Country Rankings for United States

This country has 41,525 players active in the rankings system.

Country Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
38601st Barb Masquelier 55024th 0.03 Dayton Underground Pinball Lea - 32nd
38602nd Jim Martin SC 55025th 0.03 Borgata Ballers June Jackpots! - 17th
38603rd Danny Moore 55027th 0.03 Copeland's Bar and Grill Month - 10th
38604th Isabel Pfeifer 55028th 0.03 John Wick Launch Party Tycoon - 9th
38605th Brendan Conrad 55030th 0.03 Max Match Play Tournament at P - 24th
38606th Molly B. 55031st 0.03 Boxcar Durham 4th Wednesday St - 24th
38607th Braxton Dalton 55032nd 0.03 Midtown Bar Thursday Night Pin - 22nd
38608th Sam Baker 55033rd 0.03 Thursday Night Strikes! - 21st
38609th Ryan Wick 55034th 0.03 Stern Army John Wick Launch Pa - 36th
38610th Jared Ambrose 55035th 0.03 John Wick Flip Frenzy Tourname - 18th
38611th Jeff Goff 55036th 0.03 VGA of WGA Inaugural Tournamen - 16th
38612th David Rabinowitz 55037th 0.03 CFFC 2024 Tuesday Night Elimin - 20th
38613th Mike Brierty 55038th 0.03 John Wick Official Launch Part - 26th
38614th Liz Lamb 55039th 0.03 Stern Amy's John Wick Launch P - 33rd
38615th Ruby Bakke 55040th 0.03 Brewhalla Summer Matchplay - 16th
38616th Austin Bedell 55041st 0.03 TOSS Taps Jaws launch party - 18th
38617th Matt Aaron 55042nd 0.03 YCPS LLC Target MatchPlay Mond - 11th
38618th Yuval Karoly 55043rd 0.03 The MIghty Axe Inaugural Pinba - 8th
38619th Jailen Gujarathi 55044th 0.03 Hickory Creek Brewing Monthly - 17th
38620th Abbie Pyle 55045th 0.03 Game Gallery ~ July KO Tournam - 6th
38621st Britney Hernandez 55046th 0.03 MST July 4th BIG BANG Tourname - 24th
38622nd Charles Bush 55047th 0.03 IFPAs at Ray's - 9th
38623rd Kirk Graham 55050th 0.03 Player 1 Arcade Monthly - 27th
38624th Elizabeth Mackay 55051st 0.03 Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 8th
38625th Lynn Moore 55052nd 0.03 Monday Night at the Coin Slot - 12th
38626th Corrin Gojda 55053rd 0.03 Kiitos Spring Sling - 19th
38627th Tyler Beretti 55054th 0.03 Kiitos Spring Sling - 27th
38628th Paul Lewis 55056th 0.03 Colorado Pinball Pub July - Mo - 13th
38629th Xeroeffinchill 55057th 0.03 Retrocade Weekly Matchplay - 20th
38630th Morgan Green-Griffin 55058th 0.03 Thursday Tourney - 20th
38631st Dante Crush 55059th 0.03 The Basement Pinball Showdown - 14th
38632nd Jason Miller 55060th 0.03 Right Brain Thursdays - 11th
38633rd John Smith MI 55061st 0.03 Clubhouse Arcade John Wick Lau - 38th
38634th Nikia Krouse 55062nd 0.03 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 29th
38635th Jennifer Mandola 55063rd 0.03 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 29th
38636th Nicholas Hudec 55064th 0.03 Overwatch Homebrew Launch Part - 29th
38637th DAN 55065th 0.03 Barcade Detoit Monday Meetups - 28th
38638th Zach Wasserman 55066th 0.03 Toledo Pinball @ The Basement: - 11th
38639th Carter Buddenburg 55067th 0.03 Level Up Summer Pinball League - 19th
38640th Corban Luis 55068th 0.03 Last Wednesday of the Month To - 23rd
38641st Daniel Keona 55069th 0.03 Matt’s Tournament Pinball Ext - 31st
38642nd Judah Vendt 55070th 0.03 Tycoon Arcade Strikeout Tourna - 19th
38643rd Lori Eck 55072nd 0.03 Andrews Summer Slam Strike Kno - 26th
38644th Charlie Watts 55073rd 0.03 Borgata Ballers Jaws Launch Pa - 14th
38645th Clay Reed 55077th 0.03 July Nights Matchplay - 11th
38646th katie sanicky 55078th 0.03 2024 07 16 madcap strikes - 14th
38647th Dustin Miller FL 55081st 0.03 John Wick Launch Party - 9th
38648th Dominic Perry 55082nd 0.03 Deric and Matt's Combined 105t - 9th
38649th Barron Moss 55083rd 0.03 Main Street Pinball 1st Thurs - 32nd
