Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,635 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
23501st | Sara Bernadini | 34013th | 0.32 | HAPPY PINBALL THURSDAYS - 13th | |
23502nd | Joan Priester | 34014th | 0.32 | SpareMe Stern Army February To - 14th | |
23503rd | Joe Lavin | Somerville, MA | 34015th | 0.32 | Manitoba Pingolf Open - 26th |
23504th | Wescott Waterfield | 34018th | 0.32 | Funspot No More Snow Pinball B - 21st | |
23505th | Raleigh Moore | 34019th | 0.32 | Xul Beer Co Monthly 1st Wednes - 13th | |
23506th | Sofia Richardson | 34022nd | 0.32 | Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 23rd | |
23507th | Eva Fernandez | 34023rd | 0.32 | Pinball Hall of Fame JAWS LAUN - 11th | |
23508th | Matthew Davis KS | 34024th | 0.32 | JAWS - Official Stern Army Lau - 24th | |
23509th | Ethan Farrell | 34025th | 0.32 | Sunday Funday Pinball at Flips - 20th | |
23510th | Chris Meyer | 34027th | 0.32 | Maltese Max-Match Play - 14th | |
23511th | Alec Ratkowski | 34028th | 0.32 | Southland Lanes Stern Army Jaw - 35th | |
23512th | David Hoover | 34029th | 0.32 | Silverball Sundays #8—John Wic - 4th | |
23513th | Anna Larson | 34030th | 0.32 | Levels Flip Frenzy! - 7th | |
23514th | Philip Porter | 34031st | 0.32 | Stern Army Electric City Knock - 10th | |
23515th | Matt Barnes CA | 34033rd | 0.32 | Outer Orbit JAWS Launch Party - 27th | |
23516th | Lorenzo DiStefano | 34034th | 0.32 | Aero Club/Dyno Bar Monthly - 20th | |
23517th | Chris Bellville | 34035th | 0.32 | Funspot Founder Birthday Bash - 27th | |
23518th | Johann Lukas | 34036th | 0.32 | Saint Patrick's Tournament - 19th | |
23519th | Ryan Binrersie | 34037th | 0.32 | Stern Army - Schwoegler's Mont - 20th | |
23520th | Brian Peterson | 34038th | 0.32 | Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 15th | |
23521st | Melody Brisbin | 34041st | 0.32 | ULEKstore's Official Stern Arm - 52nd | |
23522nd | Lincoln Pace | 34042nd | 0.32 | ULEKstore's Official Stern Arm - 52nd | |
23523rd | Matt Dinneen | 34043rd | 0.32 | Beercade 2 March Strike-Out - 25th | |
23524th | Chad Augustad | 34045th | 0.32 | The Pinball Room - Monthly Tou - 10th | |
23525th | Jeff Manning | 34047th | 0.32 | Stern Army Attack from MAWs XI - 21st | |
23526th | Louis hernandea | 34048th | 0.32 | Sunday Weekly IFPA Pinball Tou - 8th | |
23527th | Taylor Witham | 34049th | 0.32 | It's Friday Night, Give Me Elb - 18th | |
23528th | Ira Wiseman | 34050th | 0.32 | Retrocade Weekly Matchplay - 12th | |
23529th | Nick Perry | 34051st | 0.32 | Broken Clock 3-Strike: Stern A - 35th | |
23530th | Aubree Barekman | 34053rd | 0.32 | Arcade Legacy's Thursday Throw - 32nd | |
23531st | Joe Martinez TX | 34054th | 0.32 | Friday Night Feud @ Quasars - 3rd | |
23532nd | Tyler Howard | 34055th | 0.32 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 38th | |
23533rd | David Francis | 34056th | 0.32 | Stanislaus Pinball Thursday - 4th | |
23534th | Clark Ross | 34057th | 0.32 | Mid-Week Meltdown - 17th | |
23535th | Eastie O'Brien | 34059th | 0.32 | Strikes Tourney @ Wrigley Sout - 28th | |
23536th | Markie Gutschmidt | 34063rd | 0.32 | Axecadia Pinball Weekly - 5th | |
23537th | Bill Duerr | 34065th | 0.32 | DPC Presents-Event #3 of the 2 - 64th | |
23538th | Danny Farrish | 34066th | 0.32 | June Thursday's @ Gebhard's Be - 8th | |
23539th | David McFarland | Cincinnati, OH | 34067th | 0.32 | Anderson Tap House - Weeknight - 11th |
23540th | Alex Johnson | 34071st | 0.32 | Player 1UP Weekly Four Strike - 15th | |
23541st | Arthur Hernandez-Diaz | 34073rd | 0.32 | Four TImes The Fun - 32nd | |
23542nd | Edwin Reyes | 34075th | 0.32 | B.A. Start > Last Wednesday of - 9th | |
23543rd | Melissa S. | 34076th | 0.32 | John Wick LE Launch Party - Bo - 24th | |
23544th | Jana Boyd | 34077th | 0.32 | Sunday in Paradise: Flipper Fr - 15th | |
23545th | Kieran Velez | 34078th | 0.32 | Super Abari Gamebar Monthly Pi - 25th | |
23546th | Alison Findlay | 34079th | 0.32 | 1up - Colfax Monthly Pinball T - 32nd | |
23547th | Curtis Brantner | 34080th | 0.32 | Riverside Game Lab: Jaws Launc - 15th | |
23548th | Donna Rhoads | 34081st | 0.32 | Nov 19th Tournament @ Acme Pie - 9th | |
23549th | Matt Helminski | 34082nd | 0.32 | OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 9th | |
