Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,645 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
22301st | JT Tellier | Charlotte, NC | 32303rd | 0.38 | Player 1 up Weekly four strike - 22nd |
22302nd | Brian Nesmith | 32304th | 0.38 | Pinsomniacs Pinball Stern Army - 20th | |
22303rd | Joshua Morris | 32305th | 0.38 | NEW YEARS!! (feat. The Kennedy - 34th | |
22304th | Ashley Cabrera | Omaha, NE | 32306th | 0.38 | Beercade November Matchplay To - 10th |
22305th | Aaron Hamby | Owasso, OK | 32307th | 0.38 | Hangar Pinball's 3 Strike Knoc - 16th |
22306th | Jody Robbins | 32308th | 0.38 | Nicolas Cage Face/Off: A Birth - 31st | |
22307th | Gabe Maxwell | 32310th | 0.38 | Foo Fighters Launch Party at C - 14th | |
22308th | Unknown #1 | 32311th | 0.38 | Blainbrook Matchplay - 30th | |
22309th | josh pilger | 32312th | 0.38 | West County Pinball Pirate Par - 10th | |
22310th | Daniel Brisco | 32313th | 0.38 | Rad Retrocade monthly July - 21st | |
22311th | Jasmine George | 32315th | 0.38 | TPL Season 3 Fair Strike - 14th | |
22312th | Mike lynch | 32316th | 0.38 | Locavore Beer Works April pinb - 11th | |
22313th | Adrian Dipple | 32319th | 0.38 | Lyman's Tavern / DMV Cup - Qua - 31st | |
22314th | Danny Broberg | 32320th | 0.38 | Lyman's Tavern / DMV Cup - Qua - 31st | |
22315th | Michael Ragona | 32322nd | 0.38 | Big Mikey's Pinball Party and - 12th | |
22316th | Peter Abruzzese | 32324th | 0.38 | The Pinball Dudes Tuesday Nigh - 10th | |
22317th | Dante Vricella | 32326th | 0.38 | Sunday Strikes at the Lodge - 8th | |
22318th | Mike Thomas MI | 32327th | 0.38 | Monday Night at The Coin Slot - 15th | |
22319th | Kevin Fitzgerold | 32328th | 0.38 | Midnight Madness! - 75th | |
22320th | nathan olavette | 32329th | 0.38 | Midnight Madness! - 75th | |
22321st | Sam Anneken | 32330th | 0.38 | No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 29th | |
22322nd | Tyrell Frame | 32332nd | 0.38 | White Rose IFPA Pinball Tourna - 38th | |
22323rd | Juno Betters | 32333rd | 0.38 | Tilt'n Tuesday Side Tournament - 38th | |
22324th | Mike Meszaros | 32334th | 0.38 | 216 Pinball-SPECIAL EVENT - 20th | |
22325th | Lizzy Talbert | 32337th | 0.38 | Player 1UP Weekly Four Strike - 10th | |
22326th | Jaeden Newkirk | 32338th | 0.38 | Match Play at Next Level - 13th | |
22327th | Zak Zuvich | 32339th | 0.38 | 8-bit Arcade Toy Drive Tourney - 16th | |
22328th | Terry Downing | 32340th | 0.38 | Hangar Pinball’s Drive to Supe - 44th | |
22329th | John Lopez | 32341st | 0.38 | Inclined to Play Reno/Tahoe Ma - 20th | |
22330th | Miles Walzem | 32342nd | 0.38 | MINIBOSS MULTIBALL - 22nd | |
22331st | Ryan Borger | 32343rd | 0.38 | Lowry Parcade's January Stern - 10th | |
22332nd | Jacob Anderson | 32346th | 0.38 | December Best Game Open at The - 33rd | |
22333rd | Jengis Alpar | 32347th | 0.38 | San Francisco Pinball Departme - 77th | |
22334th | Jim Miller | 32349th | 0.38 | D82 Flippin' Friday 3 Strike K - 8th | |
22335th | Sam Williams | 32353rd | 0.38 | Dojo - 5 Strikes Heads Up - 36th | |
22336th | Adam Gacek | Ann Arbor, MI | 32354th | 0.38 | VFW Pinball Flip Frenzy - 34th |
22337th | Danielle Ohara | 32355th | 0.38 | Clock Chaos - 46th | |
22338th | Sara Louise | 32356th | 0.38 | Stomp 6 Albany NY - 38th | |
22339th | Jennifer Malinowski | 32357th | 0.38 | PPC: September Strikes - 5th | |
22340th | Isaak Cervantes | 32358th | 0.38 | MF Strikes - 18th | |
22341st | Chris Riphenburg | 32360th | 0.38 | Stern Army - I/O Arcade Bar Mo - 19th | |
22342nd | Gary Goldblum | 32361st | 0.38 | Sister Bar Monthly - 7th | |
22343rd | Joseph Carrington | Santa Fe, NM | 32364th | 0.38 | Santa Fe Monthly - 11th |
22344th | Alex Hall MO | 32365th | 0.38 | Benton Parkade December Progre - 26th | |
22345th | Charlie Leonard | 32367th | 0.38 | Maltese IFPA February - 15th | |
22346th | Sean Turley | 32368th | 0.38 | SIlverball Sunday #4 - 8th | |
22347th | Wolf Thorstenson | 32369th | 0.38 | Player 2 GB April Tournament - 7th | |
22348th | James Harrington | 32370th | 0.38 | Airport Tavern weekly - 1st | |
22349th | Ben Pearson | Minneapolis, MN | 32373rd | 0.38 | 45TV Institute of Laughter Cha - 17th |
22350th | Ty Allen | 32375th | 0.38 | Southern-Fried Gaming Expo 202 - 54th | |
