Women's Rankings Womens Tournaments - Open Tournaments
There are currently 4792 women in the IFPA rankings based on those that have played in open tournaments.
Rank | Name | Location | Overall Rank | Points | Best Tournament (last 3 years) |
3801st | Sarah Demarest | Portland, ME, United States | 33910th | 0.32 | SoME Pinball - Summer Strikes - 11th |
3802nd | Jackie Himes | Upper Darby, PA, United States | 33917th | 0.32 | Pinball Gallery Monthly Tourna - 19th |
3803rd | Tanya Sohier | Belgium | 33922nd | 0.32 | WCPP Pingolf Music - 44th |
3804th | Sara Bernadini | United States | 33955th | 0.32 | HAPPY PINBALL THURSDAYS - 13th |
3805th | Sofia Richardson | United States | 33965th | 0.32 | Free Play Arlington Pinball Mo - 23rd |
3806th | Anna Larson | United States | 33973rd | 0.32 | Levels Flip Frenzy! - 7th |
3807th | Lara Hughes | Canada | 33987th | 0.32 | Calgary Pinball Thursdays - 15th |
3808th | Halie Gear | United States | 34028th | 0.32 | Austin PinWorks 3rd Friday Op - 20th |
3809th | Samantha Couch | United States | 34060th | 0.32 | Free Play Florida 2024 - Amate - 31st |
3810th | Joyce Calvert | United States | 34061st | 0.32 | SFQPL's HoliGAY Tournament - 32nd |
3811th | Elizabeth Jessee | United States | 34062nd | 0.32 | Roanoke Pinball League - Fall - 27th |
3812th | Marnie Andrews | Ottawa, ON, Canada | 34103rd | 0.32 | PinBallers 2023 Pingolf Open - 15th |
3813th | Natalie Johnson | United States | 34106th | 0.32 | Enterrium and PSL: Rush Lauch - 31st |
3814th | Julie Ebenstein | United States | 34121st | 0.32 | South Slope Pinball Crawl - 9th |
3815th | Kate Sopher | Beaver, WV, United States | 34206th | 0.31 | Appalachian Pinball League - S - 9th |
3816th | Ashley Grabenstein | Morgantown, WV, United States | 34215th | 0.31 | Ironblast Flip Frenzy - 11th |
3817th | Sara Martínez Bueno | Spain | 34218th | 0.31 | Torneo Pinball Madrid 30-9-202 - 19th |
3818th | Mary Dempsey | United States | 34224th | 0.31 | Great Alaska Flipout - 6th |
3819th | Kerri Greene | United States | 34230th | 0.31 | PizzaJ House League! - 12th |
3820th | Christine Venrick | United States | 34244th | 0.31 | Roanoke Pinball League - Fall - 15th |
3821st | Bethany Deshner | United States | 34274th | 0.31 | OddPitch Sunday Tournament - 10th |
3822nd | Angela Huetson | United States | 34294th | 0.31 | March Pinball Tournament @ Gam - 11th |
3823rd | Ashlyn McIntyre | United States | 34322nd | 0.31 | Flowood Wednesday MaxMatch - 11th |
3824th | Michele Makdad | Raleigh, NC, United States | 34346th | 0.31 | The Uncanny X-Men LE Launch Pa - 28th |
3825th | Mandy Denman | Pittsburgh, PA, United States | 34415th | 0.31 | Clash at the Rezzanine - 28th |
3826th | Madeleine St.Marie | United States | 34416th | 0.31 | 1up Greenwood Short Spring Lea - 36th |
3827th | Beth McCallum | United States | 34419th | 0.31 | DC Project Pinball Charity Tou - 17th |
3828th | Emily Cassese | United States | 34448th | 0.31 | The Pinball Lounge - Tuesday N - 7th |
3829th | Laura Mutu | Canada | 34482nd | 0.31 | Ottawa Pinball Arcade - Weekly - 9th |
3830th | Ambika Murray | United States | 34498th | 0.31 | 2022 One Well Bally Williams D - 37th |
3831st | Anna Wallace | United States | 34500th | 0.31 | INKY Zanzabrawl - 13th |
3832nd | Ashlyn Halstead | United States | 34509th | 0.31 | Blizzard Mountain Pinball Mont - 34th |
