Country Rankings for United States

This country has 41,276 players active in the rankings system.

Country Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
38401st Abbie Pyle 54708th 0.03 Game Gallery ~ July KO Tournam - 6th
38402nd Britney Hernandez 54709th 0.03 MST July 4th BIG BANG Tourname - 24th
38403rd Charles Bush 54710th 0.03 IFPAs at Ray's - 9th
38404th Kirk Graham 54713th 0.03 Player 1 Arcade Monthly - 27th
38405th Elizabeth Mackay 54714th 0.03 Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 8th
38406th Lynn Moore 54715th 0.03 Monday Night at the Coin Slot - 12th
38407th Corrin Gojda 54716th 0.03 Kiitos Spring Sling - 19th
38408th Tyler Beretti 54717th 0.03 Kiitos Spring Sling - 27th
38409th Paul Lewis 54719th 0.03 Colorado Pinball Pub July - Mo - 13th
38410th Xeroeffinchill 54720th 0.03 Retrocade Weekly Matchplay - 20th
38411th Morgan Green-Griffin 54721st 0.03 Thursday Tourney - 20th
38412th Dante Crush 54722nd 0.03 The Basement Pinball Showdown - 14th
38413th Jason Miller 54723rd 0.03 Right Brain Thursdays - 11th
38414th John Smith MI 54724th 0.03 Clubhouse Arcade John Wick Lau - 38th
38415th Nikia Krouse 54725th 0.03 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 29th
38416th Jennifer Mandola 54726th 0.03 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 29th
38417th Nicholas Hudec 54727th 0.03 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 29th
38418th DAN 54728th 0.03 Barcade Detoit Monday Meetups - 28th
38419th Zach Wasserman 54729th 0.03 Toledo Pinball @ The Basement: - 11th
38420th Carter Buddenburg 54730th 0.03 Level Up Summer Pinball League - 19th
38421st Corban Luis 54731st 0.03 Last Wednesday of the Month To - 23rd
38422nd Daniel Keona 54732nd 0.03 Matt’s Tournament Pinball Ext - 31st
38423rd Judah Vendt 54733rd 0.03 Tycoon Arcade Strikeout Tourna - 19th
38424th Lori Eck 54735th 0.03 Andrews Summer Slam Strike Kno - 26th
38425th Charlie Watts 54736th 0.03 Borgata Ballers Jaws Launch Pa - 14th
38426th Clay Reed 54740th 0.03 July Nights Matchplay - 11th
38427th katie sanicky 54741st 0.03 2024 07 16 madcap strikes - 14th
38428th Dustin Miller FL 54744th 0.03 John Wick Launch Party - 9th
38429th Dominic Perry 54745th 0.03 Deric and Matt's Combined 105t - 9th
38430th Barron Moss 54746th 0.03 Main Street Pinball 1st Thurs - 32nd
38431st Linda 54747th 0.03 WAX MOON HORROR HOUSE BALL - 20th
38432nd Linnea Markley 54748th 0.03 Knocked Out July - 12th
38433rd Judas Casanova 54752nd 0.03 Wormhole Monday Max Matchplay - 20th
38434th Matthew Laughter 54753rd 0.03 Retrocade Weekly Matchplay - 20th
38435th Susan Blaylock 54754th 0.03 August monthly @ Geb's - 14th
38436th Josh Blade 54756th 0.03 Friday Night Fight Club at Ba - 16th
38437th Ethan Leinius 54757th 0.03 Rustys Flippin Awesome Pinball - 11th
38438th Francis Fraone 54758th 0.03 John Wick Launch Party - Stern - 18th
38439th Brian Tharpe 54759th 0.03 Token 2nd Tues - 20th
38440th Evan Villareal 54761st 0.03 Thursday Tourney - 22nd
38441st James Givens 54762nd 0.03 Thursday Tourney - 18th
38442nd Silva Adejailton 54764th 0.03 Kiitos Awesome Summer Series - 27th
38443rd Jayden Woodruff 54765th 0.03 Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 8th
38444th Wes Apfel 54766th 0.03 Capital Pinball Parlor Thursda - 6th
38445th Grace Lee 54767th 0.03 CHC Monthly Monday Pinball Tou - 12th
38446th Max Wolff 54768th 0.03 Pinball at Mean Max August Tou - 18th
38447th Robin Miller 54770th 0.03 Happy Pinball Thursdays - 19th
38448th Carl Stump 54771st 0.03 Third Thursday - August Pinbal - 15th
38449th Zach Schlundt 54772nd 0.03 John Wick Launch Party - 20th
