Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,650 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
21201st | Jonathan Koenig | Lakewood, OH | 30738th | 0.45 | Weekly Wizard - 7th |
21202nd | Steve Eckert | 30742nd | 0.45 | Flipper Frenzy at Ironblast Ga - 9th | |
21203rd | Gordon Mills | 30744th | 0.45 | Stern Army First Friday @ Gone - 8th | |
21204th | Ali Eanes | 30746th | 0.45 | 2023 Bushwood Open - 26th | |
21205th | Adam Nolan | 30748th | 0.45 | Flip Well Pinball League - 46th | |
21206th | Marina Martinez | 30749th | 0.45 | Big Weekend Upstate tournament - 48th | |
21207th | Paul Cormier | 30750th | 0.45 | NEPL - Season 27 - The Double - 5th | |
21208th | Tyler Gullikson | 30753rd | 0.45 | Back to the Beach! Weekly Stri - 5th | |
21209th | Matthew Heller | 30754th | 0.45 | Crazy Quarters Arcade Weekly S - 12th | |
21210th | Kate Carlson | 30755th | 0.45 | Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 30th | |
21211th | Migs D Boat | 30758th | 0.45 | 1up Greenwood Monthly - 37th | |
21212th | Aspen Foy | 30759th | 0.45 | Bang Back Sun of a Beach Pinba - 23rd | |
21213th | Ree | 30760th | 0.45 | GSO Boxcar Pin Pals and Pints- - 12th | |
21214th | Tommy Hegedus | 30761st | 0.45 | Freeballin Fridays - 3rd | |
21215th | Codie Knapp NJ | 30762nd | 0.45 | Superelectric Pinball Battle - 43rd | |
21216th | Ezer Benaim | 30763rd | 0.45 | Boxcar Durham 4th Wednesday To - 8th | |
21217th | Dom Romagnino | 30764th | 0.45 | Harry S. Jackson III Memorial - 23rd | |
21218th | Kenny Crowe | 30765th | 0.45 | Rad Retrocade Monthly December - 21st | |
21219th | Michael Rimmey | Denver, NC | 30766th | 0.45 | Bahia Bay pinBallers #1 - 1st |
21220th | Drew Townsend | 30767th | 0.45 | Silverball Battle Beer League - 19th | |
21221st | Robert Danka | 30768th | 0.45 | Iron City Pinball PGX tourname - 18th | |
21222nd | Lil bob | 30770th | 0.45 | Holy Frijoles Post-League Exhi - 16th | |
21223rd | Megan King | 30771st | 0.45 | Happy Pinball Thursdays - 40th | |
21224th | Lee Wiles | Panama City, FL | 30772nd | 0.45 | Panama City Pinball Flip Frenz - 1st |
21225th | Dustin Krefft | 30773rd | 0.45 | PIN DEATH 5 - 48th | |
21226th | Trisha Nash | 30774th | 0.45 | PIN DEATH 5 - 48th | |
21227th | Colby Clark | 30775th | 0.45 | WEO VII - Pre Party/ A.P.C. Ta - 16th | |
21228th | Jonathan Hillyer | Fort Wayne, IN | 30776th | 0.45 | 2024 Stern Army Boot Camp FWP - 25th |
21229th | Bryan Feld | 30777th | 0.45 | Beercade 2 November Strike Out - 10th | |
21230th | Beckett Wessel | 30778th | 0.45 | Kidforce Seasonal Showdown - 101st | |
21231st | Rod Thompson | 30779th | 0.45 | Hangar Pinball’s Drive to Supe - 32nd | |
21232nd | Tyler Armstrong OK | 30780th | 0.45 | Hangar Pinball’s Drive to Supe - 33rd | |
21233rd | Josh Benson IN | 30781st | 0.45 | North End Pub Monthly 4-Strike - 10th | |
21234th | Alex Becker | 30785th | 0.45 | Friday Night Fight Club at Bad - 22nd | |
21235th | Brian Mullen | 30786th | 0.45 | Last Chance For WPPRs! - New Y - 20th | |
21236th | Easton Gazda | 30788th | 0.45 | NPC Thursday Pinball - 10th | |
21237th | Shannon Bay | 30790th | 0.45 | Wormhole Monthly 4X - 30th | |
21238th | Ryan Castleman | 30791st | 0.45 | Wormhole Monthly 4X - 30th | |
21239th | Joshua Sanderfer | 30792nd | 0.45 | Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 28th | |
21240th | Patrick Anthony | 30795th | 0.45 | End of the Rainbow Pot o' Luck - 21st | |
21241st | Aaron McEachern | 30796th | 0.45 | Axecadia Stern Army Monthly - 9th | |
21242nd | Carson Bobek | 30797th | 0.45 | Crafted 1979 Monthly Tournamen - 11th | |
21243rd | Bradley Sweet | 30798th | 0.45 | SJPL Tournament - 16th | |
21244th | Keith Bonham | 30799th | 0.45 | Bond Brothers 1st Sunday Tourn - 12th | |
21245th | caleb adcock | Wichita, KS | 30800th | 0.45 | Flippin’ Mondays Presented by - 15th |
21246th | Sergio Biaz | 30801st | 0.45 | Radioactive Pinball Arcade Jaw - 5th | |
21247th | Dan laughlin | 30802nd | 0.45 | End of the Rainbow Pot o' Luck - 14th | |
21248th | Harris Thomas | 30805th | 0.45 | Space City Pinball: Taco Bout - 51st | |
21249th | John Kruty | 30812th | 0.45 | After School Pinball - 6th | |
21250th | Kayla May | 30815th | 0.45 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 39th | |
