Country Rankings for United States

This country has 41,278 players active in the rankings system.

Country Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
37601st Chloe Kobernuss 53671st 0.04 Thursday Night Flips - 18th
37602nd Azerian Buckett 53672nd 0.04 Bounce Milwaukee's Third Frida - 17th
37603rd Rick Rubican 53673rd 0.04 Helicon Open 2022 - Main - 42nd
37604th Missy Prather 53674th 0.04 Gem City Pinball - December Ru - 23rd
37605th Walter Allman 53675th 0.04 Stern Army James bond 007 Laun - 31st
37606th Jamilla Dixon 53676th 0.04 Ice Box Friday Night Live - 24th
37607th Tony Miller 53677th 0.04 LakeSide Stern Army IFPA Pinba - 14th
37608th Brandi Bran 53678th 0.04 Flip Side 2022 Showdown #4 - 31st
37609th Victor Casso 53679th 0.04 Thunderball-Drop:New Year Cele - 35th
37610th Michael Gwynn 53680th 0.04 PinBoggs 2022: Happy New Year! - 16th
37611th Noni Brown 53681st 0.04 Philly Pinball Club Fall 2022 - 20th
37612th Cathy Maurer 53683rd 0.04 Hoover Pinball Pre-League Knoc - 20th
37613th Matt Riddle 53684th 0.04 Red Hat Pins First Friday Janu - 35th
37614th Justin Bercier 53685th 0.04 Nordic Brew Pub Bi-Monthly Str - 5th
37615th Tal Yes 53686th 0.04 Stern Army 007 Launch Party - - 29th
37616th Adam Lowe 53687th 0.04 PSL Stern Army - Enterrium Mon - 85th
37617th Mr. Wolffy 53688th 0.04 CRAVE 80s End of the Year Tour - 3rd
37618th Thomas Alexander 53689th 0.04 Stern Army Attack From MAWs X - 16th
37619th Carlin Feinblum 53690th 0.04 Last Wednesday of the Month To - 14th
37620th Anton Deluca 53691st 0.04 Last Wednesday of the Month To - 12th
37621st andrew hong 53692nd 0.03 Balls in the basement - 6th
37622nd Dathan Ashcroft 53694th 0.03 Public House Pinball: Uncanny - 12th
37623rd James Peterson 53695th 0.03 Full Hearts Arcade Pinball Lea - 10th
37624th Kenny Bourbeau Barnstead, NH 53697th 0.03 SNHPC - Wednesday Night Knocko - 3rd
37625th Chris Barry 53698th 0.03 Token 2nd Tues - 27th
37626th Mike Ryba 53699th 0.03 Max Match Play @TISC - 11th
37627th Corey Stup Louisville, KY 53700th 0.03 Pincinnati Whodey Memorial Mat - 100th
37628th Austin Giles 53701st 0.03 Coindexter's Third-Thursday Th - 11th
37629th Rich Fox 53702nd 0.03 Level 1 Pinball Tournament - 7th
37630th Juliana Leschinsky 53704th 0.03 Saturday at Silverball - 48th
37631st Zivi Weinstock 53706th 0.03 Stern Army Location - BAPA's R - 13th
37632nd Robyn McDole Tallahassee, FL 53707th 0.03 Capital Area Pinball Tournamen - 5th
37633rd Tim Fish New Berlin, WI 53708th 0.03 twisted flippers 4th - 16th
37634th Sarah Falcon Denver, CO 53710th 0.03 1up Greenwood Monthly - 25th
37635th Mike Salisbury 53712th 0.03 Queen Launch Party Tournament - 4th
37636th Mike Maris 53713th 0.03 Silver Ballroom Fall 2021 Leag - 22nd
37637th Kyle Marshall 53716th 0.03 All Valley Championship - 44th
37638th David Parker 53717th 0.03 Royale Rumble Pinball Series - - 22nd
37639th Scott Russell 53718th 0.03 Sicko's summer classic - 19th
37640th Bill Thomas 53721st 0.03 Insert Coin Olympia Presents: - 14th
37641st Noah Klosinski Madison, WI 53723rd 0.03 Mad City Flippers - 11th
37642nd David Polatin 53725th 0.03 Fifth Friday Lights Out - 44th
37643rd Paul Delbalzo 53726th 0.03 Skill Shot Arcade Stern Army S - 10th
37644th Ashleigh Tucker 53729th 0.03 8-bit Arcade Toy Drive Tourney - 24th
37645th Jen Carney 53731st 0.03 First Annual Blue Jackets Pinb - 34th
37646th ron reed 53733rd 0.03 Stern Army Rush Launch Party a - 25th
37647th Brian Brown 53735th 0.03 Rubbin Butts - 21st
37648th jackie cadiente Los Angeles, CA 53740th 0.03 Button Mash Monthly Bash - 7th
37649th joe Shiffler Gladwyne, PA 53741st 0.03 Pinball Gallery Monthly Tourna - 33rd
