Country Rankings for United States

This country has 41,610 players active in the rankings system.

Country Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
25001st Drew Grafton 36176th 0.26 Pinky's Pinball Tournament Feb - 19th
25002nd Michele Hitchcock San Antonio, TX 36177th 0.26 Alamo City (Short) 2024 Winter - 29th
25003rd Melisa Cook 36178th 0.26 John Wick Launch Party - 12th
25004th Nicholas Blair 36180th 0.26 Marvins Pinball League 2023-20 - 21st
25005th Lauren Wilkins 36181st 0.26 Pinball & Pinfalls - 20th
25006th Shawn Habibi 36182nd 0.26 Stern Army JAWS Launch Party @ - 61st
25007th Shelby Burse 36183rd 0.26 Pocketeer Stern Army Jaws Laun - 13th
25008th Erin Coulter 36184th 0.26 Traverse City Pinball League S - 19th
25009th Troy Jaqua 36185th 0.26 Matt’s Tournament Pinball Old - 33rd
25010th Anna Greer 36186th 0.26 Leap Day CLEAR FUNdraiser Tour - 25th
25011th Brian Wolf 36187th 0.26 Pinball Super League: Stern Ar - 73rd
25012th Jess Hellquist 36188th 0.26 Friday Night Fight Club at Bad - 30th
25013th Isabell Holcomb 36189th 0.26 2024 Stern Army FWP Wizards Wo - 41st
25014th Dali Lai 36190th 0.26 HAPPY PINBALL THURSDAYS - 28th
25015th Tyler Holloway 36195th 0.26 Miniboss Multiball - 14th
25016th Clint Nelson 36196th 0.26 Brenna’s Birthday Bash - 18th
25017th John Ypil 36197th 0.26 Stern Army- 3rd Thursdays @ Lo - 16th
25018th Austin Herndon 36198th 0.26 Flip Side Weekly - 45th
25019th Danya Bonner 36199th 0.26 Lewis & Clarkade December Ster - 8th
25020th Laura Matson 36200th 0.26 SBSC September - Sugar House - 35th
25021st Robert lott 36201st 0.26 NWPAS Satellite: Bellingham Ex - 20th
25022nd Spencer Hesseltine 36202nd 0.26 Stern Army - Starbase 120 @ Ta - 24th
25023rd Brandon belcher 36203rd 0.26 It's Friday Night, Give Me Elb - 15th
25024th Jamie Brenneman 36204th 0.26 Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor Sp - 17th
25025th Christopher Caroll-Howard 36205th 0.26 Crazy Quarters Stern Army Week - 21st
25026th Jessica James 36206th 0.26 Crazy Quarters Stern Army Week - 21st
25027th Ernie Cole 36207th 0.26 Mid-Week Meltdown - 8th
25028th Josh Lopez 36210th 0.26 Jackie's Weekly 2024 - 21st
25029th Rachael Hanna 36212th 0.26 Mighty Ultra Pinball Battle 20 - 39th
25030th Adam Chance 36214th 0.26 FLOWOOD TUESDAY MATCHPLAY IV - 11th
25031st Spencer Hastings 36216th 0.26 GAME CHANGER- October STERN AR - 19th
25032nd Krystyna Amaral 36217th 0.26 B.A. Start > Last Wednesday of - 13th
25033rd Conner Suckow 36218th 0.26 Player 1 Arcade 2024 S4 Side F - 8th
25034th Andrew Thompson AZ 36219th 0.26 Dangerzone Arcade League Night - 17th
25035th Leo Kerr 36224th 0.26 The 1st Annual Lents Larry Bir - 36th
25036th Kelly Stoll 36225th 0.26 Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 36th
25037th Chris Crutchfield 36226th 0.26 Flip Off! June Tournament - 17th
25038th Jonathan Soucy 36227th 0.26 2024 Tokens Summer Pinball Ser - 15th
25039th Michael Mandola 36229th 0.26 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 16th
25040th Jacob Dempsey 36230th 0.26 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 16th
25041st Lisa Muderick 36231st 0.26 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 16th
25042nd Cameron Mandola 36232nd 0.26 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 16th
25043rd Lucas Mandola 36233rd 0.26 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 16th
25044th Cassie Erwin 36234th 0.26 Jay & Emily’s Wedding Day High - 22nd
25045th Carly Maliszewski 36235th 0.26 Official Uncanny X-Men Launch - 15th
25046th erick iglesias 36236th 0.26 2024 08 13 madcap strikes - 6th
25047th james ramirez 36237th 0.26 Tilted Housewarming - 11th
25048th Taylor Crawford 36238th 0.26 NEPL Season 32 - Tokens Taproo - 9th
