Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,645 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
22101st | Joanna Stewart | 32031st | 0.40 | Grand Rapids Pinball League - 10th | |
22102nd | Finn Gray | 32032nd | 0.40 | Stern Army - Enterrium Monthly - 30th | |
22103rd | Justin Lawrence | 32034th | 0.40 | Whats Brewing 3 Strike Group K - 12th | |
22104th | Emily Marsh | 32036th | 0.40 | Level 256 Knockout Tournament - 17th | |
22105th | Joshua Ward | 32038th | 0.40 | Tournament at DFW Pinball 2022 - 28th | |
22106th | Sydney Brown | 32039th | 0.40 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 53rd | |
22107th | Scott Gass | 32040th | 0.40 | D82 New Years Eve Classics Tou - 53rd | |
22108th | Larry Hodgson | 32041st | 0.40 | Stern Army - The Tournament fo - 15th | |
22109th | Ryan Monnier | 32042nd | 0.40 | Crazy Martin's March Pinball T - 11th | |
22110th | Anthony Manzitto | 32045th | 0.40 | On Tilt West Hills 2nd Annual - 24th | |
22111th | Tyler Bradshaw | 32047th | 0.39 | Good Timez Bi-Weekly Tournamen - 14th | |
22112th | Madison Wagoner | 32048th | 0.39 | Stern Army APC Spring League @ - 6th | |
22113th | Spencer Kaaz | 32049th | 0.39 | Flip Side Weekly - 31st | |
22114th | Bryan Holt | 32051st | 0.39 | Pinball on Tap - 5th | |
22115th | Kyle Crison | 32052nd | 0.39 | Hoover Pinball Pre-League Knoc - 8th | |
22116th | Debbie Van Fossen | 32054th | 0.39 | December Pinball Tournament - 5th | |
22117th | Alisha Treon | 32055th | 0.39 | SCORING HIGH FEST - 14th | |
22118th | Paul Pipitone | 32056th | 0.39 | The Speakeasy Special at Mum's - 11th | |
22119th | Christina Herr | 32057th | 0.39 | Axecadia Pinball Weekly - 4th | |
22120th | Steve Guenther | 32059th | 0.39 | Co Bar Mounthly - 8th | |
22121st | Chris Reid | 32060th | 0.39 | Monthly Pinball Tournament at - 10th | |
22122nd | Michael Jolls | Boston, MA | 32061st | 0.39 | John Wick Launch Party - Stern - 5th |
22123rd | David Rhodes | 32062nd | 0.39 | Super Secret Pinball Club Best - 16th | |
22124th | Kelsie Reimer | 32066th | 0.39 | Jay's Place Double Header - 33rd | |
22125th | John Cox | 32069th | 0.39 | Max Match Play at Next Level - 7th | |
22126th | Somboune Keophetlasy | 32071st | 0.39 | 2022 - 2023 Buffalo Pinball Le - 15th | |
22127th | Ryan Peters | 32072nd | 0.39 | Salted Galax-Sea Cows - 20th | |
22128th | Pants Haidar | Charlotte, NC | 32073rd | 0.39 | Pappi's Blue Ribbon Target Mat - 21st |
22129th | Patrick Anderson | 32074th | 0.39 | First Sunday Strikeout - 20th | |
22130th | Kenneth Hall | 32075th | 0.39 | Ice Box Friday Night Live - 40th | |
22131st | Dan Mitchell | Pittsburgh, PA | 32076th | 0.39 | Pittsburgh Pinball League - Su - 22nd |
22132nd | Mike Baumann | 32077th | 0.39 | Western Mass Pinball League - 21st | |
22133rd | David Shull | 32079th | 0.39 | Flip Side Weekly - 42nd | |
22134th | Alex Kasun | Omaha, NE | 32080th | 0.39 | Beercade December Flipper Fren - 14th |
22135th | Will Martinez | 32081st | 0.39 | Bite Me Bi-weekly - 3rd | |
22136th | Ava Jones | 32083rd | 0.39 | Kidforce Friday Night Knockout - 6th | |
22137th | Larry Ferree | 32084th | 0.39 | One Little (Frenzy) Victory - - 16th | |
22138th | Ty Steinbrook | 32085th | 0.39 | Sunday Strikes at the Lodge - 4th | |
22139th | Kevin Opeirce | 32086th | 0.39 | Stern Army Rush Launch Party V - 38th | |
22140th | Logan McMillen | 32087th | 0.39 | Stern Army - I/O Arcade Bar Mo - 10th | |
22141st | Tim Riehle | 32089th | 0.39 | Glendale Monthly - 14th | |
22142nd | Lennox Shutes | 32090th | 0.39 | Silverball Sunday - 14th | |
22143rd | Vanessa Roraus | 32091st | 0.39 | NWPAS Satellite: Jupitourney S - 23rd | |
22144th | Molly Oconnor | 32092nd | 0.39 | District 82 Flippin' Friday To - 30th | |
22145th | Patrik Downs | 32094th | 0.39 | Stern Army Level 1 Junly 2022 - 13th | |
22146th | Susan Yoder | 32095th | 0.39 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 28th | |
22147th | Bob Morphew | Indianapolis, IN | 32096th | 0.39 | Silverball Shodown Tappers Mon - 17th |
22148th | Michael Hartnett | 32097th | 0.39 | TILT Pinball Bar - August 2022 - 36th | |
22149th | Alex Miller PA | 32098th | 0.39 | River City Pinball League - 28th | |
