Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,292 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
37201st | Aila Dismore | 53140th | 0.04 | Emporium Oakland Tournament - 17th | |
37202nd | Ethan webb | 53143rd | 0.04 | BALLS OF STEEL LVL UP PIZZA AR - 15th | |
37203rd | John Ensley | 53144th | 0.04 | BALLS OF STEEL LVL UP PIZZA AR - 15th | |
37204th | Derrin Doty | 53145th | 0.04 | Kitsap Monthly Matchplay - Ano - 28th | |
37205th | Eg Bert | 53146th | 0.04 | Transmission Arcade / February - 14th | |
37206th | Amanda Gunn | 53147th | 0.04 | Edmond Showdown 2 - 35th | |
37207th | Tony Denaro | 53149th | 0.04 | Stern Army at Rock Fantasy - 23rd | |
37208th | Dana Filsinger | 53150th | 0.04 | Jackbar Presents: Thursday Nig - 26th | |
37209th | Tim Podgorny | 53152nd | 0.04 | Crafted Monthly Tournament - 8th | |
37210th | Arren Gottloeb | 53155th | 0.04 | Tuesday PinBrawl: Target match - 37th | |
37211th | Alyssa Griffith | 53156th | 0.04 | The Level Two Pinball Title Be - 29th | |
37212th | Davis Miner | 53157th | 0.04 | Portal Wednesday Flipper Worko - 15th | |
37213th | Andy Anglin | 53160th | 0.04 | Happy Pinball Thursdays - 8th | |
37214th | Mirko Vallderuten | 53161st | 0.04 | Glitch Bar - Amateur Pinball T - 10th | |
37215th | Amber Hanlon | 53163rd | 0.04 | League Super Awesome - 53rd | |
37216th | mickey whitford | 53167th | 0.04 | Collision Bend IFPA 3 strike w - 17th | |
37217th | Thomas Bluhm | 53169th | 0.04 | Flippin' Friday Knockout - 8th | |
37218th | Mick Taylor | 53170th | 0.04 | Matt’s Thursday Pinball Coasta - 11th | |
37219th | Lane Kneedler | 53171st | 0.04 | Santa Fe Monthly - 29th | |
37220th | Hugh MacAlister | 53172nd | 0.04 | Emporium Hi-Scorium - 18th | |
37221st | Marcus | 53173rd | 0.04 | MI Flippers @ A2 Pinball Pete' - 17th | |
37222nd | Cooper Kehoe | 53174th | 0.04 | Space City Pinball: NASA Strik - 12th | |
37223rd | lisa bond | 53175th | 0.04 | Toy Story CE target match play - 9th | |
37224th | Em Lang | 53177th | 0.04 | Bearcade Tuesday Pinbrawl - 11th | |
37225th | Kelsie Williams | 53178th | 0.04 | Admiral Pub Monthly Matchplay - 30th | |
37226th | David Read | 53179th | 0.04 | Admiral Pub Monthly Matchplay - 30th | |
37227th | DJ Lukrich | 53181st | 0.04 | Back to the Beach! Weekly Stri - 14th | |
37228th | Gabriel Cynowicz | 53182nd | 0.04 | Little Shop Of Games Stern Arm - 41st | |
37229th | Calin Badea | 53183rd | 0.04 | Another Castle Edmonds Weekly - 29th | |
37230th | Helen Grubb | Sylvania, OH | 53184th | 0.04 | GlassCityPinball at HEAVY - 4th |
37231st | Becca Doppler | 53186th | 0.04 | Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 11th | |
37232nd | Mark Lehman | 53187th | 0.04 | Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 10th | |
37233rd | John Sumner | 53188th | 0.04 | Murrells Inlet Pinheads Monthl - 10th | |
37234th | Justin Weidler | 53189th | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Launch Party at C - 4th | |
37235th | Matt Yourkin | 53190th | 0.04 | Dangerzone Arcade Weekly Pinba - 10th | |
37236th | Lani Fosher | 53191st | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Launch Party - 18th | |
37237th | Joe Hohmann | 53193rd | 0.04 | Carpool Foo Fighters Launch Pa - 32nd | |
37238th | Fred Lincecum | 53194th | 0.04 | BDD's Birthday Bash - 13th | |
37239th | Paul An | 53195th | 0.04 | Back to the Beach! Weekly Stri - 12th | |
37240th | Kaylen Merritt | 53197th | 0.04 | Pinball Jones Winter League 20 - 31st | |
37241st | Tobin Flynn | 53199th | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Launch Party at K - 14th | |
37242nd | Mack Peters | 53200th | 0.04 | Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 11th | |
37243rd | Leanne Hellstern | 53201st | 0.04 | Flip City Weekly: Slingshot Lo - 28th | |
37244th | Bill Mourer | 53202nd | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Launch Party at A - 26th | |
37245th | Ross Olsen | 53203rd | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Launch Party - 17th | |
37246th | Thomas Atherton | 53204th | 0.04 | may pinball tournament - 16th | |
37247th | Mike Mancuso | 53205th | 0.04 | Hardflips @ Yetee Station - Ta - 13th | |
37248th | Joe Giannosa | 53206th | 0.04 | 3 Strikes at Das Flipperhaus - 11th | |