21251st | Eddie Schwartz | 30816th | 0.45 | Mighty Ultra Pinball Battle 20 - 28th | |
21252nd | Steve Kooiker | 30817th | 0.45 | The Pinball Room - Monthly Tou - 16th | |
21253rd | Matthew Lynch | 30818th | 0.45 | Portal Uncanny X-Men Launch Pa - 42nd | |
21254th | Chip Elsasser | 30820th | 0.45 | Craft and Draft monthly tounrn - 13th | |
21255th | Wesley Whitaker | Philadelphia, PA | 30821st | 0.45 | Philly Pinball Club: 2024 Spri - 27th |
21256th | Dave Hannagan | 30822nd | 0.45 | Northwest Indiana Pinball Leag - 22nd | |
21257th | Gerry Kubatska | 30823rd | 0.45 | Stern Army Attack From MAWs XV - 17th | |
21258th | Clayton Perszyk | 30824th | 0.45 | OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 11th | |
21259th | Kasey Benton | 30825th | 0.45 | Rich Tanis Memorial Pinball To - 64th | |
21260th | Josh Hagood | 30826th | 0.45 | Summer Meltdown Pinball Tourna - 62nd | |
21261st | Juan-Medina Prada | 30827th | 0.45 | Silverball Delray OPEN Tournam - 14th | |
21262nd | Joe DeFilippis | 30828th | 0.45 | Lewis & Clarkade December Ster - 4th | |
21263rd | Scott Hazelwood | 30829th | 0.45 | EinStein's Drainiacs - 11th | |
21264th | Paul Steelman | 30830th | 0.45 | PTP - August Pinball Tournamen - 17th | |
21265th | Carlos Zarate | 30831st | 0.45 | Camp S'more Slap Saves- Open - 20th | |
21266th | Rex Mora | 30832nd | 0.45 | Camp S'more Slap Saves- Open - 20th | |
21267th | Tom Asman | 30833rd | 0.45 | Glow In The Park Oshkosh / Ste - 16th | |
21268th | Mike Hall FL | 30834th | 0.45 | Stingray's Monthly Pinball Tou - 14th | |
21269th | Steven Thompson-Moreland | 30835th | 0.45 | Crazy Quarters Stern Army Week - 15th | |
21270th | Sydney Nielsen | 30836th | 0.45 | Charity Tournament: Critical H - 19th | |
21271st | Olivia Carver | 30837th | 0.45 | OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 4th | |
21272nd | Zack Zinner | 30838th | 0.45 | DPC - 2024 Summer Thursday Cla - 19th | |
21273rd | Bradley Bulson | 30839th | 0.45 | “R” Pinball - Round Robin - 10th | |
21274th | Emma Bowman | 30840th | 0.45 | Boxcar Raleigh 3rd Wednesday K - 20th | |
21275th | Joe McMahon | 30841st | 0.45 | Chicago Billard Cafe October P - 25th | |
21276th | Dennis Dunn | 30842nd | 0.45 | PGX Flip Frenzy - 5th | |
21277th | Robert Cheng | 30843rd | 0.45 | Asylum Bar + Arcade Stern Army - 24th | |
21278th | Mitch O'Brien | 30844th | 0.45 | Inclined to Play Reno/Tahoe Fr - 11th | |
21279th | Endi Piovesana | 30846th | 0.45 | Stern Army The Uncanny X-Men L - 36th | |
21280th | Tricia Melville | 30847th | 0.45 | Space City Pinball: Wormhole - 58th | |
21281st | Evan Cooper | 30848th | 0.45 | Max Match Play at Next Level - 23rd | |
21282nd | Judy Harveycutter | 30849th | 0.45 | Roanoke Pinball League - Fall - 25th | |
21283rd | Matt Burton | 30850th | 0.45 | Flipside League - 59th | |
21284th | Elijah Lewis | 30851st | 0.45 | Pins & Pirates Pinball Rally 2 - 54th | |
21285th | Jody Batick | 30852nd | 0.45 | The Lazarus Fall League - 13th | |
21286th | Olivia Dubiel | 30853rd | 0.45 | Thursday Night Timeout Matchpl - 25th | |
21287th | Kathleen McGrath | 30854th | 0.45 | Thursday Night Strikes! - 29th | |
21288th | Darren McGrath | 30855th | 0.45 | Thursday Night Strikes! - 29th | |
21289th | Lucas paquette | 30858th | 0.45 | NEPL Season 32 - Ice Ice Arcad - 17th | |
21290th | Ian McCabe | 30859th | 0.45 | Bat City Thursdays - 8th | |
21291st | Nick Eaton | 30860th | 0.45 | Cleveland Pinball League - Sup - 14th | |
21292nd | Chase Quigley | 30861st | 0.45 | Sunday Weekly IFPA Pinball Tou - 9th | |
21293rd | Craig St.Clair | 30863rd | 0.45 | Brenna’s Graduation Party Tour - 13th | |
21294th | Keith McDaniels | 30864th | 0.45 | Stern Army Venom Launch Party - 14th | |
21295th | Tim Staub | 30865th | 0.45 | Iron City Pinball League - 49th | |
21296th | Chris Stauch | 30867th | 0.45 | The Big Labowski At Brewskis - - 18th | |
21297th | Rebecca Cook | Houston, TX | 30874th | 0.45 | EinStein's Drainiacs - 14th |
21298th | Conrad Rucker | 30875th | 0.45 | Downtown Pinball League - 38th | |
21299th | marty ashton | 30877th | 0.45 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 6th | |
21300th | Abby Magariel | 30878th | 0.45 | 403 Club First Saturday Tourna - 19th |