Country Rankings for United States
This country has 41,233 players active in the rankings system.
Country Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
40701st | Frank Duncan | 57696th | 0.01 | Outer Orbit JAWS Launch Party - 48th | |
40702nd | Ron Sappenfield | 57698th | 0.01 | Rubbin Butts - 14th | |
40703rd | JDW | 57699th | 0.01 | March Freeballin Friday - 12th | |
40704th | Karson Mowrer | 57700th | 0.01 | Bank of Pinball February Flipp - 11th | |
40705th | Jessica Mathews | 57701st | 0.01 | St. Patrick's Tournament @ Pin - 7th | |
40706th | Hope Madden | 57704th | 0.01 | Rebel Rebel - Shamrock Strikeo - 12th | |
40707th | Jessica Melt | 57705th | 0.01 | 2024 All Valley Pinball Champi - 48th | |
40708th | Brian Gorecki | 57706th | 0.01 | Axecadia Pinball Weekly - 14th | |
40709th | Terry McCormick NC | 57707th | 0.01 | Throw Baxe Wednesday Pinball L - 8th | |
40710th | Brittany Haas | 57708th | 0.01 | Level 1 Pinball Tournament - 11th | |
40711th | Alexis Navas | 57709th | 0.01 | Level 1 Pinball Tournament - 10th | |
40712th | blake gross | 57711th | 0.01 | B1B 3 strikes and your out! - 15th | |
40713th | Kaia Lee | 57712th | 0.01 | B1B 3 strikes and your out! - 15th | |
40714th | Ryan Osborn | 57713th | 0.01 | JAWS Launch Party-3rd Sunday @ - 9th | |
40715th | Dakota Taylor | 57714th | 0.01 | JAWS Launch Party-3rd Sunday @ - 6th | |
40716th | George Hemesath | 57715th | 0.01 | Stern Army 3rd THURSDAY @Night - 11th | |
40717th | Marissa Egen | 57716th | 0.01 | Stern Army JAWS PREMIUM Pinbal - 25th | |
40718th | Joaquin Fernandez | 57717th | 0.01 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 10th | |
40719th | Chloe Larsen | 57718th | 0.01 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 9th | |
40720th | Robert Morris | 57719th | 0.01 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 7th | |
40721st | Nathaniel Dotson | 57720th | 0.01 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 6th | |
40722nd | Gary Cole | 57721st | 0.01 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 4th | |
40723rd | Mindy Madeo | 57722nd | 0.01 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 13th | |
40724th | Brione Roberds | 57723rd | 0.01 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 13th | |
40725th | Shauntee Cole | 57724th | 0.01 | Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 12th | |
40726th | eli hobson | 57725th | 0.01 | Bavarian Inn Lodge Stern Army - 6th | |
40727th | tim hobson | 57726th | 0.01 | Bavarian Inn Lodge Stern Army - 5th | |
40728th | dave bryan | 57727th | 0.01 | Bavarian Inn Lodge Stern Army - 8th | |
40729th | matt ellis | 57728th | 0.01 | Bavarian Inn Lodge Stern Army - 7th | |
40730th | Hadley Hess | 57729th | 0.01 | Black Circle Bistro April Flip - 17th | |
40731st | Kacey Hess | 57730th | 0.01 | Black Circle Bistro April Flip - 17th | |
40732nd | Fernando Serrano | 57731st | 0.01 | March Scenic City Tournament! - 5th | |
40733rd | Cory Saporito | 57732nd | 0.01 | March Scenic City Tournament! - 4th | |
40734th | Sue W. | 57733rd | 0.01 | Slippery Pig Brewery Tuesday N - 6th | |
40735th | Cole W. | 57734th | 0.01 | Slippery Pig Brewery Tuesday N - 5th | |
40736th | Scot Barnett IN | 57735th | 0.01 | Orbit Pinball League - 17th | |
40737th | Tommy Mcmanus | 57736th | 0.01 | Freeballin Friday - 10th | |
40738th | Joshua Stringham | 57737th | 0.01 | U of I Vandal Gaming Con Pinba - 6th | |
40739th | Yuki Golden | 57738th | 0.01 | U of I Vandal Gaming Con Pinba - 6th | |
40740th | Mariah Fryette | 57739th | 0.01 | U of I Vandal Gaming Con Pinba - 6th | |
40741st | Scott Culver | 57740th | 0.01 | River Bluff Brewery Monthly Ta - 19th | |
40742nd | Jeff dehaan | 57741st | 0.01 | Jaws Launch Party High Score Q - 15th | |
40743rd | Kayla Hoy | 57742nd | 0.01 | GPA Thursday Three Strike - 4th | |
40744th | Magicjetski | 57743rd | 0.01 | Slippery Pig Brewery Tuesday N - 4th | |
40745th | Erin McConnell | 57744th | 0.01 | Legends arcade weekly Stern Ar - 15th | |
40746th | Tyler Holmes | 57745th | 0.01 | Panama City Pinball Jaws Launc - 13th | |
40747th | Carolyn Lessen | 57746th | 0.01 | Game Gallery Spring Co-Ed Leag - 7th | |
40748th | Maks H | 57747th | 0.01 | SFQPL In-Betweener Season Fund - 26th | |
