Country Rankings for United States

This country has 41,645 players active in the rankings system.

Country Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
22201st Bennett Fontaine 32162nd 0.39 The Super Ball - 35th
22202nd Caleb Lubarsky 32163rd 0.39 Silverball Sunday at SingleCut - 10th
22203rd Derek Harrison 32164th 0.39 International Women’s Day Ping - 25th
22204th Adam Clingensmith 32165th 0.39 MST JAWS Launch Party - 16th
22205th Dana Boisvert 32166th 0.39 Tycoon Arcade Amazing Race Tou - 16th
22206th Matt Hodkiewicz 32167th 0.39 District 82 Flippin' Friday To - 11th
22207th Jacob V 32172nd 0.39 Legends arcade weekly Stern Ar - 2nd
22208th Jared Rabinowitz 32173rd 0.39 Arcade Legacy's Thursday Throw - 37th
22209th Nick Gay 32175th 0.39 PBJ Monthly Knockout - 11th
22210th Carissa Boesch 32176th 0.39 Columbia Pinball League - 31st
22211th Amanda Nuchia 32177th 0.39 Wormhole Monthly 4X - 48th
22212th Daniel Reck 32179th 0.39 90s Bash - 33rd
22213th Graham Rue 32180th 0.39 PBJ League Winter 2024 - 25th
22214th Tom Storrs 32181st 0.39 PBJ League Winter 2024 - 25th
22215th Amber Wada 32182nd 0.39 Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 46th
22216th Charles Pepper 32183rd 0.39 Game On! Pinball Monthly Tourn - 4th
22217th Kris Nagel 32184th 0.39 Hot Rod Arcade Third Thursday - 11th
22218th Dimitrai Cabell 32185th 0.39 First Sunday Strikeout - John - 25th
22219th Ann Nicely 32186th 0.39 Pinball Asylum & Five Sun Char - 24th
22220th Mark Segelquist 32189th 0.39 Pinballs Plus League - 10th
22221st Candice Smith 32191st 0.39 Tuesday PinBrawl pinball tourn - 30th
22222nd Wes Aldridge 32192nd 0.39 Last Wednesday of the Month To - 10th
22223rd Amber Laurent 32193rd 0.39 Inclined to Play Reno/Tahoe Fr - 13th
22224th Alexis O'Donoghue 32194th 0.39 Father's day Flip out! - 14th
22225th Finn Kelly 32195th 0.39 Pinville 2 - 35th
22226th Hunter Schaumloffel 32196th 0.39 Electric Bat Tuesday Night Lea - 109th
22227th Robert Harrell 32197th 0.39 Weeknight Pinball at My Parent - 9th
22228th Paige hamming 32199th 0.39 Add-a-Ball Weekly - 12th
22229th Pam G 32200th 0.39 SBSC August - Sugar House - 26th
22230th Ron Calderone 32201st 0.39 Stern Army John Wick Launch Pa - 41st
22231st Patrick Donovan 32204th 0.39 Alamo City Summer Series #4 - - 17th
22232nd John Steimel 32208th 0.39 Atomic Pinball Stern Army Last - 24th
22233rd Rachel Perry 32212th 0.39 I/O Monthly Heads-Up tourney! - 26th
22234th Willow Cravens 32213th 0.39 PSL Flip Back 2024: Charity To - 55th
22235th Ben Hendricks 32215th 0.39 September Stern Army monthly p - 11th
22236th Ben Freedkin 32216th 0.39 Space City Pinball: Luckboxes - 28th
22237th Matt wiggins 32217th 0.39 Space City Pinball: Luckboxes - 28th
22238th Jahbari Akua 32218th 0.39 The Afterparty - Season 5 - 21st
22239th Ari Oakley JR 32219th 0.39 Chui's World Famous Bounty Kno - 36th
22240th Henry Popelars 32221st 0.39 D82 Flippin' Friday Tournament - 29th
22241st Roy Price 32222nd 0.39 “R” Pinball - Round Robin - 7th
22242nd Patrick Weeks 32223rd 0.39 RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 23rd
22243rd Russ Kelley 32224th 0.39 Stern Army Uncanny X-Men Launc - 18th
22244th Burton MacDonald 32225th 0.39 OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 9th
22245th Katie Pupillo 32226th 0.39 Paranormal Pinball Party - 11th
22246th Jay Stengel 32227th 0.39 Glow In The Park Oshkosh / Ste - 10th
22247th Dj Quimby 32228th 0.39 Capital Pinball Metallica Laun - 13th
22248th Katie Batchelor 32229th 0.39 Rewind Pinball League Season 4 - 11th
22249th Zach Gossett O\'Fallon, MO 32235th 0.39 SLAP-Red Fish Blue Fish Fall 2 - 21st