38650th Linda 55084th 0.03 WAX MOON HORROR HOUSE BALL - 20th
38651st Linnea Markley 55085th 0.03 Knocked Out July - 12th
38652nd Judas Casanova 55089th 0.03 Wormhole Monday Max Matchplay - 20th
38653rd Matthew Laughter 55090th 0.03 Retrocade Weekly Matchplay - 20th
38654th Susan Blaylock 55091st 0.03 August monthly @ Geb's - 14th
38655th Josh Blade 55093rd 0.03 Friday Night Fight Club at Ba - 16th
38656th Ethan Leinius 55094th 0.03 Rustys Flippin Awesome Pinball - 11th
38657th Francis Fraone 55095th 0.03 John Wick Launch Party - Stern - 18th
38658th Evan Villareal 55097th 0.03 Thursday Tourney - 22nd
38659th James Givens 55098th 0.03 Thursday Tourney - 18th
38660th Silva Adejailton 55100th 0.03 Kiitos Awesome Summer Series - 27th
38661st Jayden Woodruff 55101st 0.03 Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 8th
38662nd Wes Apfel 55102nd 0.03 Capital Pinball Parlor Thursda - 6th
38663rd Max Wolff 55103rd 0.03 Pinball at Mean Max August Tou - 18th
38664th Robin Miller 55105th 0.03 Happy Pinball Thursdays - 19th
38665th Carl Stump 55106th 0.03 Third Thursday - August Pinbal - 15th
38666th Zach Schlundt 55107th 0.03 John Wick Launch Party - 20th
38667th Chris Kelley 55108th 0.03 Zanzabrawl - 6th
38668th Noah Peled 55112th 0.03 CFFC 2024 Tuesday Night Elimin - 20th
38669th CJ Green Chattanooga, TN 55113th 0.03 November Scenic City Tournamen - 2nd
38670th Charles Clayton 55114th 0.03 Flip Off! August Group Knockou - 22nd
38671st Blood Moon 55115th 0.03 Flip Off! August Group Knockou - 22nd
38672nd Brenda Lupien 55116th 0.03 Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 38th
38673rd Zoya Baloch 55117th 0.03 Silverball Sundays #10--Featur - 15th
38674th Alexis Puerta 55119th 0.03 Public House Pinball Monthly T - 13th
38675th Lee 55121st 0.03 WAX MOON HORROR HOUSE BALL - 10th
38676th Jacob Marshall 55126th 0.03 Silver Ball Sac Pinball Club # - 12th
38677th Yami 55127th 0.03 Jackie's Weekly 2024 - 14th
38678th Steven Neufeld 55129th 0.03 Rebecca's Flippin' 40th Birthd - 20th
38679th Daniel Cadwell 55130th 0.03 Jersey Jack's Avatar Launch Pa - 19th
38680th Evelyn Epperson 55131st 0.03 2DCon Amazing Race - 32nd
38681st Joe Davidson 55132nd 0.03 Capital Area Pinball Tournamen - 12th
38682nd Nancy Shaw 55134th 0.03 Sept Last Quarter Tournament - 15th
38683rd Alex Surmacz 55135th 0.03 Co Bar Mounthly - 21st
38684th Luna Rook 55136th 0.03 Bearcade Tuesday Pinball Tourn - 10th
38685th Thomas Hitchcock 55138th 0.03 Warm Belly Open - 15th
38686th Bridget Murray 55141st 0.03 Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 16th
38687th Nick Siemer 55142nd 0.03 Prime Time Tuesday Tournament - 16th
38688th Razz Rasberry 55143rd 0.03 Free Play Denton Pinball Monda - 15th
38689th Ash Granmo 55146th 0.03 Lents Farmers Market Pinball C - 14th
38690th Mallori Adams 55149th 0.03 1UP Games Pinball Weekly - 13th
38691st Dean Valentine 55150th 0.03 OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 15th
38692nd Wes Whisnant 55151st 0.03 Sidetracked Weekly Pinball Tou - 7th
38693rd Devin Quigley 55152nd 0.03 Three Bull 3-Strike Bi-Weekly - 11th
38694th Zach Kaylor 55153rd 0.03 Three Bull 3-Strike Bi-Weekly - 11th
38695th Daniel Johnson MT 55154th 0.03 The Monte 2024- Sundays with J - 12th
38696th Charles Moran 55155th 0.03 LAPL Season 56 Kickoff Mixer T - 33rd
38697th Sabina Junco 55156th 0.03 Wednesday Night Knockout @ Bar - 15th
38698th Sarah Barroso 55157th 0.03 Boxcar Durham 4th Wednesday St - 16th
38699th Ari Alexander 55158th 0.03 Jackie's Weekly 2024 - 32nd
38700th Dustin J. Schmidt 55159th 0.03 Rack It Up! Thursday Round-Up - 5th