ashley Lobben 28352nd 0.59 Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 28th
19551st Jade Livingston 28353rd 0.59 B1B Fall Pinball League - 18th
19552nd Jimmy Flores 28357th 0.59 Good Timez Bi-Weekly Tournamen - 14th
19553rd Vada Kinworthy 28358th 0.59 JOHN WICK! Launch Party @Lazar - 11th
19554th Adam Zeimet 28359th 0.59 Broken Clock 3-Strike - Stern - 38th
19555th Stefanie Wukusick 28360th 0.59 IFPA Tourney - 15th
19556th Alex Jackson NC 28361st 0.59 Backyard Arcade Friday Night L - 5th
19557th Brian Sultana 28362nd 0.59 Replay - 3rd
19558th Bam Mickel 28363rd 0.59 Player 1UP Summer League - 20th
19559th Josh Darnell 28367th 0.59 Dirty South Pinball League Sea - 8th
19560th Jay Marturano 28368th 0.59 Wye Beer Co. - Monthly Tournam - 2nd
19561st Carlos Cortes 28369th 0.59 24 Hour Matchplay Tournament: - 30th
19562nd Thomas Casias 28371st 0.59 X-MEN launch party - 13th
19563rd Sasha Albright 28372nd 0.59 Fourth Saturdays at Solid Stat - 28th
19564th Jeff Rowe 28374th 0.59 VUK Pinball Presents: The STUF - 30th
19565th Neil Schuldenfrei 28375th 0.59 Festivus for the Rest of Us To - 17th
19566th Jimmy Nardi 28376th 0.59 Barrels Bash Event for Labyrin - 17th
19567th Guy Alaska 28377th 0.59 Tuesday nights at Koots - 2nd
19568th Ulrike Preising 28378th 0.59 Electric Bat Metallica Launch - 99th
19569th Craig Day KS 28379th 0.59 Thursday Night Timeout Matchpl - 19th
19570th Kelley McGrath 28380th 0.59 Thursday Night Strikes! - 22nd
19571st Ascher Abramson 28381st 0.59 Metallica Remastered Launch Pa - 27th
19572nd Caleb Kaihoi 28382nd 0.59 Stern Army: Metallica Launch P - 18th
19573rd Bryce Feigum 28385th 0.59 Saturday Strikes @ Eppig Brewi - 21st
19574th Josh Weil Centennial, CO 28386th 0.59 Blizzard Mountain Pinball Mont - 27th
19575th Ash Bliss 28387th 0.59 GPA Sunday Detention 3 Strike - 6th
19576th Sara Lombardi 28388th 0.59 Southeastern PA Pinball League - 40th
19577th Amber paysen 28389th 0.59 The Pinball Room - Monthly Tou - 19th
19578th Marilin Maldonado 28390th 0.59 Space City Pinball: Three Stri - 19th
19579th Mariel Beasley 28391st 0.59 Boxcar Durham 4th Wednesday St - 14th
19580th Trace Evans Seattle, WA 28392nd 0.59 Boxcar Durham 4th Wednesday St - 20th
19581st Rosalita Cisneros 28393rd 0.59 Panama City Pinball League - T - 1st
19582nd David Gerwing 28394th 0.59 District 82 Flippin' Friday To - 21st
19583rd Andy Lewis 28396th 0.59 Triple Knock Weekly Tournament - 13th
19584th Michael Palmer 28399th 0.59 PRGE Matchplay Tournament - 9th
19585th Naomi Twigg 28400th 0.59 Flipsgiving at Logan Arcade - 18th
19586th Jackson Stephenson 28402nd 0.59 504 Pinball League - 8th
19587th Matt Champagne 28403rd 0.59 Grand Rapids Pinball League - 17th
19588th James o'conner 28406th 0.59 Fellowship of the Silver Ball - 27th
19589th Jesse Mccoy 28408th 0.59 Ice Box Friday Night Live - 20th
19590th Ami White 28409th 0.59 Tilt'n Tuesdays Side Tournamen - 41st
19591st Lauren Moorehouse 28410th 0.59 Glitch Bar June Flip Off - 6th
19592nd Tony Goyette 28415th 0.59 Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor Sp - 8th
19593rd Julia Reeder 28417th 0.59 Hangar Pinball's Target Reeder - 18th
19594th Lani Higgins 28418th 0.59 Pinball Wizards IFPA League at - 14th
19595th Jordan Dodd 28419th 0.59 Crazy Quarters Arcade Weekly S - 12th
19596th Temple Reed 28420th 0.59 Portal Pint Night Tournament - 24th
19597th Steven Dietz 28421st 0.59 1up - Colfax Monthly Pinball T - 16th
19598th Mark Lathrop 28423rd 0.59 Pinsomniacs Pinball XMas Bash! - 20th
19599th Tom Santilli 28424th 0.59 Electric Bat Season 7 - Series - 99th
19600th Kaushal Gokare 28425th 0.59 Long Beach Pinball League Seas - 43rd