25049th Eli Jackson 36239th 0.26 Backyard Arcade Friday Night L - 9th
25050th Olivia Benton 36240th 0.26 Bad Penny Friday Night Match P - 12th
25051st Samuel Guy 36245th 0.26 Tilted Thunder Pinbrawl - 6th
25052nd Ed Mitchell 36246th 0.26 Add-a-Ball Weekly - 27th
25053rd Freya Damm 36247th 0.26 Mid-Week Meltdown - 22nd
25054th Holly Epperson 36249th 0.26 2DCon Amazing Race - 23rd
25055th Ricky landeros 36251st 0.26 Friday Night Feud @ Quasars - 12th
25056th Donnie Holeman 36253rd 0.26 Decatur Double Down 2024 - 27th
25057th Tim Requarth 36254th 0.26 Stern Army Fall League@Sunshin - 6th
25058th Pres Malinowski 36255th 0.26 Jackie's Weekly 2024 - 23rd
25059th Seth Lomp 36256th 0.26 The Arcade FS Sept24 Group Mat - 6th
25060th Kris hatfield 36257th 0.26 Space City Pinball: Luckboxes - 32nd
25061st Nate Thompson 36258th 0.26 Black Raven Brewing: 3-Strike - 6th
25062nd joy halling 36259th 0.26 Tuesday PinBrawl: Matchpay Pin - 26th
25063rd Joe Dusek 36260th 0.26 Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 15th
25064th Chad Schmitz 36261st 0.26 Milwaukee Flips:Twilight Zone - 27th
25065th Susan Blaine 36262nd 0.26 Morgan's Snowball Bash - 12th
25066th Luci Adamuse 36263rd 0.26 3x and Whiskey at Poison Girl - 61st
25067th Jeevandeep Kaur 36264th 0.26 3x and Whiskey at Poison Girl - 61st
25068th Meg Grguich 36266th 0.26 Year End Classics! - 26th
25069th Dave Peterson 36267th 0.26 Blainbrook Matchplay - 13th
25070th Joe Ivey 36268th 0.26 Flippin Balls Sunday "Flip-It" - 18th
25071st Stacey Powell 36269th 0.26 Fangtastical Frightfully Flipp - 22nd
25072nd Todd Nolen 36270th 0.26 PIN DEATH 6 - 33rd
25073rd Anthony Lozada 36271st 0.26 OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 17th
25074th Alex Wong 36272nd 0.26 The Kickback Craft Beer Pinbal - 33rd
25075th John Grylls 36275th 0.26 Glass City Pinball: Uncanny X- - 21st
25076th Katie Spaulding 36276th 0.26 Das Flipperhaus Monday Night S - 19th
25077th Jess Parsler 36277th 0.26 Stern Army Uncanny X-Men Launc - 6th
25078th Alan Flinders 36278th 0.26 Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 9th
25079th Lindsay Osborne 36279th 0.26 Omaha Pinball League Season 3 - 39th
25080th Andrew Larabee 36280th 0.26 The Arcade's Uncanny X-Men Lau - 24th
25081st Hannah Sutton 36281st 0.26 AHOL Alabaster Hoover Outlanes - 15th
25082nd Roel Ruiz 36285th 0.26 Uncanny X-Men Launch Party @ B - 36th
25083rd Henry Rowe 36287th 0.26 VUK Pinball Presents: The STUF - 35th
25084th Shane Sylvester 36289th 0.26 PSL Flip Back 2024: Charity To - 59th
25085th Carmen Tedeschi 36290th 0.26 SJPL - Weekly Tournament - 15th
25086th Nathan Merrell 36293rd 0.26 Winter Pinball Bash @ Game Ove - 27th
25087th Greech Giraldez 36294th 0.26 Thursday Night Strikes! - 31st
25088th Cathy Houge 36296th 0.26 OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 22nd
25089th Cecilia Elison 36297th 0.26 Metallica Remastered Launch Pa - 32nd
25090th Karina Monroe 36298th 0.26 Pappi's Blue Ribbon Target Mat - 38th
25091st Ray Luna 36302nd 0.26 Weds Evening Matchplay @ Chica - 12th
25092nd Piers McDougall 36304th 0.26 WA State Match Play Tourney - 43rd
25093rd Shannon Evridge 36306th 0.26 Tidewater Pinball League Seaso - 5th
25094th Jerry Bila 36307th 0.26 Crazy Quarters Stern Army Week - 13th
25095th Dan Heutz 36308th 0.26 NEPL Season 32 - Arcadia - 16th
25096th Tom Roth 36310th 0.26 Silverball Sundays #13 - 12th
25097th Greg Hockett 36311th 0.26 April side tournament - 14th
25098th Tonya McCoy 36313th 0.26 Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 26th
25099th Carly Phillippi 36314th 0.26 Tilt'n Tuesdays at District 82 - 78th
25100th Oliver Saunders 36315th 0.26 Bat City Epic Fun Monthly Tour - 22nd