Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,650 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
20901st | Sean Proctor | 30289th | 0.47 | HalloWedgehead - 33rd | |
20902nd | Tim Obrien | 30290th | 0.47 | KC Pinball Championship - Satu - 54th | |
20903rd | Ashley Harper | 30291st | 0.47 | Blizzard Mountain Pinball Mont - 33rd | |
20904th | Sierra Davison | 30292nd | 0.47 | Blizzard Mountain Pinball Mont - 33rd | |
20905th | Joe Bisese | 30293rd | 0.47 | Pittsburgh Pinball League Seas - 35th | |
20906th | Matt Sandstra | 30294th | 0.47 | Hangar Pinball’s Drive to Supe - 29th | |
20907th | David O'Brien | 30295th | 0.47 | CP Pinball - The Draindeer Gam - 36th | |
20908th | Heidi Leffler | 30296th | 0.47 | Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor Sp - 15th | |
20909th | Carson Smith | 30302nd | 0.47 | The 1st Annual Lents Larry Bir - 36th | |
20910th | Bill Roberts | 30304th | 0.47 | PPC Fall 2024 League - 29th | |
20911th | Tom McConathy | 30306th | 0.47 | International Women’s Day Ping - 23rd | |
20912th | Chris Fiore | 30308th | 0.47 | Silverball Rumble at Pintastic - 229th | |
20913th | Melissa Willis | 30309th | 0.47 | Chui's World Famous Bounty Kno - 37th | |
20914th | Rachel Wallace | 30310th | 0.47 | Summer Kick Back III - 14th | |
20915th | veronica grisham | 30311th | 0.47 | (DE)Tournament V2.2 - 16th | |
20916th | Kori McGough | 30312th | 0.47 | The Local - Grand Opening Tour - 12th | |
20917th | Vincent Reiter | 30313th | 0.47 | Flip Side Weekly - 33rd | |
20918th | Andrew Sullivan | 30314th | 0.47 | NWPAS Satellite: Tacoma Showdo - 34th | |
20919th | Laura Ortiz | 30315th | 0.47 | DFW Pinball League - 2024 Even - 45th | |
20920th | David Orman | 30316th | 0.47 | Monthly IFPA Pinball Tournamen - 4th | |
20921st | Rachael Rage | Asheville, NC | 30318th | 0.47 | Retrocade Weekly Matchplay - 14th |
20922nd | Rich Sommer | 30319th | 0.47 | Maple Pinballs Weekly Tourneys - 7th | |
20923rd | Blake Apple | 30321st | 0.47 | Dory Hill Campground Pinball C - 106th | |
20924th | Josh Holden | 30322nd | 0.47 | WPPR-Palooza Pt. 1: Rage Again - 34th | |
20925th | Dustin Cruseturner | 30323rd | 0.47 | We're f***ing off to Sweden! L - 21st | |
20926th | Robert Matheny | 30324th | 0.47 | "Barry Oursler Memorial" Labor - 35th | |
20927th | amanda rosado | 30325th | 0.47 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 32nd | |
20928th | Samuel Shelton | 30326th | 0.47 | Portal New Year's Eve EVE Bash - 26th | |
20929th | Matt Pflaum | 30327th | 0.47 | Ice Box Friday Night Live - 18th | |
20930th | Jeff Rafeld | 30328th | 0.47 | D82 Flippin' Friday Tournament - 7th | |
20931st | Juliana Gustafson | 30330th | 0.47 | Pinvault Rude Dude Monthly - 17th | |
20932nd | Linda Olbourne | 30331st | 0.47 | Outer Orbit Elton John Launch - 26th | |
20933rd | Max Aeschbacher | 30332nd | 0.47 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 5th | |
20934th | Marli Cook | 30334th | 0.47 | John Wick Launch Party at Radi - 3rd | |
20935th | Jeremiah Peer | 30335th | 0.47 | Reboot Social Monthly Tourname - 3rd | |
20936th | Bati Banjo | 30336th | 0.47 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 23rd | |
20937th | Dean Hunt | 30337th | 0.47 | Bat City Epic Fun Monthly Tour - 26th | |
20938th | Margaret Elgin | 30338th | 0.47 | 3rd Tuesday at East Tennessee - 21st | |
20939th | Matthew Fomich | 30339th | 0.47 | Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 53rd | |
20940th | Joanne Ackerman | 30340th | 0.47 | Stern Army @ Round 1 Hosted by - 8th | |
20941st | Keith Krail | 30342nd | 0.47 | Pinball Super League: Stern Ar - 65th | |
20942nd | Samuel Duff | 30343rd | 0.47 | Dirty South Pinball League: Se - 8th | |
20943rd | David Smoyer | 30344th | 0.47 | Inclined to Play Reno/Tahoe Fr - 10th | |
20944th | Adam Driscoll | 30345th | 0.47 | Stern Army - I/O Arcade Bar Mo - 42nd | |
20945th | Scott Arbesfeld | 30347th | 0.47 | NPC Thursday Strikes - 16th | |
20946th | Jackie Williams | 30348th | 0.47 | Southern Indiana Pinball (SIP) - 33rd | |
20947th | Turner Brumby | 30349th | 0.47 | Romp in the Swamp IX - 24th | |
20948th | Hunter Clayton | 30350th | 0.47 | OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 18th | |
20949th | Dallin Siddoway | 30351st | 0.47 | Thursday Night Strikes - 29th | |
