Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,314 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
34501st | Dennis McConville | 49487th | 0.06 | The Coral - Lyons Township HS - 26th | |
34502nd | Allison Murdoch | 49488th | 0.06 | The Coral - Lyons Township HS - 26th | |
34503rd | Brittany Wood-Taylor | 49491st | 0.06 | RLM Amusements Weekly Pinball - 24th | |
34504th | Tobin Schlesinger | 49493rd | 0.06 | Lassen Pinball League - 6th | |
34505th | Antony Stifter | 49494th | 0.06 | Stern Army Rush Pinball Launch - 26th | |
34506th | Jim Ace | 49495th | 0.06 | Level 256 Knockout Tournament - 13th | |
34507th | Dennis Ridgeway | 49497th | 0.06 | March Green Bay Tournament - 24th | |
34508th | Iziah Esquivel | 49498th | 0.06 | Glendale Monthly - 30th | |
34509th | Raul Esquivel | 49499th | 0.06 | Glendale Monthly - 30th | |
34510th | Bob Heidt | 49500th | 0.06 | Glendale Monthly - 30th | |
34511th | Ramon Villa | 49501st | 0.06 | GXH Birthday Pinball Party - 28th | |
34512th | Ben Jernberg | 49502nd | 0.06 | Slippery Pig Brewery Tuesday T - 3rd | |
34513th | Allan Wall | 49505th | 0.06 | Jackbar Presents: Thursday Nig - 21st | |
34514th | Mason Wynne | 49506th | 0.06 | DPC Stern Army April Tuesday N - 35th | |
34515th | Joe Bashaw | 49510th | 0.06 | Pocketeer Team League Flip Fre - 13th | |
34516th | Phillip Moore | 49511th | 0.06 | Black Holes and Space Stations - 25th | |
34517th | Evan Massie | Des Moines, IA | 49512th | 0.06 | Pinball De Mayo - 6th |
34518th | Rachel Varga | 49513th | 0.06 | D1 Stern Army May Tournament 5 - 8th | |
34519th | Clint Barnes | 49514th | 0.06 | Hangar Pinball Wednesday Night - 14th | |
34520th | Stefani Alvarez | 49517th | 0.06 | Player 1 Arcade Monthly - 23rd | |
34521st | Angel LaVine | 49518th | 0.06 | Swingin' Safari Pinball Tourna - 20th | |
34522nd | Tim LaVine | 49520th | 0.06 | Swingin' Safari Pinball Tourna - 15th | |
34523rd | Matt Reat | 49521st | 0.06 | Ice Box Friday Night Live - 43rd | |
34524th | Sarah Schindall | 49522nd | 0.06 | Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 45th | |
34525th | Bekah Gould | 49523rd | 0.06 | Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 45th | |
34526th | Penny Sweeting | 49524th | 0.06 | Match Play at Next Level - 27th | |
34527th | Marc Voorhees | 49525th | 0.06 | Level 256 Knockout Tournament - 19th | |
34528th | David Hamid | 49526th | 0.06 | Flippin' Tues at Fargo Billiar - 4th | |
34529th | Darren Duffy | 49527th | 0.06 | The Pinball Room - Monthly Tou - 10th | |
34530th | Alex LeBow | 49529th | 0.06 | Stern Army at Rock Fantasy - 11th | |
34531st | Kristi Olson | 49533rd | 0.06 | Nordic Brew Pub Bi-Monthly Str - 4th | |
34532nd | Elliot Hom | 49535th | 0.06 | San FranSelfie League - 13th | |
34533rd | Filip Zubatov | 49536th | 0.06 | San FranSelfie League - 13th | |
34534th | Cheyenne Calhoun | 49538th | 0.06 | TNP at the Break #38 - 9th | |
34535th | Shawn Petrunak | 49540th | 0.06 | No Quarter: Weekly Strikes - 33rd | |
34536th | scott tron | 49543rd | 0.06 | League Super Awesome Flipper F - 29th | |
34537th | Malachi Richardson | 49544th | 0.06 | Good Timez Bi-Weekly Tournamen - 10th | |
34538th | michael mcconnel | 49546th | 0.06 | North Mountain Brewing Co. Aug - 35th | |
34539th | Mark Montoya | 49547th | 0.06 | Bite Me Bi-weekly - 14th | |
34540th | Carrington | 49548th | 0.06 | First Tuesday Matchplay - 15th | |
34541st | Cheri Virdi | 49550th | 0.06 | Farewell Flipper Frenzy in Hun - 24th | |
34542nd | Kay Kempin | 49553rd | 0.06 | NWPC Pre-Tourney - The Ice Box - 50th | |
34543rd | Amanda Rose | 49554th | 0.06 | Fall Sling - 26th | |
34544th | Sarah Mitchell | 49555th | 0.06 | Flip Side Weekly - 41st | |
34545th | Charlie KP | 49556th | 0.06 | Quasars FNP 4 Strikes - 7th | |
34546th | Steven LaBlanc | 49558th | 0.06 | District 82 Flippin' Friday To - 13th | |
34547th | John Fitzsimmons | 49560th | 0.06 | Spinners Weekly Nightly - 10th | |
34548th | Spencer Skelton | 49562nd | 0.06 | Barcade Detroit Weekly - 8th | |
34549th | Levi Pollion | 49563rd | 0.06 | Northside Occam's Razor Four S - 31st | |
34550th | Brady Higgins | 49564th | 0.06 | Summer Camp League :: Bang Bac - 15th | |