22351st | John Robbins | 32376th | 0.38 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 31st | |
22352nd | Julie Morack | 32377th | 0.38 | Tilt'n Tuesdays at District 82 - 70th | |
22353rd | Nate Eccles | 32379th | 0.38 | Blackbird Bar Monthly Tourname - 9th | |
22354th | Katie Westlund | 32380th | 0.38 | Stern Army Coghill's Birthday - 13th | |
22355th | Michael Mann | 32381st | 0.38 | MOM’s Spooky Scary Pinball Kno - 39th | |
22356th | Alexia Klinker | 32383rd | 0.38 | Space City Pinball: Three Stri - 16th | |
22357th | Corey Foulds | 32385th | 0.38 | Balls Of Steel Pinball Tournam - 8th | |
22358th | Mattea Falk | 32386th | 0.38 | Philly Pinball Club Fall 2023 - 24th | |
22359th | Tyler Mosley | 32387th | 0.38 | QCP: Monthly Strikeout January - 24th | |
22360th | Austin Roy | 32388th | 0.38 | NEPL Season 30 - 16th | |
22361st | Bradford Robinson | 32389th | 0.38 | Rants and Raves Pinball Stern - 1st | |
22362nd | Eric Fisher VA | 32390th | 0.38 | PINTOPIA Frenzy April 2023 - 22nd | |
22363rd | Tiffany Lynch | 32391st | 0.38 | Recbar's Weekly Tournament - 35th | |
22364th | Jason Pollock | 32392nd | 0.38 | Full Tilt Arcade - Stern Army - 8th | |
22365th | Quinton Smith | 32393rd | 0.38 | Locavore Beer Works July Pinba - 19th | |
22366th | Holly Shutes | 32394th | 0.38 | Pinball Knights Weekly - 10th | |
22367th | Charlie Geiney | 32395th | 0.38 | Sunday Pinball - 26th | |
22368th | Johana Mercer | 32396th | 0.38 | Colorado Canyon Monthly - 11th | |
22369th | Grace Le Sage | 32397th | 0.38 | SpareMe March Tournament - 14th | |
22370th | Parklyn Davis | 32398th | 0.38 | Kevin Shanus Charity Auction P - 92nd | |
22371st | Rob Erichson | 32399th | 0.38 | Thursday Night Strikes! - 26th | |
22372nd | Kevin Shelton | 32400th | 0.38 | Four Fathers Brewing Pinball L - 15th | |
22373rd | Kimberly Miller | 32401st | 0.38 | Stern Army Uncanny X-Men Launc - 11th | |
22374th | Lance Hollis | 32402nd | 0.38 | Pinballs Plus Silverball Tourn - 13th | |
22375th | J.B. Marple | 32403rd | 0.38 | Bang Back - End-of-League Stri - 32nd | |
22376th | Brad Wessman | 32404th | 0.38 | Silver Ball Sac Pinball Club - - 20th | |
22377th | Morgan Danielson | 32405th | 0.38 | Solar Eclipse of… - Volition & - 14th | |
22378th | Ethan crane | 32406th | 0.38 | The Time Out Pinball Tournamen - 5th | |
22379th | Peter Cornacchio | 32407th | 0.38 | Electric Bat Tuesday Night Lea - 110th | |
22380th | Bianca gomez | 32410th | 0.38 | NWPAS Satellite: Bellingham Ex - 17th | |
22381st | Laura Reiter | 32411th | 0.38 | Pocketeer April Stern Army Mon - 7th | |
22382nd | Rob Rushton | 32412th | 0.38 | Sterlings Win the Wizard - 37th | |
22383rd | merle walleman | 32413th | 0.38 | It's Friday Night, Give Me Elb - 11th | |
22384th | Jake Nelson | 32414th | 0.38 | Thursday Night Strikes - 18th | |
22385th | Chris Russell | 32415th | 0.38 | Mighty Ultra Pinball Battle 20 - 9th | |
22386th | Matt Besonen | 32417th | 0.38 | Kentucky Derby Tourney 2024 - 63rd | |
22387th | Dan Banker | 32418th | 0.38 | Fall 2024 JPA Tournament #5 (F - 6th | |
22388th | Sean Price | 32419th | 0.38 | Reclaim Arcade Monthly Main Pi - 35th | |
22389th | William Cote | 32420th | 0.38 | Big Jim's Barnyard Brawl - 27th | |
22390th | Eric Pee | 32421st | 0.38 | Barcade Detoit Monday Meetups - 19th | |
22391st | Alex Thomas | 32422nd | 0.38 | No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 32nd | |
22392nd | Adalius Ashton | 32424th | 0.38 | Funspot TD Zack’s Birthday Bas - 17th | |
22393rd | Everett Works | 32425th | 0.38 | OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 17th | |
22394th | eliza carter | 32426th | 0.38 | Pulp Fiction/Jaws Launch Party - 32nd | |
22395th | Chris Emmett US | 32427th | 0.38 | DPC Stern Army Launch Party - - 42nd | |
22396th | Sam Gossett | 32428th | 0.38 | DPC Stern Army Launch Party - - 42nd | |
22397th | Micah Krecklow | 32429th | 0.38 | Two-Strike Thursdays - 14th | |
22398th | Ashley Whaley | 32430th | 0.38 | Flip Off! Arcade Halloween Bas - 13th | |
22399th | Elizabeth Gracia | 32431st | 0.38 | Stern Army John Wick Launch Pa - 47th | |
22400th | Jimmy Wilson | 32432nd | 0.38 | Lents Championship #2 - 25th |