3833rd | Emilie Strange | United States | 34515th | 0.31 | First Sunday 4-Strike @ Loom - 16th |
3834th | Kathi Kyger | United States | 34517th | 0.31 | Stern Army - Player 1 Pinball - 35th |
3835th | Linda McCabe | United States | 34527th | 0.31 | Foo Fighters Launch Event @ SX - 28th |
3836th | Tamee Taylor | United States | 34528th | 0.31 | CHC Monthly Monday Matchplay T - 16th |
3837th | Mary Cramer | United States | 34542nd | 0.30 | The Pinball Room - League - 27th |
3838th | Diane Simon | Canada | 34547th | 0.30 | It's Friday Night, Give Me El - 13th |
3839th | Christine Ermer | Germany | 34549th | 0.30 | Flipperkeller Sangria Battle - 17th |
3840th | Kelly Aday | United States | 34556th | 0.30 | LITT Pinball Bar - May 2023 Mo - 15th |
3841st | Megan Bodway | Appleton, WI, United States | 34569th | 0.30 | D82 Flippin' Friday Tournament - 10th |
3842nd | Vicki Hoss | United States | 34573rd | 0.30 | CFFC Summer 2022 Tournament Se - 12th |
3843rd | Karin Bloomquist | United States | 34575th | 0.30 | The Double ICE Challenge - Eve - 36th |
3844th | Amelia Ryerse | United States | 34580th | 0.30 | Crabtowne's Tuesday! - 36th |
3845th | Talula Goodacre | Canada | 34585th | 0.30 | Outlane @ Slice - 25th |
3846th | Amber Jeffcoat | United States | 34592nd | 0.30 | Space City Pinball: NASA Strik - 7th |
3847th | Jen Patterson | United States | 34600th | 0.30 | Flip City Weekly: Scoreboard - 20th |
3848th | Audrey Parker | United States | 34664th | 0.30 | Alamo City (Short) 2024 Winter - 28th |
3849th | Avennell Smith | United States | 34812th | 0.30 | Leaderboard Arcade Monthly - M - 23rd |
3850th | Jenifer Williams | United States | 34819th | 0.30 | The Plunge - 74th |
3851st | Anna Ceragioli | United States | 34821st | 0.30 | Stern Army - Logan Arcade Mont - 12th |
3852nd | Wilma Edvinsson | Sweden | 34830th | 0.30 | Månadstävling Mansgrottan Ölan - 7th |
3853rd | Maria Reidell | Seattle, WA, United States | 34833rd | 0.30 | JUPITOURNEY - 6th |
3854th | Anja Soldal | Bergen, Hor, Norway | 34873rd | 0.29 | Tilt Matchplay 09.22 - 33rd |
3855th | Stephanie Canham | Canada | 34874th | 0.29 | Monthly Tournament at House of - 26th |
3856th | Judie Vegh | United States | 34876th | 0.29 | Collision Bend 3 strike Knocko - 10th |
3857th | Andrea Scott | United States | 34927th | 0.29 | Sister Bar Monthly Pinball Tou - 19th |
3858th | Laura Ewing | United States | 34948th | 0.29 | November Strikes Tournament at - 7th |
3859th | Harmony Yuill | Toronto, ON, Canada | 34949th | 0.29 | Fundy Flippers O-Pin 46 - 16th |
3860th | Sara Banset | United States | 34956th | 0.29 | Beercade Jr. June Strikeout - 15th |
3861st | Adalynn Hartness | United States | 34985th | 0.29 | Frightening Flowood Flip-off - 38th |
3862nd | Wendy Jenkins | United States | 35059th | 0.29 | SFGE 2024 Strikes Side Tournam - 104th |
3863rd | Pam Gilbert | United States | 35060th | 0.29 | SFGE 2024 Strikes Side Tournam - 104th |
3864th | Nicky King | United States | 35082nd | 0.29 | Bang Back Pinball Lounge Fall - 34th |
3865th | Sara Fulton | United States | 35135th | 0.29 | Brooklyn PinPride 2023 - 38th |
3866th | Sarah Crismore | United States | 35140th | 0.29 | Recbar's Weekly Tournament - 24th |
3867th | Irma Klemm | United States | 35146th | 0.29 | Free Play Pinball League - FPP - 34th |