38450th Chris Kelley 54773rd 0.03 Zanzabrawl - 6th
38451st Noah Peled 54777th 0.03 CFFC 2024 Tuesday Night Elimin - 20th
38452nd CJ Green Chattanooga, TN 54778th 0.03 November Scenic City Tournamen - 2nd
38453rd Charles Clayton 54779th 0.03 Flip Off! August Group Knockou - 22nd
38454th Blood Moon 54780th 0.03 Flip Off! August Group Knockou - 22nd
38455th Brenda Lupien 54781st 0.03 Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 38th
38456th Zoya Baloch 54782nd 0.03 Silverball Sundays #10--Featur - 15th
38457th Alexis Puerta 54784th 0.03 Public House Pinball Monthly T - 13th
38458th Lee 54786th 0.03 WAX MOON HORROR HOUSE BALL - 10th
38459th Jacob Marshall 54791st 0.03 Silver Ball Sac Pinball Club # - 12th
38460th Yami 54792nd 0.03 Jackie's Weekly 2024 - 14th
38461st Steven Neufeld 54794th 0.03 Rebecca's Flippin' 40th Birthd - 20th
38462nd Daniel Cadwell 54795th 0.03 Jersey Jack's Avatar Launch Pa - 19th
38463rd Evelyn Epperson 54796th 0.03 2DCon Amazing Race - 32nd
38464th Joe Davidson 54797th 0.03 Capital Area Pinball Tournamen - 12th
38465th Nancy Shaw 54799th 0.03 Sept Last Quarter Tournament - 15th
38466th Alex Surmacz 54800th 0.03 Co Bar Mounthly - 21st
38467th Luna Rook 54801st 0.03 Bearcade Tuesday Pinball Tourn - 10th
38468th Thomas Hitchcock 54803rd 0.03 Warm Belly Open - 15th
38469th Bridget Murray 54806th 0.03 Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 16th
38470th Nick Siemer 54807th 0.03 Prime Time Tuesday Tournament - 16th
38471st Razz Rasberry 54808th 0.03 Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 15th
38472nd Ash Granmo 54811th 0.03 Lents Farmers Market Pinball C - 14th
38473rd Mallori Adams 54814th 0.03 1UP Games Pinball Weekly - 13th
38474th Dean Valentine 54815th 0.03 OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 15th
38475th Wes Whisnant 54816th 0.03 Sidetracked Weekly Pinball Tou - 7th
38476th Devin Quigley 54817th 0.03 Three Bull 3-Strike Bi-Weekly - 11th
38477th Zach Kaylor 54818th 0.03 Three Bull 3-Strike Bi-Weekly - 11th
38478th Daniel Johnson MT 54819th 0.03 The Monte 2024- Sundays with J - 12th
38479th Charles Moran 54820th 0.03 LAPL Season 56 Kickoff Mixer T - 33rd
38480th Sabina Junco 54821st 0.03 Wednesday Night Knockout @ Bar - 15th
38481st Sarah Barroso 54822nd 0.03 Boxcar Durham 4th Wednesday St - 16th
38482nd Ari Alexander 54823rd 0.03 Jackie's Weekly 2024 - 32nd
38483rd Dustin J. Schmidt 54824th 0.03 Rack It Up! Thursday Round-Up - 5th
38484th Nanoholly 54825th 0.03 Miniboss Multiball - 11th
38485th Anthony Lund 54826th 0.03 Pinball Knights Weekly - 11th
38486th Lucie Phillips 54828th 0.03 Flip Frenzy at Next Level - 27th
38487th Stephen Westbrook 54829th 0.03 The Arcade FS Sept24 Group Mat - 13th
38488th Janine Erkes 54830th 0.03 Midtown Thursday Nights - 26th
38489th Debroah Hatler 54831st 0.03 It's Friday Night, Give Me Elb - 20th
38490th Tif Simpson 54832nd 0.03 weekly 5 rounds group matchpla - 13th
38491st Mom Simpson 54833rd 0.03 weekly 5 rounds group matchpla - 13th
38492nd Roy Ganucheau 54836th 0.03 Pinball Parlor Players - 10th
38493rd Charlie Ang 54837th 0.03 Solano Pinball League - Season - 24th
38494th Doug Reeves 54838th 0.03 Full Tilt Arcade - Stern Army - 13th
38495th Michelle Vale 54839th 0.03 Bad Penny Friday Night Match P - 18th
38496th Matt Sporleder 54840th 0.03 Pinball Super League: Stern Ar - 67th
38497th Amanda Caito 54841st 0.03 JOHN WICK Launch Party - 11th
38498th Emma Toscani 54842nd 0.03 SeaFeast $1500 Tournament Week - 14th
38499th Bill Frawley 54843rd 0.03 Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 21st
38500th Chris Hood 54845th 0.03 Sweet Union Monthly 4 Strike P - 3rd