Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,438 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
33501st | Aaron Burrows | 48136th | 0.08 | Two Plumbers Fall 2024 - 31st | |
33502nd | Scott Gorsuch | 48137th | 0.08 | Flip Frenzy at Next Level - 30th | |
33503rd | Quentin Sharon | 48138th | 0.08 | Crazy Quarters Arcade Weekly S - 14th | |
33504th | Orlando Jiron | 48139th | 0.08 | Bond Release party w/ 291 Dist - 14th | |
33505th | Matt Radack | 48140th | 0.08 | Thursday Night Flips - 19th | |
33506th | Adam Popp | 48141st | 0.08 | New Years Party & PinGolf - 6th | |
33507th | Dane Thomforde | 48142nd | 0.08 | Second Sunday Strikes - 13th | |
33508th | Nick Taylor | 48143rd | 0.08 | JANUARY PINBALL TOURNAMENT - 10th | |
33509th | Tylor Bailey | 48144th | 0.08 | Stern Army - Multiball Monday - 7th | |
33510th | Drew Frank | 48145th | 0.08 | Kiitos Killer Winter Series - 19th | |
33511th | Ben Kaunitz | 48146th | 0.08 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 33rd | |
33512th | Tony Ciarelli | 48147th | 0.08 | Pins and Pints Pinball League - 15th | |
33513th | Stefanie Crubaugh | 48149th | 0.08 | Dangerzone Arcade Weekly Pinba - 11th | |
33514th | Derick Johnson | 48150th | 0.08 | Another Castle Edmonds Weekly - 19th | |
33515th | Kaitlyn Bergstrom | 48151st | 0.08 | PSL Stern Army - Enterrium Mon - 82nd | |
33516th | Ehu Serrao | 48152nd | 0.08 | Good Timez Bi-Weekly Tournamen - 15th | |
33517th | Nekenzie Burrell | 48153rd | 0.08 | Portal Wednesday Flipper Worko - 13th | |
33518th | Zack Duvall | 48155th | 0.08 | Glass City Pinball @HEAVY - 7th | |
33519th | Amanda Miller CO | 48156th | 0.08 | PBJ Monthly Tournament - 19th | |
33520th | bill champlin | 48157th | 0.08 | 216 Pinball-PBS 3 Strike Knock - 13th | |
33521st | Jessica Clements | 48158th | 0.08 | Valentine's Day Massacre @ The - 19th | |
33522nd | Paige Jennings | 48160th | 0.08 | Portal Tap Takeover Tournament - 26th | |
33523rd | John Stovall | 48161st | 0.08 | Another Castle Edmonds Weekly - 17th | |
33524th | Leigh Lowry | 48163rd | 0.08 | No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 40th | |
33525th | Walker Heck | 48166th | 0.08 | Stern Army - Battle RoyALE 49 - 12th | |
33526th | Brad Heines | 48169th | 0.08 | A.P.C. Target Match Play @ Roc - 15th | |
33527th | Kevin spiegelhoff | 48170th | 0.08 | Spring Fling 2023 - 35th | |
33528th | Jennifer Conley | 48171st | 0.08 | Roshambo 4th Sunday Tournament - 13th | |
33529th | Hadley Barnette | 48173rd | 0.08 | NTX Pinball Feb 2023 FINAL FRI - 24th | |
33530th | Harvey Holmes | 48174th | 0.08 | NTX Pinball Feb 2023 FINAL FRI - 24th | |
33531st | Christian Maldonado | 48175th | 0.08 | Back to the Beach! Weekly Stri - 17th | |
33532nd | Jaden Graves | 48176th | 0.08 | Beercade 2 February Flipper Fr - 29th | |
33533rd | Ella Hunt | 48177th | 0.08 | Thursday Night Strikes! - 35th | |
33534th | Luke Farnhan | 48178th | 0.08 | Stern Army Tommy Silver Dollar - 24th | |
33535th | John Potempa | 48179th | 0.08 | Crafted 1979 Monthly Tournamen - 8th | |
33536th | Jason Banning | 48180th | 0.08 | The Pinball Lounge - Three Str - 36th | |
33537th | Darrell Farr Jr | 48181st | 0.08 | 3 Strikes at Das Flipperhaus - 5th | |
33538th | Kevin Franzen | 48182nd | 0.08 | 1up - Colfax Monthly Pinball T - 22nd | |
33539th | Flo Potter | 48183rd | 0.08 | Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 28th | |
33540th | Heather Fromme | 48184th | 0.08 | Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 28th | |
33541st | Heather Logan | 48185th | 0.08 | Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 28th | |
33542nd | Cory Hyatt | 48186th | 0.08 | Tik Tok's Weekly Fair Strike T - 11th | |
33543rd | Emily Purcell | 48187th | 0.08 | Back to the Beach! Weekly Stri - 7th | |
33544th | Chris Widiger | 48188th | 0.08 | SNHPC - End Of Month Knockout - 9th | |
33545th | Branden Dean | 48189th | 0.08 | Happy Pinball Thursdays - 15th | |
33546th | Ryan Hayes | 48194th | 0.08 | Butler Pinball League - Winter - 17th | |
33547th | Penelope Fallaw | 48195th | 0.08 | Fellowship of the Silver Ball - 51st | |
33548th | Eamon Smythe | 48196th | 0.08 | Pins and Pints Night @ 4 Sons! - 4th | |
33549th | Kelsey | 48197th | 0.08 | CRAVE 80s IFPA Sundays - 8th | |
