Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,379 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
29601st | Vincent Herbert | 42687th | 0.14 | Blizzard "Polar Plunge" Winter - 39th | |
29602nd | Ember | 42689th | 0.14 | Ground Kontrol Fair Strikes - 25th | |
29603rd | Joel Shauff | 42691st | 0.14 | Craft and Draft Monthly - Dece - 21st | |
29604th | Heather Heard | 42693rd | 0.14 | Main Street Pinball 1st Thursd - 21st | |
29605th | Martin Chelekis | 42694th | 0.14 | 1UP Games Four-Strike 2024 Kic - 13th | |
29606th | David Harrison | 42696th | 0.14 | 403 Club First Saturday Tourna - 38th | |
29607th | Jaidn Warren | 42697th | 0.14 | Space City Pinball: Three Stri - 20th | |
29608th | Aiden Osik | 42701st | 0.13 | Little Shop Of Games Stern Arm - 26th | |
29609th | Genaro Luna | 42702nd | 0.13 | Recbar's Weekly Tournament - 27th | |
29610th | Rachel Madjlesi | 42705th | 0.13 | Match Play at Next Level - 22nd | |
29611th | Randy Rodriguez | 42706th | 0.13 | Friday Night Live at the Ice B - 46th | |
29612th | Michael Waggoner | 42707th | 0.13 | Sunday Night Fights at The L.A - 10th | |
29613th | Chris Kirkpatrick | 42708th | 0.13 | Stern Amy's John Wick Launch P - 17th | |
29614th | Warren Roy | NC | 42709th | 0.13 | Stern Army - Boxcar GSO Pinbal - 4th |
29615th | Mark Andersen | 42711th | 0.13 | PPC: September Strikes - 10th | |
29616th | Matt A. | 42714th | 0.13 | Short Saturday Night Scrap @ Q - 21st | |
29617th | Catherine Gammons | TX | 42715th | 0.13 | Space City Pinball: Three Stri - 23rd |
29618th | Michael Oakley | 42719th | 0.13 | Chui's World Famous Bounty Kno - 40th | |
29619th | Steve Cahill | 42722nd | 0.13 | The Pinball Room - Monthly Tou - 26th | |
29620th | Kevin | AZ | 42723rd | 0.13 | Bluffs Pinball Tournament - 15th |
29621st | Arlene Katzenmeier | 42724th | 0.13 | 1984 Branson Pinball Season 3 - 6th | |
29622nd | Kevin Vogt | 42726th | 0.13 | Token 2nd Tues - 22nd | |
29623rd | Mahalia Hughes | New York, NY | 42728th | 0.13 | Spring Backward MFPinball - 27th |
29624th | Jonah McConaghy | 42729th | 0.13 | Flippin' Friday 3 Strike Knock - 25th | |
29625th | Steve Dean | Baltimore, MD | 42730th | 0.13 | Replays and Wizard Modes at MO - 14th |
29626th | Jaylen Richardson | 42732nd | 0.13 | Arcade Legacy's Thursday Throw - 42nd | |
29627th | Jacob Byrd | 42733rd | 0.13 | Pinball Knights Weekly - 17th | |
29628th | Brett Weller | 42734th | 0.13 | Midtown Thursday Nights - 24th | |
29629th | John Kennedy AZ | 42735th | 0.13 | Stern Army - Player 1 Pinball - 26th | |
29630th | Makaley Shawbitz | 42736th | 0.13 | Flippin' Friday 3 Strike Knock - 25th | |
29631st | Rodney Shipe | 42739th | 0.13 | Stern Army Fort Wayne Pinball - 40th | |
29632nd | Neil Aho | 42740th | 0.13 | Game Vault Tuesday Weekly Tou - 20th | |
29633rd | Missy Tobiason | 42743rd | 0.13 | Blainbrook Matchplay 2022 - 21st | |
29634th | Amber Bein | 42744th | 0.13 | Plymouth Tap Weekly Wednesday - 8th | |
29635th | Joe Tabor | 42746th | 0.13 | The Local - Grand Opening Tour - 16th | |
29636th | Kyle Carmen | 42748th | 0.13 | One Little (Frenzy) Victory - - 21st | |
29637th | Fritz Gelb | 42749th | 0.13 | Bay Area Pinball Association S - 39th | |
29638th | Amanda Irwin | 42752nd | 0.13 | Primal Pinshop 4 Strikes Tourn - 12th | |
29639th | Wayne Pridemore | 42753rd | 0.13 | CP Pinball - March Melee - 38th | |
29640th | Steve Bohn | 42755th | 0.13 | Recbar Sunday Night Pinball Pa - 46th | |
29641st | Deanne Ross | 42756th | 0.13 | DPC Presents - Sh*t Talkers To - 36th | |
29642nd | Bill Hye | 42758th | 0.13 | Golden State Pinball Festival - 131st | |
29643rd | Brooks Harp | 42759th | 0.13 | Godzilla Launch Party in Hunti - 15th | |
29644th | Tom Toews | 42761st | 0.13 | Reclaim Arcade June Tournament - 16th | |
29645th | Rachael Wilson | 42764th | 0.13 | Tuesday Night Pinball at The B - 12th | |
29646th | Blake Bodenschatz | 42765th | 0.13 | September Points Tournament - 18th | |
29647th | William Hickman | 42766th | 0.13 | Have Yourself a Classic Little - 68th | |
29648th | Sam Paradis | 42767th | 0.13 | Granite State Pinball League - 11th | |
29649th | Noah Riess | 42768th | 0.13 | Stern Army Night at the Museum - 13th | |
