Country Rankings for United States

This country has 41,677 players active in the rankings system.

Country Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
20601st Ryan Berkheimer 29855th 0.50 Pinky's Revenge Summer Pinball - 11th
20602nd Blake Robertson 29856th 0.50 No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 37th
20603rd Alina Vankersen 29857th 0.50 First Sunday 4-Strike @ Loom - 14th
20604th Keyanna Lesher 29859th 0.50 Reno Matchplay Monthly Tournam - 26th
20605th Aaron McKinney 29861st 0.50 Space City Pinball: Three Stri - 9th
20606th Kiara Cruz 29862nd 0.50 Craft Beer Pinball League Mont - 12th
20607th Jared Rauso 29863rd 0.50 No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 32nd
20608th Ben Krebs 29866th 0.50 Orbit Room Tuesday League Tour - 4th
20609th Steve Gavin 29867th 0.50 Foo Fighters - Stern Army Laun - 12th
20610th Joel Stone 29868th 0.50 Stern Army First Friday at Gon - 12th
20611th Drevsen Shadley 29869th 0.50 Ground Kontrol Stern Army - 17th
20612th Dominique Salgado 29870th 0.50 Stern Army - Player 1 Pinball - 31st
20613th Dave Hamilton 29872nd 0.50 DPC Friday Night Frenzy for Fu - 19th
20614th Nicolas Stei 29874th 0.50 The Pinball Lounge - Tuesday N - 16th
20615th Eddie Gomez 29877th 0.50 Kidforce Friday Night Knockout - 10th
20616th Phoebe 29878th 0.50 SF Champ! Pick your game editi - 25th
20617th Rev Peters 29879th 0.50 GPA 1 Year Anniversary Tournam - 9th
20618th Jacob Dukes 29880th 0.50 Flip Side Weekly - 32nd
20619th Jasminne Wessel 29882nd 0.50 Kidforce Seasonal Showdown - 100th
20620th Joe Bertolini 29885th 0.49 Annabell's Underground - 7th
20621st Piper Krajcar 29886th 0.49 ULEKstore's Group Match Play T - 19th
20622nd Tracy Marks VA 29888th 0.49 Balls of Steel 7-12 2024 - 21st
20623rd Lindi Loy 29889th 0.49 Tourney at DFW Pinball 2023 Sp - 20th
20624th Shelly Trenholm 29890th 0.49 403 Club First Saturday Tourna - 16th
20625th Alyssa Sweeney 29891st 0.49 Ground Kontrol Stern Army Apri - 18th
20626th Colleen Mootrey 29892nd 0.49 NEPL - Season 27 - Granite Sta - 12th
20627th Brian Casalone 29893rd 0.49 Columbia Pinball League - 23rd
20628th Jeff Rule 29895th 0.49 Pinball Gallery JAWS Pro Launc - 29th
20629th Ethan Magee 29898th 0.49 KingPin Social Stern Army PW M - 7th
20630th Zy Mcilwain 29899th 0.49 Player 1UP Weekly Four Strike - 14th
20631st Keith Edwards 29900th 0.49 Riptide Brewery Finals - 16th
20632nd Drew Scoggins 29901st 0.49 Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 53rd
20633rd Corinne Flatebo 29902nd 0.49 Winter Cup - 20th
20634th Josh Maxwell 29904th 0.49 Silver Ball Sac Pinball Club # - 7th
20635th Brett Hirsch 29906th 0.49 Stern Army 56 Brewing January - 40th
20636th Jared Smith 29907th 0.49 5th Williams Open - 24th
20637th Albion Yeaman 29908th 0.49 December Best Game Open at The - 30th
20638th Suky Sand 29909th 0.49 Good Timez Bi-Weekly Tournamen - 9th
20639th Tom Dunning 29911th 0.49 Clubhouse Classics - 24th
20640th Steven Fortenberry 29912th 0.49 Two Plumbers Winter 2024 - 42nd
20641st Adam Welsh 29914th 0.49 Reclaim Arcade Monthly Main Pi - 27th
20642nd Dylan jones 29915th 0.49 2024 autumn madcap league - 16th
20643rd Shelby Butler Columbia, SC 29916th 0.49 CPCS Qualifier #8 - 25th
20644th Kelsey Grisham 29917th 0.49 One Little (Frenzy) Victory - - 13th
20645th Tyler Hilgers 29918th 0.49 Ice Box Friday Night Live - 20th
20646th zach lawrence 29920th 0.49 CQA Wednesday League #2 - 10th
20647th Jeffrey Twining 29922nd 0.49 Iowa Pinball Invades Vegas - 4th
20648th Chip Hannan 29923rd 0.49 Ocelot Summer Flip Off - 17th
20649th Darin M Wright 29924th 0.49 Stern Army - I/O Arcade Bar Mo - 19th