22150th | Riley Zebrick | 32099th | 0.39 | The Pinball Lounge - 3 strikes - 27th | |
22151st | Fitzgerald Shalese | 32100th | 0.39 | Ghoul Mash Slay @ Nightmare on - 21st | |
22152nd | Lewis Fairchild | 32102nd | 0.39 | Nicolas Cage Face/Off: A Birth - 25th | |
22153rd | Randall Lakey | 32104th | 0.39 | B.A. Start > Last Wednesday of - 5th | |
22154th | Damian Graetzer | 32105th | 0.39 | Thursday Night Strikes! - 29th | |
22155th | Daniel Funkhouser | 32106th | 0.39 | Roanoke Pinball League - Sprin - 17th | |
22156th | lee snyder | 32107th | 0.39 | Penn Skate Monthly - 30th | |
22157th | kevin dalbey | 32108th | 0.39 | Penn Skate Monthly - 30th | |
22158th | Karen Hill | 32109th | 0.39 | Hoover Pinball Pre-League Knoc - 4th | |
22159th | JB Taylor | 32110th | 0.39 | Weekly Four Strike Tournament - 11th | |
22160th | Mr. Phelps | 32111th | 0.39 | Short Saturday Night Scrap @ Q - 17th | |
22161st | David Lazere | 32112th | 0.39 | Queer Pinball Tournament - 20th | |
22162nd | Annie Lyon | 32113th | 0.39 | Queer Pinball Tournament - 20th | |
22163rd | Peggy Lee | 32114th | 0.39 | Queer Pinball Tournament - 20th | |
22164th | Mary Alice Reilley | 32115th | 0.39 | Queer Pinball Tournament - 20th | |
22165th | Aaron Cummings | 32117th | 0.39 | nepl season 31 - 8th | |
22166th | Chloe Essig | 32118th | 0.39 | Fourth Saturdays at Solid Sta - 32nd | |
22167th | Alex Woodward | 32121st | 0.39 | Long Beach Pinball League Seas - 26th | |
22168th | Joe Reeves | 32122nd | 0.39 | April Fool’s Day of Group Matc - 44th | |
22169th | Richard Perez CA | 32123rd | 0.39 | MFPinball Winter Finale 2023 - 39th | |
22170th | Ryan Brunell | 32124th | 0.39 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 11th | |
22171st | Drew Sachenbacher | 32125th | 0.39 | Flip Side Weekly - 40th | |
22172nd | Kode Crandell | 32126th | 0.39 | Atomic Age Modern Group Match - 43rd | |
22173rd | Toby Thacker | 32127th | 0.39 | FSPA Carpool League - 38th | |
22174th | kelly thurston | 32129th | 0.39 | 50/50 Thursday Game Galaxy Wee - 9th | |
22175th | Afton Brunett | Baton Rouge, LA | 32130th | 0.39 | Belles Rouge Sporty Spring Lea - 6th |
22176th | Matt Hohl | 32131st | 0.39 | Another Castle Weekly 3 Strike - 11th | |
22177th | Freddie Rodriguez | 32132nd | 0.39 | The Mighty Ultra Pinball Battl - 12th | |
22178th | Victoria Dovalko | 32134th | 0.39 | Another Castle Weekly 3 Strike - 5th | |
22179th | Sterling Abernathy | 32135th | 0.39 | No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 27th | |
22180th | Ryan Mixon | 32136th | 0.39 | Rad Retrocade monthly July - 13th | |
22181st | Jonathan C. Allen | 32137th | 0.39 | LakeSide Pinball Tournament - 19th | |
22182nd | Zerp Hart | 32138th | 0.39 | Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 59th | |
22183rd | Simrun Sharma | 32139th | 0.39 | Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 43rd | |
22184th | timothy vallem | 32140th | 0.39 | PreGreatTaste Three Strikes To - 21st | |
22185th | nathan vallem | 32141st | 0.39 | PreGreatTaste Three Strikes To - 21st | |
22186th | Perry Bates | 32142nd | 0.39 | Silver Ball Sinners Club Augus - 4th | |
22187th | Mary warner | Long Beach, CA | 32144th | 0.39 | Pinball Wizards IFPA League at - 20th |
22188th | Evan Roa | 32145th | 0.39 | Tueday PinBrawl Matchplay pinb - 30th | |
22189th | Peggy Beck | 32147th | 0.39 | Blainbrook Matchplay - 29th | |
22190th | Molly Fields | 32148th | 0.39 | NEPL Season 29 - Funspot - 6th | |
22191st | Denise Mez | 32149th | 0.39 | Reboot 3 Strikes Tournament - 14th | |
22192nd | Tyler Oram | 32150th | 0.39 | Thursday Night Strikes! - 12th | |
22193rd | Frederick Phillips | 32151st | 0.39 | I Need a Thanksgiving Miracle - 17th | |
22194th | Kevin Lambert | 32152nd | 0.39 | Hangar Pinball’s Drive to Supe - 42nd | |
22195th | Quinn Weinzapfel | 32153rd | 0.39 | Reclaim Arcade December Matchp - 32nd | |
22196th | Peter Lawson | 32154th | 0.39 | Kiitos Fall Harvest Tourney Se - 11th | |
22197th | David Ngo | 32156th | 0.39 | Sunday Strikes @ Black Rose Bl - 14th | |
22198th | Shawn Bailey | 32159th | 0.39 | Flip Side Weekly - 34th | |
22199th | Kerry Waldbauer | 32160th | 0.39 | 3rd Tuesday at East Tennessee - 17th | |
22200th | John Ellis | 32161st | 0.39 | FSPA Carpool League - 56th |