33550th | ryan mitchell mi | 48199th | 0.08 | Toy Story CE target match play - 7th | |
33551st | nicholas stines | 48200th | 0.08 | Toy Story CE target match play - 4th | |
33552nd | Michele Miesner | 48201st | 0.08 | Murphy's On 21 Thursday Winter - 19th | |
33553rd | Bob Schultz | 48202nd | 0.08 | Back to the Beach! Weekly Stri - 11th | |
33554th | Udell Davidson | 48203rd | 0.08 | Long Beach Pinball League Seas - 39th | |
33555th | Genaro Gutiérrez | 48204th | 0.08 | Oahu Pinball-August Tournament - 10th | |
33556th | Barbie Hope | 48205th | 0.08 | Saturday Treehouse Spectacular - 7th | |
33557th | Phil Kraker | NY | 48206th | 0.08 | Silverball Sunday at SingleCut - 20th |
33558th | Derek Parker | 48210th | 0.08 | Midtown Thursday Matchplay - 22nd | |
33559th | Kolin Brun | 48211th | 0.08 | Stern Army Pinball Sunday Fund - 4th | |
33560th | Maureen Strauss | 48212th | 0.08 | Bounce Milwaukee's Third Frida - 31st | |
33561st | Chris Halstead | 48213th | 0.08 | Stern Army Foo Fighters Launch - 34th | |
33562nd | Haylee Sherman | 48214th | 0.08 | The Pinball Dudes 4-Strike Sat - 22nd | |
33563rd | Joseph Dark | 48215th | 0.08 | Flip Frenzy at Next Level - 22nd | |
33564th | Christopher Gensler | 48216th | 0.08 | Flipper Kontrol April 2023 - 29th | |
33565th | Barb Rainville | 48217th | 0.08 | IFPA Strikes Tournament @ “R” - 9th | |
33566th | Brandon Poettcher | 48218th | 0.08 | D82 Flippin' Friday Tournament - 34th | |
33567th | Elena Otteson | 48219th | 0.08 | JUPITOURNEY - 22nd | |
33568th | Jeff Field | 48220th | 0.08 | SGV Pinball League at the Lodg - 27th | |
33569th | Daniel King | 48221st | 0.08 | A.P.C. Target Match Play @ Roc - 12th | |
33570th | Amber Drane | 48225th | 0.08 | Birdies & Bogey's - 38th | |
33571st | Teirsa Bremer | 48226th | 0.08 | Sunday Night Fights at The L.A - 24th | |
33572nd | Samuel Frank | 48228th | 0.08 | ULEKstore's Fair Strike Pinbal - 14th | |
33573rd | Heath LaPrad | 48229th | 0.08 | ULEKstore's Fair Strike Pinbal - 14th | |
33574th | Gray | 48230th | 0.08 | Flippin' & Sippin' @ Reboot - 5th | |
33575th | Doug McFarland | 48231st | 0.08 | Ironblast Monthly Flip Frenzy - 19th | |
33576th | Andy Christoffersen | 48232nd | 0.08 | Stern Army Foo Fighters Launch - 28th | |
33577th | Lisa Phetchamphone | 48234th | 0.08 | Stanislaus Pinball League - 13th | |
33578th | Tynan Kuhn | 48235th | 0.08 | Oahu Pinball-May Tournament - 6th | |
33579th | Barry Thys | 48236th | 0.08 | Oahu Pinball-May Tournament - 6th | |
33580th | Cory Manchester | 48237th | 0.08 | NWPAS Satellite: Tik Tok Clash - 38th | |
33581st | Bling Bling Berry | 48238th | 0.08 | Knub's Pub Monthly Matchplay - 11th | |
33582nd | Nick Ames | 48239th | 0.08 | Stern Army - Multiball Monday - 16th | |
33583rd | Haden McCall | 48240th | 0.08 | 3 Strikes at Das Flipperhaus - 10th | |
33584th | Robbie Keating | 48241st | 0.08 | Zanzabrawl - 8th | |
33585th | Nicholas Raught | 48242nd | 0.08 | HAPPY PINBALL THURSDAYS - 30th | |
33586th | Jonathan Bridge | 48245th | 0.08 | San Francisco Pinball Departme - 81st | |
33587th | Jesse Barrett | 48246th | 0.08 | A.P.C. Pinball Spring League @ - 14th | |
33588th | Brady Scheetz | 48248th | 0.08 | Hoover Pinball June Knockout - 11th | |
33589th | Jackson Walker | 48249th | 0.08 | Stern Army - Foo Fighters Laun - 8th | |
33590th | Jackie Stone | 48250th | 0.08 | Stern Army First Friday at Gon - 29th | |
33591st | Charles Mcmurray | 48251st | 0.08 | Rock House Balls Of Steel Tour - 15th | |
33592nd | Nicholas Weyker | 48252nd | 0.08 | Plymouth Tap Foo Fighters Laun - 22nd | |
33593rd | Aimee Burns | 48253rd | 0.08 | Plymouth Tap Foo Fighters Laun - 22nd | |
33594th | Joe Bryan | 48254th | 0.08 | The Mighty Ultra Pinball Battl - 37th | |
33595th | Tim Winter-Nelson | 48255th | 0.08 | WMPC Weekly Knockout - 22nd | |
33596th | Kerrie Schaefer | 48258th | 0.08 | Two Plumbers Spring 2023 - 29th | |
33597th | Nolan Brewer | 48259th | 0.08 | Recbar's Weekly Tournament - 27th | |
33598th | jim mitchell mi | 48260th | 0.08 | Foo Fighters Stern Army Pinbal - 7th | |
33599th | David Phllips | 48261st | 0.08 | Thursday Strikes! - 34th | |
33600th | Erin Devlin | 48262nd | 0.08 | Foo Fighters Official Stern Ar - 25th |