37650th Mia Hanneken 53742nd 0.03 Triptych Monthly Tournament - 8th
37651st Ryan Richardson 53743rd 0.03 20TH Tuesday Tournament - 6th
37652nd John Collins 53744th 0.03 Tik Tok's Weekly Fair Strike T - 29th
37653rd Tyler Brown ID 53745th 0.03 Stern Army - Pinball At The Em - 9th
37654th Jo Dicarlo 53746th 0.03 Matt’s Tournament Pinball MFP - 12th
37655th Chris Nagel 53749th 0.03 Kamloops Pinbpall League Weekl - 10th
37656th Tyler Bakken 53751st 0.03 Thursday Strikes! - 32nd
37657th Jason McCaw 53752nd 0.03 Tik Tok's Weekly Match Play To - 7th
37658th Ben Avary 53753rd 0.03 WTPA 2022 Series Green Acres O - 8th
37659th Kara Russell 53755th 0.03 Airport Tavern Weekly tourname - 6th
37660th susan ryan 53756th 0.03 Stern Army 3rd Wednesday @Nigh - 9th
37661st Jessica Frechette 53757th 0.03 Brooklyn Memorial Classic - 20th
37662nd Aaron Crawford 53758th 0.03 Zanzabrawl - 13th
37663rd Anne Guzzi Seattle, WA 53761st 0.03 Coindexter's Third-Thursday Th - 11th
37664th Jordan Small 53762nd 0.03 Pocketeer Spring Team League 3 - 35th
37665th sarah wilson 53763rd 0.03 Offical Stern Pinball Rush Lau - 18th
37666th Matt Paavola 53764th 0.03 James Bond Launch Party Strike - 13th
37667th John Simon 53766th 0.03 Riverbluff Brewery Monthly Tar - 12th
37668th Dave Sponheimer 53767th 0.03 Game Vault Tuesday Weekly Tou - 16th
37669th Carrie Crowl 53768th 0.03 CPCS Qualifier #7 - 31st
37670th Anna Moretti Concord, CA 53769th 0.03 Third Sunday Strikes at The Fl - 6th
37671st Chris Daly 53770th 0.03 CRAP Connecticut Rhode Island - 26th
37672nd Nancy Bauling 53771st 0.03 Craft Beer Pinball League Mont - 17th
37673rd Leah Cloughley 53772nd 0.03 February 2022 Monthly Tournam - 18th
37674th David Frey 53773rd 0.03 Pin Brawl - 4th
37675th Janin Robert 53774th 0.03 The Wobble & Gobble Pinball To - 15th
37676th Mike Wade 53775th 0.03 November Scenic City Tournamen - 2nd
37677th Connor Doppler 53776th 0.03 Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 12th
37678th David Dean 53778th 0.03 SJPL Weekly Tournament - 9th
37679th Megan Subitch 53779th 0.03 The Republic Tournament - 15th
37680th Grace Andrews 53780th 0.03 1UP Games Pinball Weekly - 14th
37681st Alex Ellender 53781st 0.03 Stern Army - Michigan Flippers - 12th
37682nd Ron Bright 53782nd 0.03 Pinball Gallery Monthly Tourna - 33rd
37683rd Rick Butkus 53784th 0.03 classics bash - 14th
37684th Logan Hannigan 53786th 0.03 Cleveland Pinball League - Sup - 49th
37685th Dave Wohldmann 53787th 0.03 GPA Thursday Three Strike - 6th
37686th Ken DiFiore 53788th 0.03 Foo Fighters Launch Party at C - 8th
37687th Jim Cummings 53789th 0.03 SJPL Weekly Tournament - 23rd
37688th Sydney Lee 53790th 0.03 Silverball Sundays #8—John Wic - 21st
37689th Sara Wanamaker 53791st 0.03 Play - a - Card at the Haberma - 11th
37690th Caleb Norman 53792nd 0.03 Bumpernets presents: Saturday - 12th
37691st Adam Temkin 53793rd 0.03 October Co-Ed Pinball Tourname - 3rd
37692nd Joshua Danufsky 53794th 0.03 1 Ball to Rule Them All Mk. II - 49th
37693rd Kelsey Blankenship 53795th 0.03 Sunday Weekly IFPA Pinball Tou - 27th
37694th Jim Calciano 53797th 0.03 Pinball Gallery Monthly Tourna - 43rd
37695th Jacob McCalister 53799th 0.03 High Score Saloon Weekly Tourn - 9th
37696th Alberto Weissenberger 53800th 0.03 NWPAS Satellite: Tacoma Showdo - 40th
37697th Tisha Cross 53801st 0.03 Rush Launnch Party & 4 Strikes - 7th
37698th Angel Reyes 53802nd 0.03 Sunday Weekly IFPA Pinball Tou - 12th
37699th Susie Miller 53803rd 0.03 Stern Amy's John Wick Launch P - 33rd
37700th Fernando Bispo 53806th 0.03 Pinball Knights Weekly - 26th