34551st | Cassie Scruggs | 49566th | 0.06 | Flip Side Weekly - 28th | |
34552nd | Chris Rahauiser | 49567th | 0.06 | RGC Pinball Tournament sponsor - 17th | |
34553rd | T.O Massey | 49568th | 0.06 | RGC Pinball Tournament sponsor - 16th | |
34554th | Garth Swimm | 49569th | 0.06 | Token 3 Strike - 6th | |
34555th | Christian Bauer | 49570th | 0.06 | Token 3 Strike - 6th | |
34556th | Vinnie Veanetti | 49572nd | 0.06 | Expo '22 INSIDER CONNECTED Aft - 21st | |
34557th | Milo VanDynHoven | 49573rd | 0.06 | District 82 Flippin' Friday To - 17th | |
34558th | Shaun Wong | 49575th | 0.06 | Portal Wednesday Flipper Worko - 16th | |
34559th | Brian Hale | 49576th | 0.06 | Locavore Beer Works Oct. Pinba - 10th | |
34560th | Beth Kanofsky | 49577th | 0.06 | FSF Presents-Fangtastical Frig - 11th | |
34561st | Teo Fisher | 49578th | 0.06 | Spooktacular Pin Tourney - 9th | |
34562nd | Julien Hebert | 49579th | 0.06 | Spooktacular Pin Tourney - 9th | |
34563rd | Christian Prieto | 49580th | 0.06 | Glitch Bar Monthly Flip off - - 22nd | |
34564th | Rick Rogers | 49581st | 0.06 | Beachwood Brewery's Ballroom B - 9th | |
34565th | Joe Icardis | 49582nd | 0.06 | Stern Army - Logan Arcade Mont - 12th | |
34566th | Rachel McLaughlin | 49583rd | 0.06 | Super Abari Selfie Showdown Ja - 13th | |
34567th | Alex Bodenheimer | 49585th | 0.06 | D1 Stern Army November Tournam - 8th | |
34568th | Victoria Moushon | 49586th | 0.06 | Stern Army T.N.T- 3 Strikes @ - 7th | |
34569th | Shaylee Kimmel | 49587th | 0.06 | Stern Army Fort Wayne Pinball - 48th | |
34570th | Charlie Szotkiewicz | 49589th | 0.06 | Delaware Pinball Collective 20 - 24th | |
34571st | Nelson Heuer | 49594th | 0.06 | The Rad Replay Series #4 - 17th | |
34572nd | Leisa Bauman | 49595th | 0.06 | Arcadia Week-Old Leftovers Wed - 20th | |
34573rd | Bill Ick | 49596th | 0.06 | Pinball Hall of Fame - Novembe - 4th | |
34574th | Aidan Plummer | 49597th | 0.06 | Tuesday PinBrawl: Target match - 18th | |
34575th | Owen Hamric | 49598th | 0.06 | Pinky's Pinball Tournament #5 - 17th | |
34576th | Travis Kelley | 49599th | 0.06 | BANG BACK PINBALL HALLOWEEN :: - 19th | |
34577th | Matte Anderson | 49601st | 0.06 | December Pinpocalypse: Inglori - 20th | |
34578th | Jack Thomas | 49602nd | 0.06 | SJPL Weekly Tournament - 7th | |
34579th | Wende Sitcer | Richmond, VA | 49603rd | 0.06 | PINTOPIA Frenzy February 2023 - 24th |
34580th | Nick Wold MN | 49606th | 0.06 | Last Chance at Lukies - Classi - 26th | |
34581st | Paul Rubin | 49607th | 0.06 | Saturday at Silverball - 47th | |
34582nd | Cameron Fromm | 49608th | 0.06 | Red Hat Pins First Friday Janu - 31st | |
34583rd | Madi Hurley | 49609th | 0.06 | JANUARY PINBALL TOURNAMENT - 13th | |
34584th | Garek Carmona | 49610th | 0.06 | Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 22nd | |
34585th | Ayla | 49611th | 0.06 | Cbar Monthly Brewers Series - 34th | |
34586th | Jack Valerio | 49612th | 0.06 | Tuesday PinBrawl: Target match - 27th | |
34587th | Levi Castle | 49613th | 0.06 | Tuesday PinBrawl: Target match - 27th | |
34588th | Kristyn Holmes | 49614th | 0.06 | Stern Army- 3rd Thursdays @ Lo - 14th | |
34589th | Ivan Lebets | 49615th | 0.06 | Slap Happy's Inaugural Pin-Gol - 39th | |
34590th | Blair Matteson | 49619th | 0.06 | PSL Stern Army - Enterrium Mon - 83rd | |
34591st | Leanna Davis | 49620th | 0.06 | Bumpernets presents: Saturday - 11th | |
34592nd | Ruger Allen | 49621st | 0.06 | Beercade Jr. February Strikeou - 13th | |
34593rd | Beans | 49622nd | 0.06 | Beercade Jr. February Strikeou - 13th | |
34594th | Stacey Harris | 49623rd | 0.06 | OddPitch Brewing Sunday Tourna - 8th | |
34595th | Bo McKnight | 49624th | 0.06 | Santa Fe Monthly - 21st | |
34596th | Carlos Cisneros | 49626th | 0.06 | Pinball in Pelham V Friday Nig - 35th | |
34597th | Carlo Champagne | 49627th | 0.06 | player 2 gb february tournamen - 19th | |
34598th | Christopher Kadar | 49628th | 0.06 | 007 Launch Party at Ficklewood - 11th | |
34599th | Chris Koehnlein | 49629th | 0.06 | The Pinball Place: March Madne - 7th | |
34600th | Beth Montville | 49630th | 0.06 | Barcade Detroit Weekly - 16th |