23550th | Roy Batchelor | 34083rd | 0.32 | Monthly Pinball Tournament at - 6th | |
23551st | Halie Gear | 34085th | 0.32 | Austin PinWorks 3rd Friday Op - 20th | |
23552nd | Alex Vaughn | 34086th | 0.32 | Funspot Sir Connery Day - 15th | |
23553rd | Amy Henderson | 34089th | 0.32 | Tycoon Arcade Amazing Race Tou - 10th | |
23554th | Jasmine Rose | 34092nd | 0.32 | Metallica Remastered Launch Pa - 32nd | |
23555th | Katie Nicole | 34093rd | 0.32 | Bat City Monthly Tournament @ - 24th | |
23556th | David Marchetti | 34098th | 0.32 | Asylum Bar + Arcade Stern Army - 29th | |
23557th | Paulo Cisneros | 34099th | 0.32 | Matt’s Tournament Pinball Old - 13th | |
23558th | Jon Zornow | 34100th | 0.32 | The Uncanny X-Men Launch Party - 22nd | |
23559th | adran hernandez | 34101st | 0.32 | Trademarks Brewing Kickoff Par - 27th | |
23560th | Matt Luley | Fort Wayne, IN | 34102nd | 0.32 | 2024 JJP Avatar LE Launch Part - 14th |
23561st | Chris Kennard | 34104th | 0.32 | Flip City Weekly: Wedgehead - 20th | |
23562nd | Hailee Snyder | 34107th | 0.32 | Player 1UP Fall League Season - 29th | |
23563rd | Sam Buckallew | 34108th | 0.32 | Route 66 Event #3: Only the St - 25th | |
23564th | Scott Chapman | Jennings, LA | 34109th | 0.32 | Tilting Turkeys Pinball Tourna - 25th |
23565th | Grace McIntosh | 34110th | 0.32 | Axecadia Stern Army Monthly - 15th | |
23566th | Kai Keeton | 34111th | 0.32 | Free Play Pinball League Seaso - 30th | |
23567th | Sean Dutridge | 34114th | 0.32 | Glass City Pinball @Heavy Beer - 9th | |
23568th | Samantha Couch | 34115th | 0.32 | Free Play Florida 2024 - Amate - 31st | |
23569th | Joyce Calvert | 34116th | 0.32 | SFQPL's HoliGAY Tournament - 32nd | |
23570th | Elizabeth Jessee | 34117th | 0.32 | Roanoke Pinball League - Fall - 27th | |
23571st | David Jonas | 34119th | 0.32 | Northwest Pinball 1 - 15th | |
23572nd | TJ Galati | 34120th | 0.32 | Aero Club/Dyno Bar Monthly - 10th | |
23573rd | Phoenix Gaddy | 34121st | 0.32 | Pappi's Blue Ribbon Target Mat - 36th | |
23574th | Tim Spellman | 34122nd | 0.32 | Kickback9 Holiday Series + Met - 27th | |
23575th | Trashbag | 34124th | 0.32 | Bang Back Freeballin' Friday - - 5th | |
23576th | Frank Cissne | 34126th | 0.32 | Starfighters Monthly - 72nd | |
23577th | Heidi Palsrok | 34127th | 0.32 | Starfighters Monthly - 72nd | |
23578th | Jeremy Searle | 34128th | 0.32 | Starfighters Monthly - 72nd | |
23579th | Holli Martinez | 34129th | 0.32 | Starfighters Monthly - 72nd | |
23580th | Chris Miller VA | 34131st | 0.32 | Group Strikes Knockout at Jack - 13th | |
23581st | Andrew Hutchison | 34134th | 0.32 | Winter Weekly Pinball Tourname - 19th | |
23582nd | Kyle hopkins | 34135th | 0.32 | Muliball Monday at 1-up Lounge - 7th | |
23583rd | John Smith | Fremont, MI | 34137th | 0.32 | Reclaim Arcade Monthly Tournam - 23rd |
23584th | Angie Long | 34138th | 0.32 | Sunday Funday IFPA Pinball @Ca - 6th | |
23585th | James Pringle | 34141st | 0.32 | Space City Pinball: Einstein’s - 11th | |
23586th | Sharday Zachry | 34142nd | 0.32 | Dangerzone Arcade Jaws Launch - 19th | |
23587th | Chris Staut | 34143rd | 0.32 | Bounce Milwaukee's Third Frida - 28th | |
23588th | Nate Lawyer | 34144th | 0.32 | Ashland Pinball League - 13th | |
23589th | Jason Haley | 34145th | 0.32 | 1984 Branson Pinball League - 4th | |
23590th | Kevin Hardin | 34147th | 0.32 | Flippin Balls Super Bowl Pinba - 12th | |
23591st | MIKE RYBA AZ | 34148th | 0.32 | Timed Group Match Play @TISC - 5th | |
23592nd | Kurt Koenig | 34154th | 0.32 | Weekly Wizard - 10th | |
23593rd | Scott Larson | Highland, UT | 34155th | 0.32 | Kiitos Rush Pinball Launch Par - 9th |
23594th | Greg Santone | 34157th | 0.32 | Sanctum Weekly Tournament - 22nd | |
23595th | Sam Stevens | RI | 34160th | 0.32 | Sanctum Weekly Tournament - 9th |
23596th | Natalie Johnson | 34162nd | 0.32 | Enterrium and PSL: Rush Lauch - 31st | |
23597th | Justin Good | 34163rd | 0.32 | Ocelot Summer Flip Off - 23rd | |
23598th | Willie Opper | 34166th | 0.32 | Chicago Sunday Best Pinball Le - 48th | |
23599th | Gabriel Guerra | 34168th | 0.32 | National Root Beer Float Day! - 27th | |
23600th | Clayton Baber | 34169th | 0.32 | Ice Box Friday Night Live - Se - 41st |