37249th | Desmund Skeele | 53207th | 0.04 | Stern Army - Official Foo Figh - 16th | |
37250th | Kathie Kelly | 53208th | 0.04 | Sanctum Weekly Tournament - 28th | |
37251st | Tim Ahern | 53209th | 0.04 | Tuesday PinBrawl: Matchplay To - 42nd | |
37252nd | A.J. Boyer | 53211th | 0.04 | RCMP May 2023 Tournament - 20th | |
37253rd | Braden Lawrence | 53212th | 0.04 | Button Mash Monthly Bash - 16th | |
37254th | Scott Boettger | 53214th | 0.04 | Madcap Foo Fighters Launch Par - 28th | |
37255th | Teresa Jones | 53215th | 0.04 | Stern Army Boot Camp FWA Pinba - 24th | |
37256th | Amanda Bradford | 53216th | 0.04 | Rad Monthly - 21st | |
37257th | Mark Bolger | 53217th | 0.04 | 1UP Games Tuesday Match Play - 12th | |
37258th | Martha Marsico | 53218th | 0.04 | Wednesday Night Knockout @ Bar - 19th | |
37259th | Will McCall | 53219th | 0.04 | 3 Strikes at Das Flipperhaus - 14th | |
37260th | Sierra Emery | 53220th | 0.04 | Level 256 Knockout Tournament - 18th | |
37261st | Kaden Durkin | 53221st | 0.04 | Back to the Beach! Weekly Stri - 17th | |
37262nd | Micah Durkin | 53222nd | 0.04 | Back to the Beach! Weekly Stri - 17th | |
37263rd | Vanessa Swann | 53223rd | 0.04 | HAPPY PINBALL THURSDAYS - 19th | |
37264th | Mel Garay | 53224th | 0.04 | HAPPY PINBALL THURSDAYS - 19th | |
37265th | Carl Whittington | 53226th | 0.04 | Monday Match Play at the Coin - 11th | |
37266th | Anna McCrate | 53227th | 0.04 | Sunday Pinball at My Parents' - 26th | |
37267th | Todd Bigner | 53228th | 0.04 | Locavore Beer Works May Pinbal - 22nd | |
37268th | Elon Lin | 53229th | 0.04 | Flip Side Weekly - 44th | |
37269th | Dustin Holmes | 53231st | 0.04 | Free Play Pinball League - Sea - 21st | |
37270th | Cole Pennell | 53232nd | 0.04 | 1UP Games Sunday Match Play - 3rd | |
37271st | Bil Vincent | 53233rd | 0.04 | OddPitch Brewing Sunday Tourna - 15th | |
37272nd | Dorian Vincent | 53234th | 0.04 | OddPitch Brewing Sunday Tourna - 15th | |
37273rd | Rebecca Dattilio | 53235th | 0.04 | OddPitch Brewing Sunday Tourna - 15th | |
37274th | Bruce Snyder MI | 53236th | 0.04 | Monday Match Play at the Coin - 3rd | |
37275th | Mike Linnan | 53237th | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Launch Tournament - 16th | |
37276th | Gail Asbury | 53238th | 0.04 | Recbar's Weekly Tournament - 16th | |
37277th | Eric Myers | 53240th | 0.04 | League Super Awesome - 52nd | |
37278th | Casey Rowland | 53241st | 0.04 | Stern Army Foo Fighters Launch - 8th | |
37279th | Nate B (AA) | 53242nd | 0.04 | MI Flippers @ A2 Pinball Pete' - 7th | |
37280th | Trevor Cameron | 53243rd | 0.04 | Ficklewood's Fantatic Flipper - 16th | |
37281st | Victoria Horvath | 53244th | 0.04 | PBS 3 strike IFPA with 216 Pin - 7th | |
37282nd | Michael French | 53245th | 0.04 | Rock House Balls Of Steel Tour - 17th | |
37283rd | Yella Cargen | 53246th | 0.04 | Stern Army at Rock Fantasy - 25th | |
37284th | Tony Spinnato | 53247th | 0.04 | Ground Kontrol Stern Army June - 25th | |
37285th | Nathan Hestley | 53248th | 0.04 | Dollar Ball Mania! - 11th | |
37286th | Amber Arnold | 53249th | 0.04 | The Mighty Ultra Pinball Battl - 40th | |
37287th | Matt Barnes | 53250th | 0.04 | Pinky's Revenge BONUS X Pinbal - 32nd | |
37288th | Emily B (AA) | 53251st | 0.04 | MI Flippers Stern Army Foo Fig - 27th | |
37289th | Michael connolly | 53252nd | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Launch at 20th Ce - 14th | |
37290th | Skyler lacki | 53253rd | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Launch at 20th Ce - 14th | |
37291st | Denise Miller MD | 53254th | 0.04 | Spinners Weekly Nightly - 21st | |
37292nd | Daphne Olter | 53255th | 0.04 | Sunday Funday IFPA Pinball @Ca - 12th | |
37293rd | Steve Altermatt | 53256th | 0.04 | 1up - Colfax Monthly Pinball T - 30th | |
37294th | Rick Brown TN | 53257th | 0.04 | Flip Side Weekly - 41st | |
37295th | Brian Wilson KS | 53258th | 0.04 | Foo Fighters Official Stern Ar - 26th | |
37296th | Ryan Mette | 53259th | 0.04 | SFQPL's Pride Fundraiser for T - 33rd | |
37297th | Monica Sanchez | 53260th | 0.04 | Friday Night Pinball Party in - 23rd | |
37298th | Amanda Berry | 53261st | 0.04 | Pinball at the Post - 15th | |
37299th | Stone Antrim | 53262nd | 0.04 | Pinball at the Post - 15th | |
37300th | Cooper Greenslade | 53263rd | 0.04 | Pinball at the Post - 15th |