Country Rankings for United States

This country has 41,411 players active in the rankings system.

Country Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
41401st becky ohler 58618th 0.01 Stewart & Chelsea’s Wedding To - 47th
41402nd Kyle Wingrove 58619th 0.01 Reclaim Arcade Monthly Tournam - 44th
41403rd Rick Clark 58621st 0.01 Red Hat Pins First Friday Janu - 39th
41404th Rob Kolb 58622nd 0.01 Greenpoint Slaps! in 2023 - 15th
41405th Kristy Kneisley 58623rd 0.01 JANUARY PINBALL TOURNAMENT - 25th
41406th Emma Hull 58624th 0.01 Beachwood Brewery's Ballroom B - 18th
41407th Joseph Brown 58625th 0.01 Polar Plunge Charity Event - 30th
41408th Josh Sears 58626th 0.01 The Scenic City Tournament! - 7th
41409th Bruce Carson 58627th 0.01 James Bond Pro Launch Party - 5th
41410th Matthew Sears 58628th 0.01 Panama City Pinball Flipper Fr - 6th
41411th Bruce Batman 58629th 0.01 CRAVE 80s End of the Year Tour - 12th