Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,650 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
21001st | Carlos Ortega | 30427th | 0.47 | Tilt Monthly - March 2022 - 23rd | |
21002nd | Jim Lake | 30428th | 0.47 | Golden State Pinball Festival - 113th | |
21003rd | Tyler Solecki | 30429th | 0.47 | Silverball Rumble at Pintastic - 154th | |
21004th | Terri Nicholas | 30431st | 0.47 | Treasure Valley Pinball League - 10th | |
21005th | Nick Stinemates | 30434th | 0.47 | Thursday Strikes! - 11th | |
21006th | Katie Ganzer | 30436th | 0.47 | Stern Army - I/O Arcade Bar Mo - 29th | |
21007th | Tom Anderson | 30438th | 0.47 | Good Timez Bi-Weekly Tournamen - 9th | |
21008th | Robert Lozyniak | 30439th | 0.47 | Sanctum Weekly Tournament - 29th | |
21009th | Rowan Kearns | 30440th | 0.47 | Sanctum Weekly Tournament - 24th | |
21010th | Yobani Lopez | 30441st | 0.47 | Player 1 up Weekly four strike - 17th | |
21011th | Ryan Uhler | 30442nd | 0.47 | Player 1 up Weekly four strike - 17th | |
21012th | Steven Cunningham | 30443rd | 0.47 | Flip Frenzy at Next Level - 13th | |
21013th | Brandon Beasley | 30444th | 0.47 | October Knockout Pinball Tourn - 15th | |
21014th | Jeremy Klukan | 30446th | 0.47 | Pinbrawl on the Waterfront - 14th | |
21015th | Stephanie Wasson | 30447th | 0.47 | Long Beach Pinball League Seas - 23rd | |
21016th | Keith Emerson | 30448th | 0.47 | Dangerzone Arcade Foo Fighters - 19th | |
21017th | Joanna Wallace | 30450th | 0.47 | Electric City Pinball Pride To - 13th | |
21018th | Jerome Delsoldato | 30451st | 0.47 | Rock House Balls Of Steel Tour - 8th | |
21019th | Michelle Walter | 30455th | 0.47 | Boxcar Durham 4th Wednesday To - 18th | |
21020th | Henry Steinberg | 30456th | 0.47 | The Department of Pinball pres - 18th | |
21021st | Dylan King | 30457th | 0.47 | Vault weekly tournament 2023 - 12th | |
21022nd | Erick Wild | 30458th | 0.47 | Co - Ed Summer League - 36th | |
21023rd | Change Wang | 30460th | 0.47 | Venom LE Launch Party - 11th | |
21024th | Alex Ehrlich | 30461st | 0.47 | FSPA Spinners Fall League - 43rd | |
21025th | Aaron Hood | 30464th | 0.47 | Hangar Pinball’s Drive to Supe - 30th | |
21026th | Chris Riddell | 30465th | 0.47 | Stern Army Venom Launch Party - 20th | |
21027th | Thomas Seeber | 30466th | 0.47 | Tuesday PinBrawl Matchplay Pin - 30th | |
21028th | Adam Letterman | 30467th | 0.46 | Queen City Pinball League Summ - 4th | |
21029th | Ryan Boyle | 30468th | 0.46 | PinCrossing Monthly Tournament - 18th | |
21030th | Dave Lucas | 30469th | 0.46 | Stern Army James Bond 007 Laun - 12th | |
21031st | Jason Richers | 30471st | 0.46 | 518 Annual "Varney Cup" Tourna - 14th | |
21032nd | Anna McLeroy | 30472nd | 0.46 | Winter Haven Pinball League - 5th | |
21033rd | Tyler Billings | 30473rd | 0.46 | PSL Stern Army - Enterrium Mon - 68th | |
21034th | Katie Farley | 30475th | 0.46 | Midtown Thursday Nights - 22nd | |
21035th | Carli Patterson | 30476th | 0.46 | Red Fish Blue Fish Summer Leag - 17th | |
21036th | Jason Allen MO | 30477th | 0.46 | Point Monsters Championship - 31st | |
21037th | Mike Hall | 30479th | 0.46 | Stingray's Stern Army X-Men la - 14th | |
21038th | Zoe Winter | Portland, OR | 30481st | 0.46 | Salty Mermaid Cup - 60th |
21039th | Matt Artimez | 30483rd | 0.46 | Another Castle Weekly 3 Strike - 40th | |
21040th | Derek Wheeler | 30484th | 0.46 | Electric Bat Metallica Launch - 96th | |
21041st | Jim Rodin | 30485th | 0.46 | The Dog Days of Pinball Summer - 23rd | |
21042nd | Kevin Curry | 30486th | 0.46 | GSPL Target Matchplay at PAGG - 57th | |
21043rd | Carrie Dzike | Chicago, IL | 30487th | 0.46 | Thursday Night Matchplay @ Chi - 16th |
21044th | Ashley Laneave | 30488th | 0.46 | The Hot Dog Classics - 27th | |
21045th | Zaphillia Yost | 30489th | 0.46 | Stern Army - Enterrium Monthly - 45th | |
21046th | Jay ATX | 30491st | 0.46 | First Tuesday Matchplay - 8th | |
21047th | Alex Yeager MI | 30492nd | 0.46 | STERN ARMY- MICHIGAN FLIPPERS - 5th | |
21048th | Vincent Presher | 30495th | 0.46 | Lassen Pinball League - 15th | |
21049th | Ducan Martin | 30496th | 0.46 | Recbar's Weekly Tournament - 16th | |
21050th | Steve Ciolek | 30497th | 0.46 | Dangerzone Flip Frenzy Tournam - 6th | |