29650th | Kurtis Kestler | 42770th | 0.13 | Pinball Hall of Fame July Tour - 4th | |
29651st | Mariano Mazzoli | 42774th | 0.13 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 31st | |
29652nd | John Terwilliger | 42775th | 0.13 | First Tuesday Matchplay - 14th | |
29653rd | Jake Knarr | 42777th | 0.13 | ULEKstore's Group Match Play T - 17th | |
29654th | Ken Yates WA | 42781st | 0.13 | Tik Tok's Weekly Fair Play Tou - 12th | |
29655th | Riley Albertson | 42782nd | 0.13 | Stern Army AAIII Birthday Grou - 22nd | |
29656th | Ela Dobbs | 42784th | 0.13 | XXX @ Nightmare on Block Stree - 10th | |
29657th | Carolina Espinales | 42785th | 0.13 | Nudged Underground Flipper Fre - 13th | |
29658th | Sofia Camero | 42786th | 0.13 | Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 13th | |
29659th | Kerry Czubko | 42791st | 0.13 | RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 28th | |
29660th | John Bucko | 42792nd | 0.13 | Stern Army APC Spring League @ - 13th | |
29661st | Anthony Monaco | 42793rd | 0.13 | Scranton Pinball League - 21st | |
29662nd | Miriam Martinez | 42794th | 0.13 | Stern Army - Pin-Golf at Boxca - 7th | |
29663rd | Brentwood Voss | 42795th | 0.13 | Second Saturday Tournament 202 - 9th | |
29664th | Cathy Wong | 42797th | 0.13 | The Pinball Dudes Tuesday Nigh - 14th | |
29665th | Jason Sharon | 42799th | 0.13 | Crazy Quarters Arcade Weekly S - 11th | |
29666th | Zach Mehlberg | 42800th | 0.13 | Stern Army Fort Wayne Pinball - 40th | |
29667th | Josh G Lee | 42801st | 0.13 | Stern Army Fort Wayne Pinball - 40th | |
29668th | Annabelle Dorff | 42802nd | 0.13 | Flip Side Weekly - 24th | |
29669th | Shannon Holliday | 42803rd | 0.13 | Wormhole Monthly 4X - 36th | |
29670th | Harold Kliems | 42804th | 0.13 | CBPL Bond Launch Party! - 25th | |
29671st | Taric Cherra | 42805th | 0.13 | Weekly Wizard - 13th | |
29672nd | Kris Alexander | 42806th | 0.13 | Charity Tournament: Critical H - 16th | |
29673rd | Raeghan Rush | 42807th | 0.13 | Flipper Frenzy at Ironblast - 12th | |
29674th | Jason Carlson | 42808th | 0.13 | Jaws Launch Party at Chartroos - 32nd | |
29675th | Richard Frolia | 42809th | 0.13 | Ocelot Pinball League - 45th | |
29676th | Stephanie Cote | 42810th | 0.13 | 4/20 Harvest Festival Max Matc - 18th | |
29677th | Dennis Ohlenkamp | 42813th | 0.13 | Midtown Thursday Pinball - 20th | |
29678th | Kelly Castellano | 42814th | 0.13 | Pinball on Tap! - 12th | |
29679th | Dan Freeman | 42815th | 0.13 | June Stern Army Strikes at the - 6th | |
29680th | Jen Lawson | 42816th | 0.13 | The Murphy Cup - Benefit For T - 42nd | |
29681st | Bri Libby | 42817th | 0.13 | The Murphy Cup - Benefit For T - 42nd | |
29682nd | Katie Kozizh | 42818th | 0.13 | The Murphy Cup - Benefit For T - 42nd | |
29683rd | Nina Paulso | 42819th | 0.13 | The Murphy Cup - Benefit For T - 42nd | |
29684th | Chase S | 42820th | 0.13 | Barcade Detoit Monday Meetups - 28th | |
29685th | Garrett Burnett | 42821st | 0.13 | Full Tilt Arcade - 4 Player Ma - 17th | |
29686th | Rick Vallat | 42822nd | 0.13 | Super Balls Sunday-Last Padava - 30th | |
29687th | Keenan Smitherman | 42823rd | 0.13 | Dirt City Pinball STERN ARMY F - 7th | |
29688th | Mario Lucchetti | 42824th | 0.13 | Silverball Sundays #5 - 8th | |
29689th | Scott Woodward | 42825th | 0.13 | Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 24th | |
29690th | Mark French | 42826th | 0.13 | Sunday in Paradise: Flipper Fr - 23rd | |
29691st | Eric Parkhurst | 42827th | 0.13 | Game Changer - February Stern - 26th | |
29692nd | Marcus Rodriguez | 42829th | 0.13 | Stern Army - Jaws Launch Party - 45th | |
29693rd | Ted O'Mara | 42830th | 0.13 | Stern Army - Jaws Launch Party - 45th | |
29694th | Jimmy Molek | 42831st | 0.13 | Evil Horse Brewing Monthly Tou - 11th | |
29695th | Kelsey Panek | 42832nd | 0.13 | Jaws Launch Party - 12th | |
29696th | Timmy Marshall | 42833rd | 0.13 | Jaws Launch Party - 12th | |
29697th | John Bunting | 42834th | 0.13 | Kidforce Friday Night Knockout - 16th | |
29698th | Needra Fulk | 42836th | 0.13 | Alamo City (Short) 2024 Winter - 32nd | |
29699th | Eva Ostbo | 42837th | 0.13 | TBD - Volition & Stern Army 3- - 21st | |
29700th | Charlie Boeck | 42838th | 0.13 | Beercade 2 Feb Flipper Frenzy - 42nd |