40749th | Shane Owens | 57752nd | 0.01 | Beercade April Flipper Frenzy - 26th | |
40750th | Karl Lauth | 57755th | 0.01 | Sunday Strikes at the Racket - 15th | |
40751st | Charolette Hayden | 57756th | 0.01 | Tiebreakers Lucky Strikes - 12th | |
40752nd | Miguel Pineda | 57758th | 0.01 | Legends arcade weekly Stern Ar - 14th | |
40753rd | Chris Murphy OH | 57759th | 0.01 | Level Up Pinball Bar Winter 20 - 19th | |
40754th | Axe Lander | 57760th | 0.01 | Level Up Pinball Bar Winter 20 - 20th | |
40755th | Mark Bishop | 57762nd | 0.01 | Portal Solid State Sunday - 19th | |
40756th | Kate L. | 57769th | 0.01 | Slippery Pig Brewery Tuesday N - 7th | |
40757th | Sarah Myers | 57770th | 0.01 | Old Nation Strawberry M43 Laun - 13th | |
40758th | Danielle Coons | 57771st | 0.01 | Tilt & Sip at Wallenpaupuk Bre - 5th | |
40759th | Sureena Koppolu | 57774th | 0.01 | Monthly Stern Army/ Jaws Launc - 13th | |
40760th | Melissa D. | 57775th | 0.01 | Slippery Pig Brewery Tuesday N - 3rd | |
40761st | Joyce Thompson | 57776th | 0.01 | Stern Army - Chaos at the Coop - 18th | |
40762nd | Dawn Francis | 57777th | 0.01 | Stanislaus Pinball Thursday - 18th | |
40763rd | Brian Corcoran | 57778th | 0.01 | 1984 Branson Pinball League Se - 15th | |
40764th | Eric Bissett | 57779th | 0.01 | Throw Baxe Wednesday Night Pin - 6th | |
40765th | Wyatt Kerper | 57786th | 0.01 | Mighty Ultra Pinball Battle 20 - 18th | |
40766th | Maura Aldredge | 57787th | 0.01 | Mighty Ultra Pinball Battle 20 - 28th | |
40767th | Melissa D.0 | 57789th | 0.01 | Slippery Pig Brewery Tuesday N - 3rd | |
40768th | John Gasper | 57791st | 0.01 | Full Hearts Arcade Pinball Lea - 13th | |
40769th | Colin Pass | 57792nd | 0.01 | Hexagon Alley Debut Tournament - 13th | |
40770th | Hunter Warden | 57796th | 0.01 | Black Circle Weekly Flipper Fr - 5th | |
40771st | Aiden Kerkhoff | 57797th | 0.01 | Game Changer- Labyrinth Pinbal - 32nd | |
40772nd | Kyri Byrne | 57798th | 0.01 | Stern Army Tournament at Gatew - 14th | |
40773rd | Liz Gilleland | 57799th | 0.01 | Reboot Social Monthly Tourname - 18th | |
40774th | Zayne Mccarty | 57801st | 0.01 | Fathers Day Group Matchplay - 19th | |
40775th | Steven Mattison NY | 57802nd | 0.01 | Pinball at Mean Max June Tourn - 20th | |
40776th | Pan Trias | 57804th | 0.01 | Ashley's Pub Monthly IFPA Targ - 10th | |
40777th | Clarke Cagingin | 57805th | 0.01 | Flipper Fridays - 4th | |
40778th | Greg Hobbs | 57806th | 0.01 | John Wick Launch Party Tycoon - 14th | |
40779th | Julie Cain | 57807th | 0.01 | Stern Army John Wick Launch Pa - 40th | |
40780th | Evan Welber Falcon | 57808th | 0.01 | Stern Army John Wick Launch Pa - 39th | |
40781st | Karissa Buker | 57809th | 0.01 | Another Castle Weekly 3 Strik - 8th | |
40782nd | Berlin Knippen | 57810th | 0.01 | John Wick Launch Party @ Copel - 23rd | |
40783rd | Ivan Smith | 57811th | 0.01 | John Wick Launch Party Knockou - 17th | |
40784th | Phil Moss | 57812th | 0.01 | Stern Amy's John Wick Launch P - 35th | |
40785th | Joey | 57813th | 0.01 | Level 1 Pinball Tournament - 10th | |
40786th | yael karoly | 57814th | 0.01 | The MIghty Axe Inaugural Pinba - 10th | |
40787th | Bob Kuras | 57815th | 0.01 | Starlite Arcade Stern Army Mon - 6th | |
40788th | Becky Cedar | 57816th | 0.01 | Lewis & Clarkade November Ster - 16th | |
40789th | Jennifer Pound | 57817th | 0.01 | Tilt & Tap Tuesdays! - 21st | |
40790th | Robert Whitfield | 57818th | 0.01 | Stern Army John Wick Launch Pa - 20th | |
40791st | Sam French | 57819th | 0.01 | Throw Baxe Wednesday Pinball L - 8th | |
40792nd | Gabe | 57821st | 0.01 | July Scenic City Tournament! - 7th | |
40793rd | Kirk Lopez | 57823rd | 0.01 | Das Flipperhaus Monday Night K - 8th | |
40794th | Roger Chastain | 57824th | 0.01 | PMOC July Monthly - 5th | |
40795th | Fred Sylvester | 57827th | 0.01 | Stern Army Tournament at Gatew - 8th | |
40796th | Lorelei Robinson | 57829th | 0.01 | GPA Thursday Three Strike - 8th | |
40797th | Parker | 57831st | 0.01 | John Wick Launch Party at the - 11th | |
40798th | Ricky | 57832nd | 0.01 | WAX MOON HORROR HOUSE BALL - 22nd | |
40799th | Dakota Martineau | 57833rd | 0.01 | Average Joe's Monthly Tourname - 17th | |
40800th | John Lockwood | 57834th | 0.01 | Capital Area Pinball Tournamen - 17th |