20650th Loren Guthrie 29925th 0.49 Monster Bash Frenzy - 54th
20651st Sean Choppell 29926th 0.49 Free Play Florida 2022 - Amate - 8th
20652nd John Sowatsky 29927th 0.49 Multiball Monday Tournament - 12th
20653rd Jeffrey Winick 29928th 0.49 Wormhole Monthly 4X - 43rd
20654th Mallory Cieply Pittsburgh, PA 29930th 0.49 Flip PGH Weekly: Pins Mechanic - 14th
20655th Dave West 29931st 0.49 Beercade 2 Feb Flipper Frenzy - 20th
20656th Mattt Brown - 29932nd 0.49 Galloping Ghost Flip Frenzy 2 - 23rd
20657th Ben Janssen 29933rd 0.49 Fourth Saturdays at Solid Stat - 28th
20658th Veronica Jonas 29934th 0.49 Tuesday Night Pinball at the V - 10th
20659th Stacy Haspel 29935th 0.49 RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 17th
20660th Cameron Axley 29936th 0.49 Stern Army First Friday @ Gone - 18th
20661st Katie Hepler 29937th 0.49 Das Flipperhaus 2 Year Anniver - 44th
20662nd Matt Skvarce 29940th 0.49 Downtown Pinball League - 42nd
20663rd Stephen Knapke 29942nd 0.49 Dayton Underground Pinball Lea - 18th
20664th Miley Giguere 29943rd 0.49 Queer Pinball Tournament - 17th
20665th Maria Vera 29944th 0.49 Queer Pinball Tournament - 17th
20666th Rebecca Howard 29945th 0.49 DC Pinball League - Sundays - 18th
20667th Leslie Hurst 29946th 0.49 MST July 4th BIG BANG Tourname - 13th
20668th Scott Pearson AZ 29947th 0.49 Player 1 Arcade Monthly - 23rd
20669th Nick Hogan 29948th 0.49 JAWS LAUNCH PARTY AT KEG & COI - 3rd
20670th Jay Slade 29949th 0.49 Jackbar Presents: Thursday Nig - 8th
20671st Emilee Ligon 29950th 0.49 WPPR Week Day 2 @ VGP - 16th
20672nd Glen Johnson 29951st 0.49 Flip Side Weekly - 33rd
20673rd Jim Jaglo 29952nd 0.49 Broken Clock Pinball Tourname - 25th
20674th Mike Lindberg 29953rd 0.49 2024 Stern Army John Wick Laun - 21st
20675th Michael McNeela 29954th 0.49 John Wick Launch Party - 12th
20676th Ariel Zannou 29955th 0.49 Big D's Summerween @LITT - 48th
20677th Brandon Zinsmeister 29956th 0.49 John Wick Launch Party @ Aero - 11th
20678th Adam Brooks 29957th 0.49 Thursday Night Pinball Therapy - 26th
20679th Eric Housen 29958th 0.49 Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 47th
20680th Jack Jeler 29960th 0.49 Wednesday Wizard 2X Series - 49th
20681st Terry Ratcliffe 29961st 0.49 Stern Army Official - HoT Pinb - 4th
20682nd Tom Fries 29962nd 0.49 Asylum Bar + Arcade Strikes To - 9th
20683rd Max Johnsen 29964th 0.49 X-Men Premium Launch Party - 13th
20684th Valerie Anderson 29965th 0.49 Stern Army - Sew Hop'd Tournam - 17th
20685th Marc Mortek 29966th 0.49 Weekly Max Matchplay at Jackpo - 13th
20686th Arali Flores 29967th 0.49 Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 48th
20687th Phillip Susan 29968th 0.49 Match Play at Next Level - 7th
20688th Jenny Conkel 29969th 0.49 Holt45 November Tournament - 11th
20689th Liam Goulson 29970th 0.49 2DCon Amazing Race - 14th
20690th Gary Pritzkau 29971st 0.49 Three Bull 3-Strike Bi-Weekly - 3rd
20691st Bill Dubord 29972nd 0.49 CPP Thursday Night Strikes Sid - 1st
20692nd Matt Jarrell 29974th 0.49 Space City Pinball: Ten on Wen - 40th
20693rd Brian Litke 29977th 0.49 #wheresJubilee? X-Men Launch P - 21st
20694th Brittany McDonald 29978th 0.49 Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 13th
20695th John Mesch 29979th 0.49 Flipsgiving II @ Logan Arcade - 27th
20696th Patrick Schwab 29980th 0.49 Southeastern PA Pinball League - 31st
20697th John Sobotka 29982nd 0.49 Flowood December Flippin' I - 8th
20698th Staten Squire 29984th 0.49 2024 Stern Army FWP Wizards Wo - 71st
20699th Aaron Sariana 29985th 0.49 It's New Years Somewhere, Righ - 7th
20700th Ben Dillon 29986th 0.49 SpareMe January Tournament - 32nd