20950th | Robin Morgan | 30352nd | 0.47 | Aiken Atomic Pinball Leage Fal - 13th | |
20951st | Dylan Sachs | 30353rd | 0.47 | Metallica Remastered Stern Arm - 27th | |
20952nd | Julia Curd | 30355th | 0.47 | Lyons Classic Pinball Monthly - 18th | |
20953rd | Evan Lerner | 30356th | 0.47 | Kiitos Spring Sling - 21st | |
20954th | Michelle Chambers | 30357th | 0.47 | GlassCityPinball@ HEAVY Beer J - 14th | |
20955th | Greg Louie | 30358th | 0.47 | The Pinball Room - League - 20th | |
20956th | Ryan Simpson | 30359th | 0.47 | Stern Army John Wick (LE) Laun - 21st | |
20957th | Cory Massa | 30360th | 0.47 | July Pinky's Pinball League 20 - 11th | |
20958th | Patton Kruger | 30361st | 0.47 | Brewhalla End Of The Year Luck - 13th | |
20959th | Asher Weiss | 30364th | 0.47 | Stern Army John Wick Launch Pa - 41st | |
20960th | Peter Edholm | 30365th | 0.47 | NPC Summer Classic Warmup - 13th | |
20961st | Jake Harris | 30367th | 0.47 | Colorado Pinball Pub Monument - 3rd | |
20962nd | Jim Clifton | 30368th | 0.47 | Eugene’s Birthday Pinball Extr - 24th | |
20963rd | Becky Eimer | 30369th | 0.47 | Fountain Square Pincrawl 2024 - 33rd | |
20964th | Dalton Trujillo | 30370th | 0.47 | Boxing Bear's 10th Anniversary - 20th | |
20965th | Stephen Hoffman | 30372nd | 0.47 | NEPL - Season 31 - Tokens Tapr - 13th | |
20966th | Zak Lilley | 30373rd | 0.47 | Capital Pinball Parlor League - 8th | |
20967th | Chris Collins | 30374th | 0.47 | PBJ League PinGolf 2024 - 19th | |
20968th | Philip A. Hill | 30376th | 0.47 | Tuesday Night Pinball at the V - 9th | |
20969th | Gregg Patti | 30377th | 0.47 | Fall 2024 JPA Tournament #7 (S - 5th | |
20970th | Nicholas Bergquist | 30378th | 0.47 | Sunday Strikes at the Lodge - 9th | |
20971st | Oliver Grau | 30379th | 0.47 | RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 22nd | |
20972nd | Christian Baez | 30380th | 0.47 | Aiken Atomic Pinball League Fa - 10th | |
20973rd | Jon Erickson | 30383rd | 0.47 | Add-A-Ball Weekly - 30th | |
20974th | Daniel Gonzales | 30384th | 0.47 | Día De Los Pinballs - 28th | |
20975th | Mario Majano | 30387th | 0.47 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 29th | |
20976th | Dave Santoro | 30389th | 0.47 | Helicon Open Main Tournament - 48th | |
20977th | Julian Mehlfeld | 30390th | 0.47 | The Final Flip: Goodbye tourne - 17th | |
20978th | emma golino | 30392nd | 0.47 | Classics Only at Jackpot - 10th | |
20979th | Liam Schwenk | 30393rd | 0.47 | Arcade Legacy's Thursday Throw - 40th | |
20980th | Stevie Glynn | 30394th | 0.47 | SFQPL's HoliGAY Tournament - 23rd | |
20981st | Jeremy Kim | 30395th | 0.47 | North End Pub Monthly 4-Strike - 23rd | |
20982nd | Andrew Hall | 30401st | 0.47 | Thad's Pinball Wizard Challeng - 27th | |
20983rd | Kelly Holderman | Saint Charles, MO | 30406th | 0.47 | Red Fish Blue Fish Winter Leag - 31st |
20984th | Kevin Williamson | Boulder, CO | 30407th | 0.47 | 1up - Colfax Monthly Pinball T - 41st |
20985th | Chris Coyle | Portland, OR | 30408th | 0.47 | Salty Mermaid Cup - 15th |
20986th | Eric Stallsmith | 30409th | 0.47 | Escape Pod Monthly Big Money 4 - 6th | |
20987th | Ryan Donahue | 30411th | 0.47 | NWPAS '22 Post Convention Afte - 27th | |
20988th | Andrew Valdez | 30412th | 0.47 | Mulitball Monday Tournament - 3rd | |
20989th | holden kramer | 30413th | 0.47 | Louisville Arcade Expo 2023 Ma - 102nd | |
20990th | Jack Tarricone | 30414th | 0.47 | NEPL - Season 28 - Pop's Pinb - 6th | |
20991st | Brianna Tuckerman | Jackson, MI | 30416th | 0.47 | RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 27th |
20992nd | Kevin Pao | 30417th | 0.47 | Mission Control Better Saturda - 32nd | |
20993rd | Steve Trikenskas | 30418th | 0.47 | Padavan’s Pinball Championship - 32nd | |
20994th | Josh Edge | 30419th | 0.47 | Utah Ballers Season 6 - 30th | |
20995th | Izzy Neely | Alpharetta, GA | 30420th | 0.47 | Southern-Fried Game Expo 2022 - 97th |
20996th | Steve Kaufman | 30422nd | 0.47 | Philly Pinball Club Fall 2022 - 6th | |
20997th | John Keith | 30423rd | 0.47 | We Can't All Be Winners - 9th | |
20998th | Matthew Creswell | 30424th | 0.47 | Tax Day Strikeout at Flashback - 7th | |
20999th | Christine Tate | 30425th | 0.47 | Roanoke Pinball League - Fall - 10th | |
21000th | Zachary Hart | Irvine, CA | 30426th | 0.47 | Mission Control Better Saturda - 21st |