22250th John Baldwin 32236th 0.39 Free Play Florida 2024 - Main - 97th
22251st Chris Olson OR 32239th 0.39 Match Play at Next Level - 24th
22252nd Brian Magness 32240th 0.39 Iron City Pinball League - 54th
22253rd Brian cantrell 32241st 0.39 Racine Flippers December Tourn - 24th
22254th Steve Hall 32242nd 0.39 Bainbridge Wednesday Weekly St - 4th
22255th Bridgett Fronabarger 32243rd 0.39 The Lazarus Fall League - 14th
22256th Tori Danger Holyoke, MA 32244th 0.39 Festivus Flipout - 39th
22257th Dennis Smoke 32245th 0.39 Pappi's Blue Ribbon Target Mat - 33rd
22258th Grant Goldtooth 32246th 0.39 3 Strike Knockout @ Lauter Hau - 6th
22259th J K 32247th 0.39 Houndstooth Wednesday Night We - 21st
22260th Daniel Flanagan 32248th 0.39 Hangar Pinball's Target Reeder - 18th
22261st Alicia Griffin 32249th 0.39 2025 Stern Army FWP Wizards Wo - 38th
22262nd Andrew Lentz 32251st 0.39 Madcap Brew Co Tuesday League - 13th
22263rd Eddie Escobar 32253rd 0.39 Stern Army Foo Fighter's Launc - 7th
22264th Bob Baranek 32254th 0.39 FSPA MOM's Organic Pinball Lea - 29th
22265th Monica Smith 32255th 0.39 John Wick Launch Party Knockou - 5th
22266th Sarah Grimm 32256th 0.39 PinRanch MatchPlay, Glitter Ma - 46th
22267th Cindy Sorola 32257th 0.39 Wormhole Monday Max Matchplay - 21st
22268th Jill Foshay 32258th 0.39 Aero Club/Dyno Bar Monthly - 25th
22269th Jack Macejko 32259th 0.39 Stern Army – Fear and Tremblin - 10th
22270th Cheryl Holtman 32260th 0.39 Dirt City Pinball Dec Strikes - 14th
22271st Craig Minton 32261st 0.39 Main Street Pinball 1st Thursd - 13th
22272nd Jimmy Larson 32263rd 0.39 Ronnie Raygun's Friday Night K - 2nd
22273rd Adam Borner 32264th 0.39 Galloping Ghost Flip Frenzy! - - 29th
22274th Tucker Hall 32266th 0.39 No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 14th
22275th Joy Benson 32268th 0.39 904 Pinball Stern Army Battle - 4th
22276th Layla Antlitz 32269th 0.39 Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 28th
22277th Brennan Rise 32270th 0.39 Mid-Summer Points Grab! - 18th
22278th Trent Oliver 32272nd 0.39 Georgia Pinball Open '22 - 22nd
22279th Olivia Birmingham 32273rd 0.39 Space City Pinball: Three Stri - 19th
22280th Jeremy Babski 32274th 0.39 River City Pinball League - 26th
22281st Cullin Johns 32275th 0.39 Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 12th
22282nd James Wuolukka 32277th 0.39 Nudged Underground Flipper Fre - 14th
22283rd Ashley Land 32279th 0.39 The Speakeasy Special at Spark - 24th
22284th Chris Hart 32280th 0.39 Sanctum Weekly Tournament - 18th
22285th Joshua Harris NC 32281st 0.39 Triangle Pinball League - 25th
22286th Theresa Hyland 32283rd 0.39 Flippin' At The Bird - Friday - 10th
22287th Jeremiah Brantner 32284th 0.39 Nate King’s Royal Rumble - 11th
22288th Sawyer Williams 32285th 0.39 People's Pinball Party @ Lyman - 21st
22289th Michael Webermann 32286th 0.39 MOM's Summer Bounty Picker Upp - 39th
22290th Morgan Munson 32287th 0.39 Thad's Pinball Wizard Challeng - 27th
22291st Matthew Tyler 32290th 0.39 Ocelot Pinball League - 44th
22292nd Peter Hutcheon 32291st 0.39 RALLY AT THE ALLEY PINBALL TOU - 14th
22293rd JB Bryant 32292nd 0.39 Glass City Pinball at HEAVY - 2nd
22294th Mj Hilker 32294th 0.39 Toledo Pinball @ Wild Side Dow - 5th
22295th John Lamb MO 32296th 0.39 Murphy's Three Strike Thursday - 10th
22296th Kevin Brumfield Columbia, SC 32298th 0.38 Granby Grill Wednesday Pinball - 13th
22297th Patrick Sullivan 32299th 0.38 Long Beach Pinball League - 7th
22298th Doug Lucy 32300th 0.38 Dominion Pinball League - 23rd
22299th Ricardo Rodriguez 32301st 0.38 Tuesday PinBrawl: Target match - 10th
22300th Sarah Oberender 32302nd 0.38 Georgetown Pizza & Arcade New - 18th