3868th | Erin Stevens | West Des Moines, IA, United States | 35150th | 0.29 | Stern Army months pinball tour - 19th |
3869th | Lorraine Johnson | United States | 35164th | 0.29 | Ice Box Friday Night Live - 47th |
3870th | Kim Garza | United States | 35165th | 0.29 | Thunderball-Drop:New Year Cele - 20th |
3871st | Stacey Rennie | United States | 35216th | 0.29 | Pinball Wizards IFPA League at - 13th |
3872nd | Amanda Cain | Austin, TX, United States | 35276th | 0.28 | Bat City Epic Fun Monthly Tour - 32nd |
3873rd | Christina Jorge | Portland, OR, United States | 35280th | 0.28 | Emporium Hi-Scorium - 10th |
3874th | Sarah Cunniff | United States | 35283rd | 0.28 | Pittsburgh Pinball League Seas - 24th |
3875th | Andrea Itt | Fort Wayne, IN, United States | 35298th | 0.28 | Stern Army Fort Wayne Pinball - 31st |
3876th | Jamie Anderson | Canada | 35307th | 0.28 | Pins and Pints Pinball League: - 22nd |
3877th | Melissa Hart | United States | 35321st | 0.28 | 3rd Saturdays at Pizza West - 12th |
3878th | Claire Curd | United States | 35339th | 0.28 | Friday Night Fight Club at Bad - 31st |
3879th | Lissa Johnson | United States | 35370th | 0.28 | Boxcar Raleigh 3rd Wednesday K - 21st |
3880th | Shaheen Hangval | United States | 35418th | 0.28 | Weiner's Summertime Pinball Bl - 22nd |
3881st | Cassie Winkel | United States | 35494th | 0.28 | Stern Army monthly pinball tou - 5th |
3882nd | Jessica Windham | United States | 35562nd | 0.28 | Knockout Tournament at Tilt St - 44th |
3883rd | Ro Chelle | United States | 35578th | 0.28 | NWPAS Satellite: Memorial Day - 55th |
3884th | Jennifer Floyd | United States | 35617th | 0.27 | T.A. Monthly This Time For Poi - 36th |
3885th | Alex Brown | United States | 35618th | 0.27 | GlassCityPinball@ HEAVY Beer J - 8th |
3886th | Camellia Contreras | United States | 35638th | 0.27 | EinStein's=MatchplayCompetitio - 16th |
3887th | Cora Rounds | United States | 35664th | 0.27 | Tournament of the Phoenix - A - 37th |
3888th | Michelle Loprieno | Seattle, WA, United States | 35665th | 0.27 | NWPC Pre-Tourney - The Ice Box - 43rd |
3889th | Amanda Kwieraga | United States | 35692nd | 0.27 | Foo Fighters Launch Event @ SX - 16th |
3890th | Olivia Davey | Orlando, FL, United States | 35715th | 0.27 | The Pinball Lounge - Tuesday N - 10th |
3891st | Bethany Boenisch | United States | 35727th | 0.27 | New Year's Eve tournament at L - 39th |
3892nd | JJ Killian | United States | 35738th | 0.27 | Sac Belles Wednesday Night Str - 1st |
3893rd | Kimmy Colon | United States | 35769th | 0.27 | JAWS - Official Stern Army Lau - 25th |
3894th | Alyssa Carmona | United States | 35883rd | 0.27 | TX SCS Go/No Go Timed Match Pl - 61st |
3895th | Kate Flewelling | Boston, MA, United States | 35888th | 0.27 | Strike Strike Baby 2023 - 8th |
3896th | Monica Wells | United States | 35889th | 0.27 | Stern Army Venom Launch Party - 18th |
3897th | Stephanie Duffield | Pittsburgh, PA, United States | 35891st | 0.27 | Superflip Pinball League - 31st |
3898th | River Dare | United States | 35892nd | 0.27 | Lyons Classic Pinball Monthly - 11th |
3899th | Julia Nathan | United States | 35912th | 0.27 | And a pickled egg - 84th |
3900th | Rebecca Green | Salt Lake City, UT, United States | 35914th | 0.27 | Firecracker Fabulous - 15th |