Women's Rankings Womens Tournaments - Open Tournaments

There are currently 4746 women in the IFPA rankings based on those that have played in open tournaments.

Rank Name Location Overall Rank Points Best Tournament (last 3 years)
4701st Susie Dorman United States 56964th 0.02 Stern Army Tommy Silver Dollar - 28th
4702nd Wilma Barone United States 56981st 0.02 Punchbowl social 3 strike host - 10th
4703rd Emily Bryner United States 56999th 0.02 Sunday Night Fights at the L.A - 14th
4704th Angel Carey United States 57028th 0.02 D1 Rush Pinball Launch Tournam - 15th
4705th Hannah Hoffman United States 57038th 0.02 Halloween Hangover Pinball Tou - 16th
4706th Michelle Hannay United States 57185th 0.02 Stern Army – James Bond Launch - 16th
4707th Rebecca Maddock United States 57204th 0.02 Beachwood Brewery's Ballroom B - 14th
4708th Stevie Peña United States 57250th 0.02 Friday Night Feud @ Quasars - 11th
4709th Amanda Humphries United States 57314th 0.02 GPA Weekly Sunday - 13th
4710th Monica Garrison United States 57345th 0.02 D1 Stern Army April Tournament - 13th
4711th Ariana Sutti United States 57403rd 0.02 Foo Fighters Launch Tournament - 18th
4712th Deborah Bruijn United States 57457th 0.02 IFPA Matchplay Tournament - Mo - 19th
4713th Sammy United States 57461st 0.02 HAPPY PINBALL THURSDAYS - 25th
4714th Elisa Gollub United States 57508th 0.02 Sac Belles Wednesday Night Str - 4th
4715th Sarah Robertson United States 57688th 0.01 Freeballin Friday - 9th
4716th Jen Atherley Oakland, CA, United States 57692nd 0.01 LBBL Group MatchPlay Tournamen - 35th
4717th Lauren Eves United States 57694th 0.01 Stern Led Zeppelin Pinball Par - 7th
4718th Rebecca Potter Canada 57699th 0.01 John Wick Launch Party Tycoon - 14th
4719th Heather Hoffhines United States 57711th 0.01 D1 Rush Pinball Launch Tournam - 16th
4720th Mel Leib Canada 57714th 0.01 Pokey's Pinball Cafe - Metalli - 11th
4721st Jennyann Noack NM, United States 57716th 0.01 Santa Fe Monthly - 15th
4722nd Christi Schneider United States 57722nd 0.01 Stern 007 Launch Party - 10th
4723rd Jackie Gamache United States 57808th 0.01 TGL 6-2-22 - 10th
4724th Shanda Smith United States 57831st 0.01 Pins and Pints Pinball League - 31st
4725th Khorolsuren Tuvshinbayar Germany 57844th 0.01 Stern Army Evening - Pinball U - 26th
4726th Santana Chavez United States 57864th 0.01 Sister Bar Sunday Matchplay - 27th
4727th Sarah Ann United States 57900th 0.01 Stern Army at Rock Fantasy - 14th
4728th Jaymie Lents United States 57923rd 0.01 Electric Bat 007 Launch Party! - 57th
4729th Roxanne Keller United States 57930th 0.01 Beachwood Brewery's Ballroom B - 16th
4730th Lisa Nic United States 57956th 0.01 Traverse City Winter Champions - 4th
4731st Lorelei Robinson United States 58106th 0.01 GPA Thursday Three Strike - 8th
4732nd Mel Pickens Australia 58163rd 0.01 Sharpy’s Sunday Target Shoot O - 10th
4733rd Claire Kelly United States 58260th 0.01 SpareMe's December Tournament - 10th
4734th Chris Germany 58267th 0.01 August Scenic City Tournament! - 7th
4735th Tammy Cameron Topeka, KS, United States 58370th 0.01 Pinballs Plus Silverball Tourn - 4th
4736th Kalia Atwell United States 58379th 0.01 IFPA Matchplay Tournament - Mo - 20th
4737th Carmen Nickelberry United States 58423rd 0.01 Sac Belles Wednesday Night Str - 6th
4738th Elitza Nicolaou United States 58451st 0.01 Belles & Chimes Venom Launch P - 4th
4739th Amie Shaw United States 58452nd 0.01 Belles & Chimes Venom Launch P - 5th
4740th Rosette Cranwell Anchorage, AK, United States 58498th 0.01 Tuesday nights at Koots - 11th
4741st Allicia Zagar United States 58516th 0.01 The Monte 2024- Normal Monthly - 8th
4742nd Tiffany Valentine United States 58528th 0.01 Winter Haven Pinball League - 13th
4743rd Kaitlyn Picard Fargo, ND, United States 58530th 0.01 Fargo Billiards Weekly Pinball - 10th
4744th Tiffany Masters IL, United States 58537th 0.01 Gone Pinballing - 14th
4745th Chelsea Carter United States 58575th 0.01 Racket Sunday Knockout - 6th