21051st | John Sepanski | 30498th | 0.46 | Southeastern PA Pinball League - 29th | |
21052nd | Stephen Stauffer | Centennial, CO | 30499th | 0.46 | 1up Greenwood Monthly - 24th |
21053rd | Steven Harris | Eugene, OR | 30500th | 0.46 | Royale Rumble Pinball Series - - 20th |
21054th | Ron Whitington | 30503rd | 0.46 | Replay Museum & DIC Pinball Mo - 19th | |
21055th | Jerri Johnson | 30504th | 0.46 | TILT Pinball Bar - December 20 - 46th | |
21056th | Steve Barz | 30506th | 0.46 | The Pinball Dudes Max Match Pl - 5th | |
21057th | Donald Nottelmann | 30507th | 0.46 | Level 256 Knockout Tournament - 20th | |
21058th | Lynn connolly | 30508th | 0.46 | Bounce Milwaukee's Third Frida - 18th | |
21059th | julia torok | 30511th | 0.46 | Co Bar Mounthly - 17th | |
21060th | Izzy Koellhoffer | 30514th | 0.46 | Co Bar Mounthly - 20th | |
21061st | Becky George | 30516th | 0.46 | Dirt City Pinball March STERN - 10th | |
21062nd | Christina Harmon | 30517th | 0.46 | Rad Retrocade Season 3 episode - 16th | |
21063rd | Kara Mashburn | 30518th | 0.46 | Stern Army - Schwoegler's Mont - 12th | |
21064th | Zach Atteberry | 30519th | 0.46 | Queen City Pinball Spring Leag - 21st | |
21065th | Ethan Rudawsky | 30521st | 0.46 | It's always Sunni in Eugene - 46th | |
21066th | Greg Jew | 30523rd | 0.46 | Inclined to Play Reno/Tahoe Fr - 15th | |
21067th | Carlos Guarderas | 30526th | 0.46 | Stern Army - Balls Of Steel Pi - 7th | |
21068th | Becky Johnson | 30530th | 0.46 | Flip Side Weekly - 33rd | |
21069th | Ray Denny | 30534th | 0.46 | Sunday Showdown - Jackpot Grou - 8th | |
21070th | Melinda Staub | 30535th | 0.46 | “One more time to kill the pai - 32nd | |
21071st | Nathan Miramontez | 30537th | 0.46 | The Rewind Pinball League Seas - 11th | |
21072nd | Clinton Bullock | 30538th | 0.46 | Mighty Ultra Pinball Battle 20 - 31st | |
21073rd | Haney | 30540th | 0.46 | First Sunday Strikeout - John - 28th | |
21074th | Pent Amsler | 30542nd | 0.46 | Recbar's Weekly Tournament - 23rd | |
21075th | Curt Kratowicz | 30543rd | 0.46 | Queen Anne's Revenge - 23rd | |
21076th | Bryan Naylor | 30544th | 0.46 | What's Brewing? Stern Army Joh - 48th | |
21077th | Kevin Slater | 30545th | 0.46 | The Uncanny X-Men LE Launch Pa - 10th | |
21078th | Nicole Allen | 30546th | 0.46 | Crazy Quarters Barbecue Pinbal - 9th | |
21079th | Marcus Toth | 30548th | 0.46 | Space City Pinball: Three Stri - 8th | |
21080th | Marc Oken | 30549th | 0.46 | Pinbug's Pre-New Year's Tourne - 9th | |
21081st | Amber Harlan | 30550th | 0.46 | Flip City Weekly: Old Gilbert - 17th | |
21082nd | Gerardo Godinez | 30552nd | 0.46 | Game On! Pinball Monthly Tourn - 11th | |
21083rd | Fred Hautamaki | 30555th | 0.46 | Totally Tilted Tuesdays - Tilt - 12th | |
21084th | Ben Fabrizius | 30557th | 0.46 | ICS Tappers League - Season 3 - 24th | |
21085th | Quincy Fuller | 30558th | 0.46 | SpareMe August Pinball Tourna - 12th | |
21086th | Ryan Miller OR | 30560th | 0.46 | Stern Army John Wick (Pro) Lau - 13th | |
21087th | Amy Crash | 30561st | 0.46 | The Dog Days of Pinball Summer - 29th | |
21088th | Toni Jertberg | 30562nd | 0.46 | Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor Sp - 11th | |
21089th | Chris Vanloon | 30563rd | 0.46 | Level 1 Pinball Tournament - 2nd | |
21090th | Andrew Curtis | 30564th | 0.46 | Eugene’s Birthday Pinball Extr - 24th | |
21091st | Andy Adrian | 30565th | 0.46 | Co Bar Mounthly - 21st | |
21092nd | Heath Anderson | 30566th | 0.46 | Two Brothers Stern Style 1/15/ - 11th | |
21093rd | Luke Minor-Nidey | 30568th | 0.46 | SpareMe January Tournament - 49th | |
21094th | Mik Matiss | 30571st | 0.46 | Black Rose Pinball Club Travel - 14th | |
21095th | Cody Leeman | 30572nd | 0.46 | Black Rose Pinball Club Travel - 12th | |
21096th | Sergio Suarez | 30574th | 0.46 | MFPinball Summer Season 2024 - 39th | |
21097th | Mark Lutz | 30575th | 0.46 | VUK Pinball Presents The GRAND - 46th | |
21098th | Owen Druso | 30577th | 0.46 | Pinball Planet Stern Army IFPA - 17th | |
21099th | Alex Di Costanzo | 30578th | 0.46 | Silverball Sundays #14 - Metal - 5th | |
21100th | Mike Miller CA2 | 30580th | 0.46 | Aero Club/Dyno Bar Monthly - 9th |